April 2021
This month's newsletter will help you enhance your natural beauty with an article on skin and weight management, tips for healthy eating, and inside information on acupuncture to alleviate unwanted body hair.

To Your Health,
Choose Good Food
Your liver is working to cleanse and move stagnation this time of year. For optimal health and improved weight loss choose foods that help cleanse and move the liver.

Consume these types of foods:
  • green in color
  • sweet and pungent
  • sour
  • lean, low-fat

Avoid these types of foods:
  • Overly salty (packaged, processed foods)
  • Fatty foods (fried, or with other added fats)

Learn more about why these food groups are healthy and helpful for your body’s spring-time transition.
Watch the second part of this two-volume video to learn more about TCM tips for easing your way into the spring cleansing season.
Enhance Your Natural Beauty

I am frequently asked by patients in the Acupuncture by Andrea clinic “Can treatments help my body and complexion look better?” My answer is always "Absolutely!" Acupuncture and herbal supplements are highly effective in aiding weight loss, skin rejuvenation, breast enhancement and overall youthfulness.

Read more about how acupuncture can help you meet your self-care and physical improvement goals in our latest blog.
Unwanted Hair, There
Do you have hair you don’t want there? Or everywhere? Acupuncture and traditional herbal medicine to the rescue!

Hair growth is like moss that grows in damp areas. For the nature lover, moss growing on the rocks and in crevices in the woods might be picturesque, but for those of us that don’t want to look like a forest, or a forest creature, hair growing in damp places is not.

Acupuncture combined with the right herbal medicinals can stop hair growth around the belly button, the upper lip for women, the midsection, the breast area and on the toes. All of these areas have unwanted hair growth for a reason; they are damp parts of the body, they are on a channel that is stagnant, or they are in an area that retains heat.

The “treasure trail” often occurs because of constipation in both men and women (and irregular periods, amenorrhea or PCOS in women). Constipation is when the bowels are not evacuated regularly and totally. This leads to back up in the intestines, which leads to stagnation and eventually heat. Heat and dampness due to unmoving bowels and blocked blood flow show up as hair growth sprouting from this fertile area.

Hair growth on the toes—mainly the big toe—is also from heat in a meridian that is trapped. The big toe’s meridians are the liver and the spleen—two organs that contain a lot of heat and lot of dampness when things are not flowing properly. The spleen and digestive system have to process everything we put in our mouths and turn it into a product the body can use and convert it to energy from there. This process takes lots of coordination and input from many parts of the body, and can get backlogged and stagnant, causing heat and dampness. The growth of unwanted hair on the toes is due to poor digestion and waste removal. Hair growth around the nipples is also due to liver stagnation.

The genitals are a damp area of our bodies where there are a number of lymph nodes that can retain fluid and waste (causing dampness to lead to heat and stagnation). The groin area is also where the liver, spleen and kidney channels pass through with blood carrying nutrients, and waste. Waste is generally associated with heat and inflammation; channels where this waste is carried have a damp and stagnant aspect. The growth of hair here is no surprise.

Acupuncture and herbal medicinals stop unwanted hair growth by clearing channels and dispersing stagnation. The acupuncture needle inserted in a point signals the brain to send a message to a specific part of the body to relax and start moving the trapped heat. This results in more bowel movements and a continuation of heat clearing. The body’s environment now is less hospitable to growth through dampness. Over time, as the liver moves, the blood heat dissipates, inflammation is diminished, and unwanted hair growth will cease to exist.

Ready to say goodbye to that unwanted hair? Start your treatments today!

We will no longer be accepting patients at the St. Augustine office. Please schedule all future appointments at our Jacksonville location, 13400 Sutton Park Drive, Suite 1603 Jacksonville, FL 32224.

I’d like to thank all of the patients I have had the pleasure of working with at my St. Augustine office, and welcome you to my spacious, four-treatment room Jacksonville location offering massage, acupuncture, and a wide variety of herbal medicinals and products for healthy living.

Share Your Experience

Let us know about your experience with acupuncture, massage, or herbal medicinals at Acupuncture by Andrea with a Google review. Reviews help us improve our services, inform potential clients about the clinic, and give you a voice to share your experience.
A Brave New World
You are on the eve of a complete victory. You can’t go wrong.
The world is behind you.