
Friday, October 22, 2021

Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette, President & CEO |

Huston-Tillotson Celebrates 146 Years,

Re-Dedicates King-Seabrook Chapel

Huston-Tillotson University celebrated 146 Years of Excellence during Charter Day ceremonies.

The day began with the ribbon-cutting ceremony and rededication of the King-Seabrook Chapel, which went through extensive renovations over the last four years. 

Charter Day represents the official designated celebration of the Trustees’ signing of the State of Texas Charter of Incorporation that established Huston-Tillotson College (now known as Huston-Tillotson University). The 1952 merger of Samuel Huston College and Tillotson College created one of the largest black Protestant church-related colleges in the country at that time.

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Huston-Tillotson: 146 Years Of Excellence

From humble beginnings in 1875, Huston-Tillotson University continues to shine through 146 years later.

Click below to learn more about the history of HT and the history of the King-Seabrook Chapel.

Click To Watch Video

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Ada Anderson Community Celebration

To Be Held Saturday

A community celebration and public memorial for civil rights icon Ada Cecilia Collins Anderson will be held on Saturday, October 23, 2021 on the Huston-Tillotson University campus.

The celebration will be held in the King-Seabrook Chapel at 1 p.m., with masks required. The memorial will be live streamed on the Huston-Tillotson University YouTube page. 

An icon and trailblazing Austin community leader, advocating for the empowerment of young people while championing educational and civic causes, Anderson also left an indelible mark on the University. She earned her bachelor’s degree in home economics from the University in 1941 and later earned a master’s degree from the University of Texas in educational psychology in 1965.

Anderson contributed the largest gift in Huston-Tillotson University history, donating $3 million toward the naming of the Sandra Joy Anderson Community Health and Wellness Center in honor of her late daughter, which opened in 2016. Anderson was awarded an honorary doctorate in humane letters from HT in 2018 for her service to the Central Texas Community. 

Anderson passed away in June at the age of 99.

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All Hail!

The official coronation of Miss and Mister Huston-Tillotson University was held in the King-Seabrook Chapel.

Michéla Walker, a senior business management major from Seattle, Washington was crowned as the 69th Miss HT. Christian Broussard, a senior criminal justice major from Houston, Texas, was crowned as the 19th Mister HT.

Other members of the 2021-22 Huston-Tillotson University Royal Court include:

Mister Freshman - Desmond Beazer, Mathematics & Education, Dallas, Texas

Miss Freshman - Akasha Chapman, Psychology, New Orleans, La.

Mister Sophomore - Lorenzo Carroll, Criminal Justice, San Antonio, Texas

Miss Sophomore - Jasmine Shephard, Psychology, Kennedale, Texas 

Mister Junior - Raja Banks, Business Management, Dallas, Texas

Miss Junior - Elise Magee, Psychology, Fort Worth, Texas

King’s Attendant - Nicholas McDermott, Mathematics & Education, Houston, Tex

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Charter Day Alumni Challenge Continues

The Charter Day Alumni Challenge a week-long giving campaign to kickoff the 2021-2022 Annual Fund campaign. This year’s Charter Day celebrates 146 years of Huston-Tillotson Excellence!!

The Goal: To raise $146,000 to match 146 years of #HTExcellence. The campaign runs Sunday, October 24.

Although all gifts move us closer to our goal, having alumni choose one of our investment levels will help ensure we reach our goal.

Click To Learn More And To Give 


Hall Of Fame Basketball Player Nancy Lieberman Speaks At HT

Basketball Hall of Famer Nancy Lieberman spoke at Huston-Tillotson University as part of HT’s Social Justice Lecture Series.

The trailblazing basketball player won national championships in college and played in numerous professional basketball leagues, including being the first woman to play in a men’s professional basketball league. She also coached men’s basketball, and is a head coach in the BIG3, the 3-on-3 basketball league founded and owned by rapper Ice Cube.

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Blockchain Newsletter: How To Create An NFT

The HT School of Business and Technology continues its series on blockchains, the growing importance of financial technology, and what it means moving forward.

Dr. Abena Primo explains how to create Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

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CACE Newsletter: Building Bridges

The Center for Adult and Continuing Education’s (CACE) mission is to support the University by providing continuing education and lifelong learning opportunities for individuals, the corporate community, and its stakeholders. Our mission includes courses on professional training and skill development.

Learn more about the latest news in CACE and how it may help you or someone you know further their education.

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Full Name: Jeffrey Clemmons

Hometown:  Lancaster, Texas

Classification: Senior

Major: Political Science

Organizations You Are A Part Of at HT: On campus, I serve as the President of NAACP, Chief Justice in Student Government, and a Student Leader with Texas Rising. Off-campus, I have the honor of serving as the Chair of the Austin College Student Commission, representing my peers at H-T and the 100,000 students across five universities in Austin. I am also an HBCU Ambassador with the Andrew Goodman Foundation, and previously served as our university's White House Competitiveness Scholar in 2020 alongside 43 other HBCU scholars from across the country.

Career Aspirations:  I hope to continue my work serving communities through public policy, advocacy, and political education as an organizer or elected official in local, statewide, or federal offices.

What Do You Enjoy Most About HT:  It's the many opportunities I have been afforded while a student at this university which I would never have had anywhere else; more importantly, though, it is all the exceptionally determined, passionate, and driven people I get to be around everyday.

What Inspires You And Why: I am inspired by the possibility of a better world of our own making. I am a strong believer in small-d democracy, which means creating the space and opportunities for people to take ownership over their lives and the institutions they are a part of.

Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese

Favorite Hobby: Major coffee connoisseur

Tell Us Something Unique About You: I've been in a long-distance relationship for almost two years even though we have never met each other in person! It's giving gay pride 🏳️‍🌈

Words You Live By:  "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." (Harry Truman)

#HTisIDEAL #GeniusGeneration #CultureOfExcellence


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Full Name: Jordan Anderson-Cortez

Hometown: San Antonio, Texas

Classification: Senior

Major: Business Management

Organizations You Are A Part Of at HT:  Campus Activities Board President, SGA Executive Board, W.E.B Dubois Scholars.

Career Aspirations: CEO of a record label, but before that work in A&R and artist management

What Do You Enjoy Most About HT: The people, campus environment, and the great opportunities offered to students

Who Inspires You And Why: My grandmother. Graduating college would make her extremely proud and realize all her hard work paid off

Favorite Food: Anything that involves chicken, potatoes, or pasta

Favorite Hobby: Going to concerts, listening to live music

Tell Us Something Unique About You: Horror movies and video games are my guilty pleasure

Words You Live By: "Live in your purpose," meaning that everything will come together if you just stay focused on what you need to


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Hometown: Awka Etiti, Anambra State, Nigeria

Degrees: B.S. In Computer Management and Data Processing; BS in Business Administration

West Virginia University - Institute of Technology; Montgomery, W. Va.

M.S. in Computer Science: Southern University & A&M College; Baton Rouge, La.

Ph.D. in Science and Mathematics Education – (Information and Communication Technology): Southern University & A&M College; Baton Rouge, La.

When did you join the HT fRAMily:

January 2013

What you enjoy most about working at HT: It's a small institution with small faculty-to-student ratio. Thus, making faculty accessibility to students possible. I also like the fact that HT is a Christian-based institution.

Fondest memory of your college days: Spending endless nights in the computer center trouble-shooting programs’ syntax error, and interacting with follow students for better and more effective solution strategies.

Favorite Hobby: In my younger days, I enjoyed soccer and tennis. But now, my hobby is learning and playing musical instruments (guitar and piano), and bike riding.

Unique About You: I am a resolute and resilient individual with a keen sense of direction and purpose. I walk softly but carry a big stick. What must be done at all, must be done well.

Best Advice For #GeniusGeneration:

You must have a purpose in life. Learn to completely be engaged in what you do. You must be resilient. If you fail, try yet again, for nothing is impossible under the sun. You must learn to give back to your society while expecting nothing in return. Lastly, love your God with your whole, heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself.

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Online Fan Shop Now Live

#fRAMily can now purchase HT merchandise online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!

Visit to purchase HT gear and have it delivered directly to your door.

Plus - a portion of all sales directly benefit Huston-Tillotson University. Click the graphic to order now!


TicketSmarter, HT Announce Partnership

TicketSmarter and the Huston-Tillotson University Department of Athletics have announced an agreement to make TicketSmarter the official ticket resale marketplace partner of HT Athletics.

"We are excited to partner with Huston-Tillotson University, as an extension of our strategy to develop strong, mutually beneficial relationships that provide Rams fans with an enhanced ticketing experience," said TicketSmarter CEO Jeff Goodman. "We look forward to developing our relationship with Huston-Tillotson over the next several years."

As the official ticket resale marketplace, TicketSmarter will gain exclusive marketing and sponsorship rights for HT Athletics, and give Rams fans a safe, trusted platform to buy and sell tickets. HT joins a growing list of universities in the U.S. partnering with TicketSmarter.

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Search Downs-Jones Library Archives

The Huston-Tillotson University Archives serve as the long-term repository for the institutional records of the University. The archives house yearbooks, photographs, newsletters, programs, etc.

Last year, the library launched our digital collections that are updated on an ongoing basis. Schedule an appointment for independent research, class tour, and/or a class session or make requests scans here:


In partnership with the United Negro College Fund, your voice is needed now to urge Congress to increase funding to HBCUs in the infrastructure and reconciliation bill by $1 billion, protect that funding for HBCUs and pass the HBCUs IGNITE Excellence Act, which provides desperately needed repairs and renovations for HBCU campus buildings and research facilities across the United States. Click on the graphic to learn how to make your voice heard.



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On my campus…we graduate families, not just individuals. I can have 200 graduates walk the stage for commencement and have 5,000 people on my campus, because they are graduating a family.” 

Click here to watch more



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Sport / Opponent

Location /Time

Sat. Oct. 23

Volleyball vs.

Texas College

Desoto, Texas -

10 a.m.

Sat. Oct. 23

Women's/Men's Soccer vs. Our Lady Of The Lake

Round Rock Complex-

1 p.m. / 3 p.m.

Fri. Oct. 29

Volleyball @ Our Lady Of The Lake

San Antonio, Texas -

6 p.m.

Sat. Oct. 30

Women's/ Men's Soccer @ Houston-Victoria

Victoria, Texas -

1 p.m. / 3 p.m.

Sat. Oct. 30

Women's Basketball @ UNT - Dallas

Dallas, Texas -

2 p.m.

Click Here For Full Athletics Schedule

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Want to receive Huston-Tillotson University's official newsletter RamZine delivered directly to your inbox or know someone who would like to get Rams news weekly?

Click here to sign up!

Previous 2021 Issues Of RamZine

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Are you an alumnus/alumna? We want to hear from you!

Contact Chris Cutkelvin, Director of Alumni Relations, at 512-505-3074 or via email at or schedule a virtual meeting below:



Sat. Oct. 23 Ada Anderson Celebration

Mon. Dec. 6 Last Fall Class Day


Dec. 7-10 Final Exams


Dec.20-Jan.2 Campus Closed


Mon. Jan. 10 Spring Semester Begins

Fri. Apr. 29 Last Spring Class Day


May 1-4 Final Exams

Fri. May 6 Honors Convocation 

Sat. May 7

Commencement Convocation

Class of 2022

Golden Class of 1972


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