March 2021
Coming in April -
WIHA Office Hours
Join WIHA staff and your health promotion colleagues and others from around the state for conversations on health promotion on April 13 from 9:00 am - 10:00 am. Here's what we have planned this month:

Diabetes Prevention, Self-Management & Clinical Interventions
Learn more about the ways WIHA is working to encourage cross-promotion of and referral to the diabetes prevention and support programs that best match the needs of individuals in communities around the state.   

2021 Healthy Aging Summit
It's almost here! Learn more about speakers and sessions at 2021 Healthy Aging Summit - to be held virtually June 3-4, 2021. 

Program & Project Updates
We'll provide you with information and updates on new and existing programs and projects including a new initiative to get brain health information and tips to consumers in Wisconsin.

Hope to see you on April 13th!
To Join
Office Hours

Simply copy and paste the meeting information below into your calendar.

When: Apr 13, 2021
9:00 - 10:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 939 7373 9934
Passcode: 867644

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Note: WIHA program providers will receive a calendar invitation for this meeting.
2021 Healthy Aging Summit
Healthy Aging in the Age of COVID

Registration Opens in mid-April!
Save the date for the 2021 Healthy Aging Summit to be held virtually, June 3-4, 2021.
Keynote Address:
The Future of Elderhood:
Integrative Aging, Better Health
Louise Aronson, MD -
UC-San Francisco

Check out Dr. Aronson's appearance on CBS This Morning here.
In addition to panel sessions focused on community responses to loneliness and social isolation and mental health supports for older adults, we'll also offer 15 breakout sessions on a wide variety of health and wellness topics.

Continuing education credits will be offered.

Is the Summit for you?
If you're looking for a fun, inspiring, educational experience - then yes, this is for you! The Summit brings together health promotion program providers, leaders, and volunteers along with academic researchers and professionals from:

  • Aging offices, Aging & Disability Resource Centers
  • Health care organizations
  • Managed care organizations
  • Public health departments
  • Senior living facilities
  • Independent living centers
  • Disability service organizations
  • Senior centers & nutrition programs
  • Fitness centers

Anyone with an interest in engaging in and promoting healthy aging programs and practices - personally and/or professionally - is invited to attend.
Seeking Healthy
Aging Star Awards Nominations
Recognizing the many contributions of people who support the health of their communities is the impetus for WIHA's Healthy Aging Star Awards. Nominations for the 2021 awards are now open and we encourage you to nominate a star in one of the following categories:

  • Making it Happen
  • In Cahoots (collaboration)
  • Above & Beyond
  • Bright Idea

Awards will be presented on June 4th during the Summit.  If you have questions, please contact Kris Krasnowski
Thank You, Summit Sponsors!
Leadership Circle:
Platinum Sponsors:
Gold Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
- WIHA Program News -
Virtual Leader Trainings Are "Springing" Forward
Sign Up NOW - Space is Limited!
WIHA recently completed its first online Leader Training producing a brand new batch of Living Well with Chronic Conditions program leaders. Welcome aboard!
While the pandemic has forced us all to shift how we implement programs, we remain committed to supporting health promotion in Wisconsin. WIHA programs, along with other important community health work, are needed now more than ever. To ensure health promotion programs are widely available, we encourage you to register for an upcoming Leader Training. Trainings are now taking place online and most programs are available to implement virtually.
Find the trainings by program at the link below. If you have questions, contact Jill Renken.
Workshop Notification Changes for Program Providers
We’ve been implementing virtual workshops for almost a year, and continue to seek out ways to streamline the online orientation processes. 

Currently, program providers are asked to submit an “Online Workshop Request” Form to let us know when a workshop is scheduled. You will no longer need to do this! Simply use the standard Workshop Notification Form for your program and select the virtual/online option to indicate how you will deliver the program.

We will continue to offer orientations for program leaders wanting to offer online workshops as needed, but are now able to get the information we need from the Workshop Notification Form. 

If you have questions, please contact Jill Renken.
Reminder: Refer People in Your Community to Statewide Online Workshops
We've posted a listing of all of the WIHA online workshops that are offered to a statewide audience. Not only can consumers find and register for these workshops, but WIHA program providers can refer people from their community to a statewide workshop if they don't have a local option available.

Find the list by visiting the WIHA website - - and click on FIND A WORKSHOP. Once there, scroll to the STATEWIDE ONLINE WORKSHOP link. Or, click on the link below to go directly to our list. We'll be updating this regularly.
Physical Activity Tips

Physical Activity for Lifelong Success (PALS) program providers and others who want to encourage physical activity now have some new "tips" graphics to use in newsletters, on social media or in other communication.

Check out all the tips at the link below OR download Tip #3 at right.
Click on the link below to download this tip.

Stand Up & Move More

We should all be mindful of spending more time standing to improve our health. WIHA now has a program that reduces sedentary behavior! Learn more about the Stand Up & Move More program and register for a fall Facilitator Training - they're filling up fast. Questions? Contact Erin Eggert.
Questions? Contact the WIHA staff lead for the program in question:
Have a colleague who would benefit from receiving information from WIHA? Let us know and we'll add him/her to our subscriber list.
Email Kris Krasnowski.