Deck Season.
It's never too early to start thinking about your deck.
Spring is right around the corner. Eventually we will put away the snow thrower and bring out the lawn mower and grill. Golf, garden, baseball and bar-b-ques are quietly slumbering. Enjoy the Winter while it's here. Go skiing, sledding and skating. You might like it.
When the snow disappears, your deck looks a little worse for the wear than you left it last fall. NOW is the time to do something about it.
If your deck just needs cosmetic work- perfect. Get your name on the list so we can get to you more sooner than later. We service 125+ decks every year and have for 20+ years.
If your deck needs boards replaced, DO IT NOW. The new lumber needs to weather for a couple of months before it can be sealed. We circle back the beginning of June to stain and seal so you can enjoy your deck the way you should. Call today. Don't say I didn't warn you.