"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May."
Edwin Way Teale, American Naturalist

Welcome to our May update!  
Wendy Gammons, MIIA Wellness/Health Promotion Manager  

I am pleased to share that we have added a new monthly column to our newsletter. It is called ‘Walking in Massachusetts’ and every month we will highlight a different walk from somewhere in the state. We will let you know if it is dog-friendly and provide a trail map – we hope to encourage everyone to get outside and enjoy our beautiful state!
Remember we have another new column called “Ask the Nutritionist.”  MIIA’s Integrative Nutrition Coordinator, Sandy Sarni, RDN, MS will be answering questions each month submitted by our members. Have a question? Email Sandy and she may answer your question in next month’s newsletter.  
Lastly, please check our fun Mother’s Day contest, Build Your Own Terrarium. All contestants will be entered into a raffle for one of four $50 gift cards (only MIIA/BCBS members can earn a prize). See below for more information.
The Well Aware Self-Directed Activity Challenges
Now there are TWO ways to earn gift cards while staying fit and well! Find our Wellbeing Smorgasbord and Webinar Buffet in each Monthly Newsletter like Work Well! Live Well! and Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep. We offer a variety of exercise, diet and wellbeing activities in self-directed and webinar formats. Each program includes educational information, tips and strategies. Only MIIA/Blue Cross subscribers are eligible for $125 worth of gift cards.
Program of the Month
Work Well! Live Well!
10-day Self-Directed Activity Starting May 9
May is Global Employee Health & Fitness Month! In honor of this international initiative, we invite you to participate in this self-directed Work Well! Live Well! Activity Challenge. The MIIA Well Aware Program is committed to providing encouragement and resources to all employees, spouses, and dependents in their health and fitness journey Give it a try and earn cool prizes as well.
Webinar of the Month
Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep
In today's fast-paced world, a good night's sleep is often the first thing to go. Sleep appears to be important in terms of memory function, regulating emotions, and a strong immune system response. Learn what causes sleep deprivation and what you can do to prevent it and remedy it. You will leave armed with solutions for a better night’s sleep. Available May 1 through 31.
Walking in Massachusetts
Every month we will feature a different walk highlighting the beautiful nature paths throughout Massachusetts. We will make some trail recommendations and suggestions on proper foot attire. We hope you enjoy these walks by yourself or with family, friends, or furry friends. This month check out Whitney and Thayer Woods in Cohasset.
Ask the Nutritionist
Help, I’m Confused About Yogurt and Sugar Content

Do you have questions about what to eat or anything related to nutrition and food? Our new "Ask the Nutritionist" column will answer these for you. Sandy Sarni, MS, RD, MIIA's Integrative Nutritionist, will answer a question each month to help you make healthy choices for you and your family. Please submit your questions to: ssarni@mma.org

Mother’s Day Activity
Build Your Own Terrarium
Have you ever admired the beautiful terrariums displayed at garden centers? Here is your chance to make one! Join our favorite horticulturalist, Sara Barrios, as she shows us how to make these wonderful indoor gardens. Watch Sara’s video and enter our raffle to win great prizes. Only MIIA/BCBS members are eligible for prizes.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month 
Learn to Live
Millions of us have experienced a mental health problem or seen a loved one struggle. Learn more about getting help with mental health issues.
Simple Celery Soup
Feasting at Home
This is a great recipe for using up that bunch of leftover celery. Fresh spring/summer herbs make a wonderful garnish and add flavor to the soup.
Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association, 3 Center Plaza, Suite 610, Boston, MA 02108
617-426-7272 | 800-882-1498| www.emiia.org