September 12, 2021

(in-person worship cancelled until further notice)

Service of Holy Eucharist
9:30 am on Zoom only until further notice

Here is the link to join us on Zoom:

This Week's Pastor in
Residence Reflection:

The shape of healing is like the shape of life, for healing is the restoration of life to alignment, integrity, symmetry and grace. Mathematicians tell us that the geometry of Euclid (commonly called “Euclidean”) is helpful indeed for working with human-made objects such as engines, tables and chairs. However, it is not so helpful in working with the “natural world” because nature does not create straight lines or right angles. Nature makes life like a river or a coastline or a tree or an oyster, with great curvature and unexpected complexity. The geometry that honors nature or life as we know it is often called “fractal”. Fractal geometry was pioneered in part by cartographers who were trying to “measure” the coastline of England. It is one thing to measure the length of a rug, and quite another to measure a coastline(!)

So, life as seen through fractal eyes is curvacious, non-linear, diverse and highly complex. So, for instance, the “way out” of a pandemic is not linear: get the vaccine and all will be well. Rather, getting through a pandemic looks a lot more like the coastline of England than the shape of a hospital bed. We must prepare to deal with this virus with shrewdness, ingenuity, persistence and imagination. In doing so, we may begin to match or even out-do the variants that emerge so readily and so often. We do well when we fight the virus on several fronts rather than one. We do well when we employ methods that “surprise” the virus, such as getting a third booster shot, as well as methods that are based on the “tried and true” such as intentionally supporting and amplifying our immune systems through reasonable contact with danger as well as supplements such as vitamin D3.

The coastline of Kaua’i was the great gift and mystery that greeted the early Polynesian mariners who came to this island more than a millennium ago. The craggy, sheer, spectacular coastline of Na Pali became the habitat where these people settled, and farmed and fished. And it is the coastline that can inspire us as we grow weary in our struggle with the virus, feeling like we almost had it “beat” and then lost control again. 

It is not about control or containment; those are Euclidean images and strategies. Rather it is about healing and restoration, twin mysteries that are filled with one step forward, two steps back sorts of moments, times when we are getting worse rather than better, times when we want to give in and give up.

Nature honors ingenuity, improvisation, diversity, complexity and perseverance. Now is not the time to give up or give in as a public or as individual persons. Now is the time to outmaneuver the enemy (the virus) through unexpected innovation (a “booster” shot?) and dogged endurance. For we will win the day by both improvising and staying the course. The coastline of Kaua’i is very complex and very beautiful. Our ultimate survival in this time will in the end look more like the constellations of stars and the coastlines of islands, than the straight lines of intensive care units or the bravado of those who will not wear masks, distance themselves from others or get the damn shot!

“So, be wise as serpents, innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)

In the Great Physician,


Jonathan B. Coffey
P. O. Box 293
Kilauea, HI 96754

The Rev. Jonathan Coffey (our current visiting Pastor in Residence) would like to connect with you! Please feel free to reach out via email, phone or mail.

Jonathan B. Coffey
P. O. Box 293
Kilauea, HI 96754
Jon: 904-535-2987

Send Jonathan an email here.

Join us for our continued exploration of healing spaces. This online seminar will be led by The Rev. Jonathan Coffey. Read more about Jonathan here.

Join us for a journey into the topic of how a place works towards facilitating healing...

Background on the Book: 'Healing Spaces'

In the 1990’s Dr. Esther Sternberg began testing an intuition most of us share: that beauty facilitates healing of mind, body and spirit. Out of her research came the book “Healing Spaces: The Role of Place and Wellbeing”. Dr. Sternberg has since then joined the faculty at the School for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona in Tucson where she directs research and chairs the Center for Place, Wellbeing and Performance.

We will read and reflect upon her book and the growth in appreciation for the ideal habitats for healing each Thursday mornings at 8:00 a.m. Join us!
Due to a cluster of COVID cases in the Kilauea community, Shared Blessings Thrift Shop will be closed indefinitely to shoppers but will be open for donations during the following hours:

​​Monday 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Saturday  12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Please wear a mask.

If you know of individuals, families or organizations that have particular needs during our closure that can be met by Shared Blessings, please contact us via email at kilaueachristmemorial@gmail.com, and we will help as we can on a one-to-one basis.

Almighty God, you lend your strength to all those who are there for us in times of crisis, fear, and hurt. You give courage to the first responders who continue to do this important work they are called to do, looking beyond the risk for the sake of those who need your help and protection. We give you thanks for the many ways they give of themselves, their skills, knowledge and help in troubling times. Protect them, o Lord. Extend your shielding hand over them and comfort their hearts when they are tired and heartbroken.

God, we also lift up prayers of thanksgiving and comfort for the families of first responders and all who support them. Give them hope and courage. Surround them with your loving presence and give them peace when their loved ones run toward uncertainty. All this we pray in your name.

