In the Garden: Surprises and Perseverance
I ordered a veranda garden center in February. When I opened it last week, I found not plastic bins, but reusable fabric ones. Since my sister and I are moving later this summer (a whole three floors in the same building; big renovations going on), fabric bins will make moving the center a bit more challenging. But, OK! As I put the thing together, I managed to pull out the screw holders on two bin rails. Grr! I was ready to just forget the whole thing until I stood it up. I think, unsteady bottom rail and all, it's going to be usable for the greens, chives, and shade-tolerant cherry tomato plants I'll put in next weekend. It was a good reminder that gardening is a lot like life... generally, it all works out with patience and trust.
On the Nightstand: A Wealth of Prayer Resources
The past few weeks have been crazy busy at my day job. (That's why you're getting this eletter a day late.) So I'm grateful my friend Caroline Lawry gifted me Hearts on Fire: Praying with Jesuits. It's a lovely collection of dozens of prayers, none more than a page long. It's helped me remember faith is more important than any of the world's noise. I'll keep dipping into Hearts on Fire this month... and I'm also excited about delving into The Handy Little Guide to Prayer when my copy arrives later this month. It's by my friend Barb Szyszkiewicz, who's a Secular Franciscan (and wife, and mom, and editor of, where she also shares great recipes).

I figure that between the Jesuit and Franciscan spirituality, I'll get through this month (no offense to my Dominican, Benedictine, Salesian, Ignatian, and other friends!)

Coming May 19: Menopause Moments
A few weeks ago, I had a bone density scan. The clinicians measured my height, and for the first time since I was fourteen, I was less than six feet tall. (Five-eleven and one-half, to be precise.) Now, I've never liked being tall; at times, I've hated it. But being six feet tall was part of my identity. It seems weird not to be that height anymore.

Maybe for you it's graying hair or wrinkles or forgetfulness or hot flashes that seem to threaten who you believe you are. In American society, we tend to laugh and joke about menopause and the runup to it. Or, we're ashamed to talk about those changes at all, even with our best friends.

My new book, Menopause Moments: A Journal for Nourishing Your Mind, Body and Spirit in Midlife, aims to provide a reset. It includes short reflections and the joys and challenges for this time of life; scripture; an action item; and a spark for reflection or journaling. (And yes, a bit of humor here and there.)

I hope you'll give it a look--for yourself, a family member, or friend! It's now available for pre-order from the publisher, Twenty-Third Publications, or anywhere you buy books.

Enjoy those May flowers! See you in June! --Melanie