National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: America the Beautiful Challenge
Deadline: April 4 (pre-proposals)
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This program is dedicated to funding landscape-scale conservation and restoration projects that implement existing conservation plans across the nation. In 2024, the program expects to award up to $119 million in grants to communities nationwide in the following categories:
1. Conserving and restoring rivers, coasts, wetlands, and watersheds.
2. Conserving and restoring forests, grasslands and important ecosystems that serve as carbon sinks.
3. Connecting and reconnecting wildlife corridors, large landscapes, watersheds, and seascapes.
4. Improving ecosystem and community resilience to flooding, drought, and other climate-related threats.
5. Expanding access to the outdoors, particularly in underserved communities.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: National Coastal Resilience Fund
Deadline: April 10 (pre-proposals)
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The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) has issued the 2024 Request for Proposals for the National Coastal Resilience Fund (NCRF), which aims to enhance protection for coastal communities from the impacts of storms, floods, and other natural coastal hazards and to improve habitats for fish and wildlife. Through the fund, NFWF will award approximately $140 million in grants to create and restore natural systems to increase protection for communities from current and future coastal hazards and improve habitats for fish and wildlife species.
NEIWPCC & NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program: Tributary Restoration for Culverts and Road Stream Crossings
Deadline: April 12
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NEIWPCC and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Hudson River Estuary Program invite proposals for projects that will help communities restore aquatic organism passage and habitat connectivity, reduce localized flood risks, and improve water quality in and along Hudson River estuary tributaries. Proposals to design and/or construct aquatic organism passage improvements and road stream crossing replacements and retrofits, such as bridges, culverts, and arches, are sought. The total funding for this work is $200,000 for up to two proposals.
NEIWPCC & NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program: Hudson River Shoreline Resiliency Project
Deadline: April 12
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Approximately $400,000 is available for qualified consultants to partner with eligible
municipalities to use existing community supported, preliminary shoreline resiliency
designs to prepare “shovel ready” plans and permitting materials. The design must be
technically feasible and appropriate for the location, supported by the community, cost
effective, and permittable. Eligible projects will build on existing conceptual waterfront
plans that were created with significant, community inclusive outreach efforts.
Hudson River Valley Greenway: Hudson River Valley Greenway Grant Program
Deadline: May 3, 2024; September 6, 2024; November 1, 2024
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Community Grants: The Hudson River Valley Greenway Grant Program provides match grants to Greenway Communities and Compact Communities. Greenway Communities are eligible to receive up to $10,000 to develop plans or projects consistent with the five Greenway criteria: natural and cultural resource protection, economic development, public access, regional planning, and heritage and environmental education. Higher amounts are awarded for intermunicipal projects.
Conservancy Trail Grants: The Hudson River Valley Greenway Conservancy Trails Grant Program is dedicated to funding recreational trail projects. Special consideration is given to projects that seek to implement the goals of the Greenway Trail Program. The application emphasizes connections to the Empire State Trail.
NYS Pollution Prevention Institute: Community Grants Program
Deadline: May 3
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NYP2I Community Grants Program provides support to local governments for projects that raise awareness and understanding and lead to the implementation of pollution prevention practices and/or behaviors at the local level with the goal of improving the health, environmental quality, and economic vitality of communities in New York State.
NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation: Water Infrastructure Improvement & Intermunicipal Grants
Deadline: June 14
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The Water Infrastructure Improvement (WIIA) program provides competitive grants to help municipalities fund critical wastewater and drinking water infrastructure projects. The Intermunicipal Grants (IMG) program is available for both drinking water and wastewater projects that serve multiple municipalities, such as a shared water quality infrastructure project or the interconnection of multiple municipal water systems.
U.S. EPA: Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants (rolling, until November 21, 2024)
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Approximately $2 billion dollars in Inflation Reduction Act funds are available for environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges.
Capital District Transportation Council/Capital District Regional Planning Commission: Community Planning Technical Assistance Program (rolling)
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The Community Planning Technical Assistance Program offers staff time and expertise to local governments in Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady and Saratoga counties that are undertaking small scale community planning initiatives.
NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation: Community Assistance Teams (rolling)
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EFC's Community Assistance Teams help municipalities (small, rural, and disadvantaged communities ) address their clean water infrastructure needs. Teams host regional events and connect communities with experts who can help them undertake their critical water infrastructure projects. These Teams provide on-site or virtual consultations to help communities across the state jump start planning, submit funding applications, and see their projects through to completion.