NMI - Nazarene Missions International | |
We are people united in our belief that our involvement changes lives worldwide.
Global NMI
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We are Vision.
We are Action.
We are Impact.
NMI Calendar 2023-2024
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Merry Christmas from all of us on the NMI District Council to each of you across the NWIL District…Blessing & Peace!!
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Nigeria has a divisive pre-colonial past and was occupied by many diverse ethnic groups, each with different languages and traditions. These groups, ranging from large Islamic kingdoms to smaller city-states, occupied a fragmented land. The British, in 1914, amalgamated their separately administered northern and southern territories into a Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria. Independence from the UK was achieved in 1960, and in 1963 a federal republic with three constituent states was established. The country has suffered significant regional and ethnic tension, much linked to past disputes over territories and resources, resulting in civil war and ongoing ethnic violence and distrust among factions. There has been widespread corruption and mismanagement, increasing violence from Islamic terrorism, and the threat of secession in the southeast. The Church of the Nazarene has been in Nigeria since officially registering in 1977. The challenges faced in this context provide opportunities to increase educational attainment among youth and women, improvement of healthcare, and awareness of and correction of the evils of significant sex trafficking. The Good News of Jesus and the transformative message of scriptural holiness is key to the resolution of many of the problems faced in Nigeria today.
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49 Fully Organized Churches; 22 Not Yet Organized Churches | |
44 District Licensed and 46 Ordained Ministers on 3 Districts | |
- Pray for moral order and social righteousness to overcome the senseless violence that often goes unchecked in Nigeria.
- Pray for the leadership of the Church in Nigeria, for clear vision and the spiritual nurture of next generations.
- Pray for pastors and churches facing rising persecution and for courage to continue the work of missions into new areas.
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- Praise God for what He is doing in and through women in Nigeria, that their faith and witness will grow.
- Praise God for Nazarene young adults in Nigeria, who are like beacons of light attracting others to Christ.
- Praise God for the intensive discipleship and mission training going on in Nigeria that helps young adults to discover God’s will.
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NYI - Nazarene Youth International | |
Nazarene Youth Conference
Salt Lake City, Utah
Start fundraising now for this life changing event!
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Celebrate Life
Click for full details: CL24
February 24, 2024
New Hope
30 N. 6th St.
Princeton, IL
February 24, 2024
Registration: 8:30am-9:00am
Cost: $35.00 students, $5.00 sponsors
Checks payable to: your local church
May 16-18, 2024
Olivet Nazarene University
One University Ave.
Bourbonnais, IL
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NYI Resources
At NYI, we're here to inspire our youth to discover the ways God's faithfulness has touched their lives and invite others to join this journey of grace in Christ. The best part? You're never alone on this journey! Are you ready? Explore our resources today! https://nazarene.org/NYIJourney/Resources
Check out the website for languages available.
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NYI - Teen Bible Quizzing | |
Heather Johnson
NYI Quiz Director
Click to Like us on Facebook
Schedule 2023-2024
01/21/24 - Pekin First
02/17/24 - South Bend, IN
03/09/24 - TBD
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Bible quizzing is about "guiding our youth into the Word and the Word into their lives."
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NDI - Nazarene Discipleship International | |
Nazarene Women's Discipleship APP
We are excited to share that your Nazarene Women's Discipleship App has been updated with new features! Our app is developed in partnership with Back to the Bible, which gets you access to extensive app features. Through the updating process, it is now necessary that all users delete the current app and reinstall the new app, which requires you to create a new account. The process takes just a few moments, and then you will be able to experience the excellent new features.
What features does your Nazarene Women's app have?
Devotions written by Nazarene women for personal or group use.
Devotional track for teen girls.
Daily Scriptures & notification features.
Daily Prayer Guides for praying scripture and requesting prayer.
- Journey of Grace Workshop
Mental Health Video Series
Nazarene Women's Event Information
and more!
If you have any questions, please contact us at wdm@nazarene.org.
Nazarene Women's Discipleship Ministries
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Disability Ministry
Nazarene Discipleship International welcomes Rev. Ryan Nelson as our new disability ministry coordinator! This new five-year position, fully funded by a generous gift from the Lilly Endowment, will bless local Nazarene churches with resources and training for this greatly needed ministry to families and their children who struggle with disabilities.
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To read more click here:
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The Holiness Today Podcast
Here is a link to the new podcast site (Also available on iTunes). They cover a variety of subjects for pastors and church leaders to have a conversation about NDI, NMI and core values. You will also hear testimonials and discover new resources. https://holinesstoday.podbean.com/
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NDI - Children's Quizzing | |
Schedule 2023-2024
02/10/24 - Pekin First
04/13/24 - Eureka Grace
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Rosie Furston, Children's Quizzing Director rfurston@outlook.com | |
Please join our Facebook group
NWIL Children's Bible Quizzing
Information will be posted regarding upcoming meets and events.
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Kids Camp
July 11-14, 2024
Olivet Nazarene University
Full details coming soon...
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~News from around the District~
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Celebrate Life - February 24 - New Hope
Convention - March 16 - Peoria Nazarene
District Assembly - April 26-27 - Crossbridge
Celebrate Life - May 16-18 - Olivet
Kids Camp - July 11-14 - Olivet
Teen Camp - July 22-26 - Sky Lodge
Team Day - August 3 - Pekin First
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Is your church in need of technical equipment? Crossbridge has a variety of pieces we are getting rid of that your church could potentially use depending on the setup.
If you are interested in any of the equipment or have any questions please contact Pastor Lauren McQuen at lauren@crossbridge.church
*Please note after January 31, we will be disposing of whatever is left over.
