January 7, 2023

News from DAAD USA
Stay up to date on DAAD's activities in the US - from news about scholarship programs to opportunities for study and research in Germany.

Short-Term Grant Application Deadline: January 13

The deadline for Short-Term Research Grants, Research Stays, and Re-invitation Grants is this Friday, January 13. This is currently the only deadline announced for 2023.

Find more information below in this newsletter and on our website.

Important Dates & Deadlines for DAAD Programs, Scholarships, & Grants

As of now, we expect all funding, programs, and internships below to resume as planned. For any updates, please visit the funding page and

Important Dates and Application Deadlines:

January 11: Nordrhein-Westfalen Rückkehrprogramm

January 13: Short-Term Research Grants

January 13: Research Stays

January 13: Re-invitation Grants

January 16: 2023 GSA Conference: Call for Seminar Proposals

January 23: DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Program

January 25: German-U.S. 2nd Transatlantic Higher Ed Accelerator Matchmaking

February 20: DAAD AA Annual Awards: Call for Nominations

To view our informational video on who we are and what we do, please click here!

DAAD Programs, Scholarships, and Grants

Special Deadline for 2023

Short-Term Research Grants

Short-Term Research Grants are awarded for one to three months to highly qualified candidates who have completed a master’s degree or Diploma, or in exceptional cases a bachelor’s degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant supported research, or those who have already completed a PhD (postdocs).

Application deadline: January 13


Special Deadline for 2023

Research Stays

DAAD offers grants for one to three months in all academic disciplines to scholars at US and Canadian institutions of higher education to pursue research at universities, libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany. The aim of this particular program is to support short-term research stays and thus promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Application deadline: January 13


Special Deadline for 2023

Re-Invitation Grants

DAAD offers grants for one to three months in all academic disciplines to scholars at US and Canadian institutions of higher education to pursue research at universities, libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany. The aim of this particular program is to enable former scholarship holders to carry out research projects in Germany and to maintain contacts as part of DAAD’s global alumni network.

Application deadline: January 13


Call for Seminar Proposals

2023 German Studies Association Conference

The German Studies Association (GSA), with support from DAAD, will hold its 47th Annual Conference in Montréal, QC from October 5-8, 2023. The Program Committee cordially invites all GSA members to submit seminar proposals. All proposals must be submitted online by January 16, 2023.


CfA: DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Program

"Global Dynamics of Social Policy and Social Cohesion"

The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) invites applications for two scholarships for international doctoral researchers in its new Graduate School Scholarship Program "Global Dynamics of Social Policy and Social Cohension" funded by DAAD. Successful applicants will receive a Ph.D. scholarship from DAAD of 1,200 euros a month (plus additional benefits) for 48 months.

Application deadline: January 23


Online Event

German-U.S. 2nd Transatlantic Higher Ed Accelerator Matchmaking

The DWIH San Francisco invites you to its second online matchmaking that brings together university-based accelerators based in U.S. universities with accelerators based in German universities. The topic will be on women and entrepreneurship, particularly on how higher-education accelerators can better tailor their programs to aspiring women entrepreneurs. 

Join online January 25


Call for Nominations

DAAD Alumni Association USA Annual Awards

The DAAD Alumni Association USA is currently accepting nominations for two annual awards. The first is given annually to someone who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to academic and cultural exchange between Germany and the USA. The DAAD AA is also pleased to award the Mid-Career Professional Award for Accomplishments in International Education between the USA and Germany. Find more information on each award and how to nominate at the link below.

Submit nominations by February 20


German Network Opportunities and Events

For Researchers Returning to Germany

Nordrhein-Westfalen Rückkehrprogramm

The NRW Rückkehrprogramm offers academics who are researching abroad and would like to return to Germany the opportunity to establish and lead an independent junior research group at a university in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Each participant will receive a personal 1.25 million euros for a period of five years, enter into negotiations with a university of their choice, and establish their junior research groups at the university that offers the best prospects for the future, potentially beyond the funding period.

Application deadline: January 11

More (in German).

New Episode of Coffee Connections Now Streaming

The newest edition of the DAAD North America podcast, Coffee Connections, is another musical episode! Hanni Geist of the San Francisco office chatted with oboist Ann Lemke, a DAAD Alumna and current Research Ambassador, who recently released her CD, Oboe Salon.

Stream the episode here!

This announcement was prepared by:

DAAD Regional Office New York, 871 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017, legally represented by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V., Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn


Tel.: (212) 758-3223 





Head office:

Bonn (Germany), registered with the Bonn District Court, Commercial Register Court VR 2105


Editorial staff:

Benedikt Brisch, Director DAAD New York

Amelia Wallace

Peter Kerrigan

with content by Brenda Lamboy


Image credits:



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