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“Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people.” I can still vividly remember the distinctive tone and cadence of my Grandfather’s, a retired Presbyterian Minister, voice as he read the Christmas story to our large family gathered around a table filled with Christmas cheer. After an Advent season filled with gatherings, fellowship, concerts, parties, excitement and noise (Lots of Noise), it was extremely important for us to gather together before our meal to emphasize the true meaning of Christmas.

Although 1 Corinthians 13:13 is not generally included in the usual verses that we hear most often during this time of year, I tend to find myself returning to it as we head into the season of Advent and lighting candles in the order of HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE.

HOPE- The true reminder of the daily hope of eternal life that we enjoy because God sent his only son, who died for our sins.

PEACE- The inner peace that we have knowing that Christ was born and we live with the daily promise of eternal life.

JOY- The joy and anticipation of this season celebrating the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

LOVE- Through God’s love for us, we are given a wonderful example of sharing his love to all people and communities alike.

As I have grown older, many of the seats around that table of my childhood now are replaced with high chairs, booster seats and toddler faces. This comes with mixed emotion, as the people that filled these seats of yesterday are no longer with us, but we are reminded that they are a key part of the people that we have become. Fortunately, the beauty of this season reminds us that our faith in God provides us the promise that we will be with them again to celebrate the birth of Jesus for eternity. 


Heavenly Father, thank you for your steadfast love, always with us. Help us to see and feel that love even though we disappoint you so often. Lead us to do your will and to share your love with others. Amen

Whitner Kennedy and his wife Sarah are members of First Presbyterian Church Spartanburg. They have an 8 year old son Jay, a 5 year old son Grady, and a 2 year old daughter Virginia. His parents, Whit and Donna Kennedy, are also members of the church. Whitner and Sarah feel fortunate and blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community!

Birth of Jesus by Tate (age 6)