In this newsletter, we're getting back to basics: anxiety relief, insurance for acupuncture (!), how to follow your "gut reaction", and a special gift for ALL of you, from Acupuncture by Andrea.

To Your Health,

Gut Reaction
We have all had that feeling in our core when something feels off, yet most of the time we ignore our physical intuition. We often dismiss what we know deep inside, and we talk ourselves into the story that our conscious mind wants to believe.

The thought processes that go on when we make a split-second judgment call from a “gut-reaction”, in Traditional Chinese Medicine come from the spleen and pancreas, the organs responsible for quick-thinking and initial intuitive assessments.

How do our physical systems determine our gut-level intuition and reactions? Learn more in our latest blog.
Acupuncture vs. Anxiety
In study after study, acupuncture has been shown to be a highly effective treatment for anxiety—in fact, clinical trials have shown acupuncture to be TWICE as effective as medications or talk therapy. And unlike with counseling, patients treated with acupuncture often see results after one session, and the results improve with continued treatment. Amazing, right?

Dive into this article on the efficacy of acupuncture and call me if you’re ready to wage the battle and win!
Insuring Your Health
Did you know your health insurance provider may cover acupuncture and massage treatments? Massage and acupuncture are also eligible expenses for most Health Savings Accounts (HSA), and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA).
Contact your insurance provider or employer benefits rep to find out if your plan covers wellness treatments, then schedule a consultation and find out how we partner with your provider to help you achieve the health and wellness you deserve.
Happy Birthday to YOU!

Wishing you health and happiness on your birthday with a gift from Acupuncture by Andrea. Enjoy a complementary acupuncture treatment and make your special day even better! Schedule your visit within one week before or after your birthday. 
Light Up the Sky
Even after all this time, the sun never says to the Earth, “You owe me.” Look what happens with a love like that. It lights up the whole sky.