November Newsletter
Let us help you "Deck the Halls" of your home with beautiful wreaths, poinsettias, garland, and Christmas decor!

Christmas Open House - Nov 18th
  • Door Prizes, Hot Cider, Cocoa & Christmas Cookies!
  • Buy 2 ornaments, get 1 free!
  • Unique Gifts & Stocking Stuffers you won't find in box stores
  • LED Wholesale Christmas Lighting
Mark Your Calendar
Open Veteran's Day (Nov 11)
*Veterans receive 10% purchase*
Closed Thanksgiving Day (Nov 23)
Closed Black Friday (Nov 24)
Open Small Business Saturday (Nov 25)

Arriving Soon!
Cut Christmas Trees, 
Christmas Cactus, 
Live wreaths & Garland
Chump's Chatter

Missing all the beautiful blooms of spring? Try planting indoor bulbs like Amaryllis and Paperwhites!

To plant indoor bulbs, place them in a container or bulb vase with the root side facing down in your planting medium. Keep the top portion of the bulb exposed through the medium and water just below the root line. Water only when the medium is dry, over watering will cause rot. Amaryllis and Paperwhite bulbs will bloom approximately 6-10 weeks after planting. Get your bulbs planted now for a Christmas and New Years bloom!

We're Here For You
"Just add the sun!"
Oklahoma City Store
2121 Southwest 119th  
OKC, OK 73170
(405) 691-9100

Goldsby Store
169 N Main Ave
Goldsby, OK 73093
(405) 288-2368

Norman Store
17550 S. Sooner Rd
Norman, OK 73071
(405) 447-3100

NEW! Ardmore Store
24 S Rockford Rd
Ardmore, OK 73401

Winter Hours:
Oklahoma City Store:
Monday - Saturday 
8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Goldsby Store:
Monday - Saturday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Norman Store:
Monday - Saturday
8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Ardmore Store:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m
LED Lighting
We have all commercial LED lighting at contractor pricing! G12 wrapping lights burn 20,000 hours and have a 95% savings on energy used compared to the non-commercial lights. We can help light up your home this holiday season!

November Maintenance Guidelines
  • Plant deciduous B & B (Ball and Burlap) trees once they have gone dormant.
  • Purchase spring flowering bulbs and refrigerate or keep cool in dry spot (garage) until mid-November through December for planting when ground temps are 50 degrees or below.

  • Remove diseased plant material from the landscape to reduce disease problems next year.

  • Scale insects can be controlled with Hi-Yield Dormant Spray. Apply when the temperature is above 40 degrees F in late fall and winter. Do not use "dormant" oils on evergreens.

  • Prepare the landscape for winter by mulching with Marcum's Ground Cedar Mulch and Marcum's Grade A Cedar.

  • November 15 to March 15 is the best time to prune most trees and shrubs.

  • Dispose of pine cones of pines infested with Diplodia and Dothistroma. Prune out dead tips.

  • Test soil to correct nutrient deficiencies before winter. Soil testing may be done through the Oklahoma State Co-op Extension located at 2500 N.E. 63rd street in OKC. Phone: 405-713-1125.

  • Continue to control broadleaf weeds in well established warm or cool-season lawns using post-emergent ferti-lome Weed Free Zone.

  • Remove leaves from cool-season grasses or mow with a mulching mower.

  • Select and customize your Christmas and event lighting with our commercial grade LED lights. Great selections available at all store locations.

Marcum's Recipe Corner

shot of a pumpkin roll up close on white