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- VGA Video Splitter
- KiPro 1 RU Digital File Recorder
- KiPro Production and Post Unified (Recorders)
- SIIG HDMI switcher
- Behringer EuroLight board model lc2412
- DVD player wall mount (could be for whatever)
- Over-the-ear headphones
- Document scanner
- Gator portable rack (10U)
- Shure LX wireless mic system (receivers and mics)
- Various internet routers
- Trendenet Network Switch (8 ports)
- Projector screen
- Speaker stands
- Mic stand
- APC Battery Backup
- VGA Signal Amplifier (Extron)
- Pyle 120W 2-channel amp
- Audio Technica wireless mic system (receivers and mics)
- O Cosmo TV (32in)
- 4 channel DI box 1RU
- DBX Advanced feedback suppression system
- DBX Zone Pro 1261
- Shure Conference 1
- IO Gear HDMI extender over CAT6
- Polk Audio in-wall loudspeakers (2)
- Spirit By Soundcraft Powestation 1200 (analog mixing console)
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Southside Community Center
We cannot accomplish what God has called the Church to do without the faithful giving of His people. Every dollar given to SCC goes toward ministry and operational costs.
Friends, would you join in making a difference on the Southside of Peoria one relationship at a time. The Southside Community Center has been changing lives for over 5 years by providing for families, lessening dependence on public housing, and teaching skills for future success.
You can scan the SCC website QR code to learn more about their mission or contact them directly. Perhaps your church could bless them by scheduling the SCC Director, Pastor Irene Lewis-Wimbley to speak on a Sunday or at your fundraising event.
Direct donations can be given by scanning the Donation code below.
Southside Community Center
1618 S. Laramie St.
Peoria, IL 61605
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We are thrilled to announce the M25 Conference, February 10-12, 2025 in Kansas City! This is an amazing opportunity to be inspired, to connect, and to grow with pastors and lay leaders from across the United States and Canada. The focus of M25 is on evangelism and the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Prepare to be encouraged, equipped, and empowered in new and creative ways to share the gospel!
Who: M25 is open for all USA/Canada Region pastor & lay ministry leaders. We would love to see our lead pastors bring staff and lay leaders in groups.
What: M25 is a USA/Canada Regional quadrennial Nazarene conference for connecting, learning, and growing together. The agenda includes plenary speakers, break-out workshops, affinity group meetings, and corporate worship time. Participants will be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to engage in new ways to bring people to Jesus.
Why: The most important work of the Church today is sharing the gospel and inviting others into a saving relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is calling all people to Himself and as believers, we are co-workers in the work of evangelism. Our focus for M25 is on evangelism as we launch our regional vision, Cycle of Resurgence: Bringing People to Jesus.
Mark your calendar: February 10-12, 2025, Kansas City, MO. Details coming soon!
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Olivet Nazarene University | |
With more than 140 areas of study, 3500 enrolled students, and a stunning campus, Olivet Nazarene University stands tall as one of the nation’s premier hubs of learning and faith. Our nationally recognized academic programs, title-winning athletics, vibrant, energized social climate and countless ministry opportunities make this place unique. Olivet seamlessly integrates passion and calling with career preparedness. VIEW ALL AREAS OF STUDY | EXPLORE YOUR INTERESTS
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ONU Plus
Local, Affordable and Fully Accredited
Olivet's Extension Site Program
Olivet Nazarene University is grounded in faith. Not just in a historical way, but as a relevant force in what we do today. Olivet Nazarene University’s mission is to equip you for lives of service to God and humanity. And that mission is not limited to Bourbonnais, Illinois. Through ONU PLUS, Olivet proudly partners with churches and similar organizations around the country to better suit your needs in your community.
Along with receiving a fully-accredited degree, you will also receive practicum experience through ONU PLUS. Throughout the program, each degree will allow students to gain practical knowledge through internships which count for up to three credit hours per semester. This amounts to 8-10 weekly hours of firsthand leadership, ministry, and workplace experience.
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Click one of the links below to worship with one of the churches on our district. May God give you peace and hope during this time. Have a joyous worship time.
NWIL Online Church Services
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01/11 - POPS
01/16 - DAB Meeting
01/20 - NYI Quiz
02/08 - POPS
02/10 - Kids Quiz
02/17 - NYI Quiz
02/20 - DAB Meeting
02/24 - Celebrate Life
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9:45 am
Arrive & Fellowship
10:00 am
POPS begins, Worship, Word, Prayer, District Information
12/14/23 - Bridgeway
01/11/24 - online
02/08/24 - online
03/07/24 - New Hope
04/11/24 - Eureka Grace
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NWIL District Advisory Board
Rev. Lloyd Brock
Rev. Bill Clark
Rev. Ronda Hollars
Rev. Mark McCall
Rev. Denny Owens
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Mark Alvis
Ken Roat
Kevin Singletary
Stephen Taylor
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ONU Board of Trustees
Rev. Lloyd Brock
Rev. Mark McCall
Rev. William Clark
Ken Roat
Cheryl Sherwood
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Dr. Bill Clark
Board of Ministry Chair
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Rev. Cali Lindeenfelser
School of Ministry
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NWIL District
Church of the Nazarene
4224 N. Brandywine Dr.
Suite 300
Peoria, IL 61614
phone: 309-682-6945
Office hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 am-4:00 pm
*Monday & Friday by appointment only as we normally work remotely
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NWIL Office
Office Closed: December 18, 2023-January 1, 2024
Regular office hours will resume January 2, 2024
Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm
We are blessed to have you as our district family.
We wish you all a blessed Holiday Season.
Lloyd, Kim, Ray, Pam
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If you need to contact someone on the district team during the holiday season, please email office@nwilnaz.org or call 309-682-6945.
Messages will be checked daily.
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