English District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.
Servant to Servant
April 22, 2022
Called to Glory
Mr. Theodore T. Braun (CM)
June 26, 1936-March 20, 2022

Mr. Theodore T. Braun, Commissioned Minister-Emeritus, was called to glory on Sunday, March 20, 2022. He was predeceased by his wife, Donna, to whom he was married for 60 years. He is survived by his children, Laura and Carl. A funeral service was held at St. Michael, Fort Wayne, IN on Friday, March 25, 2022, with interment at Covington Memorial Gardens, Fort Wayne, IN.
We pray the Lord’s blessings on the Braun family.
Click here for Obituary.
The Rev. Christopher K. Nuttelman was installed by Bishop Jamison J. Hardy at Hope, Grand Rapids, MI on Sunday, April 10, 2022.
Divine Call
Call Received

The Rev. Daniel E. Grams has received a divine call to serve as Senior Pastor of Holy Cross, Rocklin, CA (California/Nevada/Hawaii District).
English District Gala Watch Party in a Box
Please click on the photo of Pastor Joshua Ulm to hear about our Watch Party in a Box promotion!


We encourage you to find someone to run a watch party at your church. If your church registers to hold a watch party, we will send you a "Watch Party Package" which is designed to promote the Gala and help provide a festive atmosphere and encourage fellowship.

Click here to order a Watch Party in a Box. Deadline to order is May 1!
The English District Virtual Gala: Rooted in Christ is Sunday, June 12, 2022 at 7:30 PM.

Click here to register to attend!
Seminary Call Day
April 26-27 | St. Louis and Ft. Wayne

At Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO, vicars and deaconess interns will receive their assignments at a 3 p.m. worship service on April 26, and candidates for the pastoral and diaconal ministry will receive their first call on the same day at a 7 p.m. worship service.

At Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN, vicars and deaconess interns will receive their assignments on April 26 at 7 p.m., and the pastoral candidates will receive their calls on April 27 at 7 p.m.
Making Disciples for Life Seminar
LCMS Life Ministry and LCMS Witness and Outreach are offering a seminar focused on evangelism through Life Ministry.

Making Disciples for Life Seminar Series
Evangelizing the Lost through Life Ministry
Thursday, May 12th
1:00 PM – 5:15 PM CDT
In our witness to the sanctity of human life, we often find ourselves engaged with non-churched people in one way or another. Some of these non-churched people are pro-life; others are pro-abortion. Some are seeking services or assistance; others are offering help. Some are standing beside us proclaiming the value of life; others are standing against us proclaiming imagined rights. In these various circumstances and encounters, we have opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus with people who are perishing no matter what their view of life may be.

The Making Disciples for Life seminar, “Evangelizing the Lost through Life Ministry,” provides a forum for exploring ways in which we can individually and collectively make use of the opportunities to proclaim Jesus that Life Ministry provides for us. Through brief plenary sessions and longer breakout sessions for discussion and sharing ideas, this seminar is designed to provide practical ways to conduct witness and outreach through the Life Ministry you are currently conducting or the Life Ministry you are planning.

This seminar will be conducted live at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis and on-line. Recordings of the sessions will be available to seminar participants through June 20, 2022. There is no cost for this seminar, but registration is required. Click here to register.
Convention Prayer Partners
Please encourage your congregation members, family and friends to sign up to be prayer partners for the Convention. We are seeking prayers for all aspects of the convention: safe travel, the business of the English District, elections, activities, discussions, theological presentations, fellowship and to celebrate the English District’s ministries and missions. Click here for sign up. Scroll down to choose a time slot and then lift the needs of our delegates, staff, clergy and convention in prayer.
Opportunity for Youth
The District is seeking youth delegates for this year's convention June 20 – June 22. If you have youth in your congregation who love the church and might be considering some type of church work, we are interested in hosting them at convention.

Youth Delegate Benefits:
  • Get a front-row seat to how the church wrestles with decisions.
  • Observe church policy discussions and have the opportunity to advocate the hopes and concerns of young people
  • Experience real presence and gain first-hand knowledge of how the church changes and defines its goals for the future.
  • Lead a chapel service for the entire assembly.
  • Receive free room and board on a Concordia campus.
  • Participate in leadership training
  • Interact with decision-makers and district staff, share ideas and ask questions.
  • Get exposure to networking, skills enrichment, and collaborative opportunities.
  • Join a supportive student community passionate for the church, others, and the life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Travel: We would like the youth to travel with your church leadership team to attend the convention. If there is a reason this travel plan wouldn't work, please let Derek Mathers know. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Housing: Youth will stay on the campus of Concordia Ann Arbor. 
Chaperones: We have a seminarian who will work with the youth while they are at the convention. We also have a female middle school teacher to assist him. Rod Lane will also be available to support these chaperones with anything they might need.
Direct questions to Rod Lane or Derek Mathers.
Serving the Lord in Latin America
Dear friends in Christ,

With you, we anticipate pondering the passion of Jesus in the Holy Week lessons, His death for us on Good Friday, and His joyous resurrection on Easter Day! These portions of God's Word are so important to the message of salvation that we seek to spread in Latin America. Please click here to read our March/April 2022 newsletter.