— Sarah Swindall, Augsburg University

Posted Sep 8, 2021

As followers of Jesus, and with our siblings in other faith traditions, we place great value on the act of remembrance. As we reflect on the solemn anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, we remember many loved ones lost and first responders who put their lives at risk, modeling the sacrificial love of Jesus, who said: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

While 20 years have passed, I also want us to pause and remember the days that followed these tragic events. There was a moment in the aftermath when people came together. We were praying, grieving, and also working together. Because in that moment, however fleeting it was, we knew with immediacy and vulnerability that we need God, and we need each other.

Memories of that tender cooperation—of love for each other as neighbors—serve as guiding lights for the present. Amidst the ongoing pandemic and natural disasters that have taken so many lives and pushed first responders to their limits, and amidst a worldwide reckoning with the sin of racism, we are called to become the Beloved Community whose way of life is the way of Jesus and his way of love.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will deliver a blessing and sermon Sept. 11 and 12 as part of A Time and Space of Remembrance and Healing at Trinity Church Wall Street in New York, which served as a relief mission for recovery workers at Ground Zero for nearly a year after the buildings fell. Tune in online at trinitywallstreet.org/september-11.

Helen Mitsui Shared Blessings Thrift Shop in Kilauea is seeking Volunteers for 2021.

Each volunteer shift is a 2-4 hour commitment for a minimum of one day per week. Experience in Retail, Customer Service, and/or Retail a plus, but not required.

Volunteers are invaluable to serving our community. Our goal is to reuse, repurpose and recycle goods — keeping as much as possible out of landfill — while providing our community with access to reasonably priced, quality merchandise.

Here are ways you can help:
* Greeters welcome shoppers and monitor our COVID guidelines.
* Customer Care helps shoppers to ensure a pleasant shopping experience.
* Merchandisers organize departments, restock the floor and display retail goods.
* Philanthropy distributes merchandise to organizations in need.
* Donation Intakers receive, sort and process donations.

Work-from-Home volunteers help prepare merchandise for sale. We are especially looking for help in these areas:
* Games: checking games to ensure all components are intact
* Stationery: packaging up cards and envelopes
* Holidays: preparing merchandise for Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Valentines, 4th of July, and more
* School, Office, Art Craft Supplies: organizing and packaging materials for reuse
* Toys: sorting, cleaning, and packaging toys
* Hardware: sorting and packaging tools, materials, electronics and appliances

*Team players with a genuine interest in serving the community and contributing to the reuse movement.
* Willingness to support COVID-19 safety measures set by Shared Blessings
* Physically able to lift 50 pounds (Merchandisers and Donation Intakers only)

Serving the community and our environment is rewarding work. We have a lot of fun! New merchandise is donated daily, so the element of surprise and wonder is constant. Get a first peek and more!

Click on the reply button here! Let us know 1) your interests, 2) your availability to volunteer and 3) your contact information. Mahalo!
Healing of body, mind and spirit for:

Let us pray for our own needs and those of others. We remember especially those on our prayer list. Healing of body, mind and spirit for: Janice, Marilyn, Tony, Webb, David, Shane, Linda, David, Scott, Kauai Christian Academy, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, for the loved ones of those who perished in the attack on America on September 11, 2001, for all who have given their lives in defending those attacked, first responders and our military.
Our Thrift Shop is
Temporarily Closed

Donations Accepted:

Monday 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Saturday  12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

-Please Wear A Mask-

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Meets in the Parish Hall:
Monday 6:15 - 7:15 pm & 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Tuesday 10:00-11:00 am & 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30 pm

Go to www.kauaiaa.org for more info.
A Prayer:

Magnificent Holy Father. 
I stand before you at this altar. So many have given you more.
I may not have much I can offer. Yet what I have is truly yours. 
This is my offering, dear Lord. 
This is my offering to You, God.

Your offering enables us to maintain worship, prayer and study during this time. Help us continue to provide a beautiful, flourishing, and safe "Sanctuary for the Spirit" at our historic and faithful church on Kaua'i.
Change to Automated Giving: Thank you to those of you who automate your giving and have a plan to support your church. Your consistent, planned generosity makes it possible for us to budget and dream responsibly. Want to change to automated giving? It makes life easy, especially if you travel.

Live off island? If you have a prayer intention or would like to pray for those on our prayer list, email our office. To be part of the church collective means we all share in the cost of being a church. We want our church to have inspiring worship; pastoral care for those in need; beautiful church grounds; programs to learn and grow; and tools to reach out to those who are seeking a closer relationship with God. See the different ways you can share your gifts, on our Giving page HERE.
If you like to give by check, please send to:
Christ Memorial Episcopal Church,
P.O. Box 293, Kilauea, HI 96754

Or consider changing to Automated Giving. It makes life easy. Just click on the button below to make a one-time or recurring donation. 

Thank you for your love and care for our Christ Memorial community!

Keep up-to-date with messages from the Bishop. Click on the buttons below to view the Bishop's weekly Monday & Wednesday messages, and find links to online worship in the Diocese.
Christ Memorial Episcopal Church
2509 Kolo Road, Kilauea, HI 96754
(808) 482-4824