Holidays with Hunger, CVOEO's community-funded campaign to help feed 15,000 families in need, aims to have everyone share a holiday meal with their loved ones.
CVOEO feeds Vermont's Champlain Valley through its three food access programs: Addison Food Shelf, Feeding Chittenden, and NorthWest Family Foods. These food programs are just one aspect of our work to make Holidays without Hunger a reality for Vermonters across the region. Each of our food shelves' doors are open five days a week to provide fresh produce, meat and protein items, prepared meals, fresh and local dairy products, healthy kitchen staples, and non-food essentials such as diapers, toiletries, and hygiene products.
In addition, CVOEO's food access programs meet people where they are in life by delivering food to homes and access sites like health care centers and motels, while also sharing hot meals and responding to the needs of seniors, families and children, the unhoused, New Americans, and all of our neighbors who are vulnerable to food insecurity.
We still have some work ahead of us to reach our goal and we can do it if everyone chips in just a little. Please give what you can to ensure our community has a Holiday without Hunger.