God bless and keep you.  
Deaconess Cheryl & Pastor Jonathan
Campus Ministry
All Saints campus ministry believes that God provides all of our needs. Even so, we wondered why God seemed to take so long in answering a very important prayer. We were a bit worried that He might not hear, and that He might not say “Yes.”

All Saints Fellowship (ASF) is our student organization which is officially recognized by Slippery Rock University. We have a constitution, a faculty advisor, Doctor Sam Thangiah, and a student president. Having a student president is critically important to our work on campus.

The president of ASF is the link between All Saints campus ministry and SRU. Without a president we cannot attend the several freshmen orientations that are held on campus for incoming students and their families. These orientations give us the opportunity to show incoming freshmen who we are and what we do. Saying hello to incoming freshmen is a marvelous opportunity for All Saints to extend friendship and warm regard for the students. Without a president we cannot officially attend any campus orientations and cannot even post notice of our campus ministry events, such as monthly Korean meals.

Please click here to read more about how God provides at Slippery Rock.
Church Worker (Student Loan) Debt Reduction Grants Available
The purpose of the English District Endowment Fund is to provide God's people with a unique opportunity to participate in a perpetual fund. This fund shall assist congregations and rostered workers alike. One aspect of the Endowment Fund currently being offered to Rostered Church Workers is a grant for financial assistance with their student loans. Those rostered workers who are currently serving (called workers) in ministry in their first through eighth year in an English District LCMS congregation or school are eligible to apply for this education indebtedness grant. 

For a Church Worker (Student Loan) Debt Reduction Grant we ask that you complete an Application for Church Worker Transitional Assistance. These forms are available on our District website.
If you have any questions, please contact Rev. J. Derek Mathers at 1-800-755-9335 ext. 311. Deadline for applications is April 30, 2022.
Prayer Requests
The Bible's promise is true: "If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us" (1 John 5:14).

District daily prayers for May are located on our website.

Your prayer concerns are important to the English District. If you have a prayer request you would like shared in this newsletter, email the District office.
LCMS Foundation
Contact Dan Lepley, DVP - English and SELC District Lutheran Church Extension Fund for more information at 317-402-9401.
In Our Churches
Prince of Peace, Medina OH

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church youth stuffed over 250 eggs for the Easter morning egg hunt. Their help was greatly appreciated, especially by the youngsters who got to find the eggs!
Eternal Life, Mesa, AZ

Palm Sunday was a wonderful day for Simon's confirmation. It was such a celebratory day for him, his parents, the congregation and Rev. Steven Resner. Please continue to pray for Simon and all new confirmands as they grow in their faith and understanding of Christ's love for them.
Ascension of Christ, Beverly Hills, MI

The Board of Elders and Worship Administration Team served soup, salad, rolls and dessert prior to the April 6th midweek Lent service.
Messiah, Danville, CA

On Sunday, April 3rd, two catechumens, Enoch and Johannes, were questioned by Rev. Peter Ledic, and on Palm Sunday, April 10th, they were confirmed. Congratulations to the confirmands!
Martin Luther Chapel, East Lansing, MI

Martin Luther Chapel is blessed to formally welcome eight new members into the Martin Luther Chapel family.
Prince of Peace, Mesquite, NV
Prince of Peace has begun a bimonthly Service of the Word for the residents of the Mesa View Estates. Four residents and one guest joined us for a 30 minute service. A Palm Sunday message was shared.
Prince of Peace held a "Christ in Movies" matinee on April 16 with a viewing of The Passion of the Christ. Ten members attended the matinee.
In Our Schools
Family of Christ, Phoenix, AZ

What better way to start the day than to pray!
Shepherd King, West Bloomfield, MI

Happy Easter from the Pre-K class! The students had the best time celebrating Jesus the past two weeks. He is Risen!
Redeemer, Pittsburgh, PA

The Lutheran Junior Honor Society members took time to distribute Easter bags to the neighbors of their Penn Hills campus. The bags contained devotion materials and activities for children that will share the joy and hope of Easter.
Please share the information from Servant to Servant with members of your congregation.

  • All are invited to subscribe to this weekly publication.
  • Forward the newsletter to members of your church.
  • They can subscribe by clicking on the "Sign up for our emails" link at the bottom.
Thanks for spreading the word!
Also, please share your congregation's or school's unique ministries with the rest of the District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to by Wednesday at 12:00 Noon ET. We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world.
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