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Are You Dreaming of Moving to Costa Rica?
It’s been a tough year and a half. Big changes to our lives since the beginning of 2020 have many people looking to relocate. After all, so many of us have already adapted to working from home, why not become a full time digital nomad? Start your own business abroad, or work from home, away from home!

Are you considering relocating to Costa Rica? We can help!

Costa Consultants is launching Costa Concierge – a service to help with everything involved with relocating to Costa Rica.
Shipping, Building, Residency: Let Us Guide You
So, you’ve been to Costa Rica, several times perhaps, and you’ve decided it’s the place for you.

You want to build a home but you can’t be there to oversee it all, not only that, you don’t know all the ins and outs of properly planning a large project in a foreign country.

That’s where a project management company with feet on the ground and years of experience dealing with Costa Rican professionals comes in handy.
Make A Smooth Transition
We Help You in 3 Easy Steps:

1.Meet your Costa Rica Concierge with a FREE 1/2 hour one-on-one

2.Deep Dive Q&A to learn your residency options, healthcare/school needs, etc.

3.Make the Move! Pack up and start your new life