Description: This is Caloplaca saxicola on the Ballona Creek levee. C. saxicola is commonly referred to as rock firedot lichen or rock jewel lichen and is one of the most common saxicolous (rock) lichen in California. "Lichen (LY-kən) is a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria living among filaments of multiple fungi species in a mutualistic relationship." (Wikipedia)
Photo: Jonathan Coffin, edits: Lisa Rachal
Dear Ballona Wetlands Advocates,
Area A of the Ballona Wetlands continues to stay open for the general public, and we are grateful to CDFW and the Coastal Conservancy for allowing access to area A. We hope you can take the opportunity to visit and enjoy this area of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve. In today's newsletter, we are showcasing artist Enrique Martinez Celaya and his art collection focused on migrating birds of the west coast, ways to celebrate Black History Month, area A visiting guidelines, and featuring February's bird of the month. Please enjoy. Below is an update on our current projects.
Project Updates:
- Providing transportation for some elementary schools or local programs/organizations to area B of the Ballona Wetlands, and providing material children can use while visiting the wetlands.
- We will start a new curriculum focused on the local Indigenous knowledge and contributions.
We are continuing our virtual nature classes for elementary students as well. If you know of a class or group that would be interested in any of our educational opportunities, please feel free to contact or fill out this form.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
The Ballona Wetlands Team
Diversity in the Field: Presenting Enrique Martinez Celaya
In this segment, we aim to support diversity by showcasing people currently underrepresented in environmental fields, working to improve the environment and/or people's access to natural spaces. We hope to provide representation for people who might not see themselves in these fields and inspire ways to be more inclusive.
Meet Enrique, he is an artist, author, and former scientist. His work has been featured in many major institutions worldwide. Last year, Enrique contributed to Huntington’s new American Art Gallery’s permanent collection called, Borderlands. With this new collection, he wants to "tell the story in a way that honored and included the physical living landscape – and he found it in the birds."...
"Each February, for four days, the world comes together for the love of birds. Over these four days, we invite people to spend time in their favorite places watching and counting as many birds as they can find and reporting them to us. These observations help scientists better understand global bird populations before one of their annual migrations"...
Celebrate Black History Month with the Los Angeles County Parks & Recreation!
"Join us at one of our parks this month to celebrate the many accomplishments of African Americans."...
Leaders in the Environment: Krystle Hickman (Virtual Event)
Check out this virtual event this coming Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 6:00 pm (PST) by LA County Parks & Recreation. The speaker will be Krystle Hickman. Krystle is a ballpoint pen artist, sugar artist, community scientist, and TEDx Speaker originally from Omaha, Nebraska. At this event, she will focus on native bee populations and their ecosystems.
Area A Visiting Guidelines
When visiting area A of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve it's important to be aware of these guidelines, they are posted on the entrance gate as well.
- Open to the Public (subject to closure without notice) Wednesday through Saturday 8 am - 1 pm
- Stay on designated trails
- No pets allowed and do not feed wildlife
- Avoid gas company equipment and facilities
- Parking and restrooms available at Fisherman's Village
- All use is subject to Title 14 CA code of regulations
We hope you enjoy your visit! Catch a brief glimpse into Area A in this short video.
Bird of the Month: White-crowned Sparrow
According to All About Birds, the White-crowned Sparrow song is one of the most studied sounds in all animal behaviors. Here is a short video of a White-crowned Sparrow song at the Ballona Wetlands captured by Jonathan Coffin.
Habitat: open areas with low shrub vegetation or grasses
Diet: seeds, insects, grains, and fruit
Nesting: low or on the tundra ground hidden by lichen, moss, or shrubs
*Birds featured here have been seen at the Ballona Reserve or in the surrounding area.
Your Contributions Further Our Efforts!
Contributions collected are used to advance our efforts to advocate for the greater Ballona Wetlands ecosystem. Any contributions are greatly appreciated.
Was this newsletter useful? Help us improve with your feedback.
The Ballona Wetlands Land Trust is a non-profit community organization
dedicated to advocating for the greater Ballona Wetlands ecosystem and to facilitating access to this ecosystem for education, stewardship, and public outreach.