Now in its Seventh year, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM) provides us with another great opportunity to raise awareness and education about an important issue affecting teenagers across New York State and the nation. This month is an important time to talk about healthy and unhealthy relationships, warning signs, and what we can do to prevent dating abuse from happening in the first place with innovative prevention strategies.
With 1 in 3 adolescents experiencing abuse in a relationship and with teens engaging in coercive and abusive relationships at higher rates than ever before, we are confronted with not only a statewide issue but a national epidemic.
As adults, it is our responsibility to provide leadership and guidance for adolescents in our communities and in our sphere of influence. Perhaps more importantly, adults need to take leadership and guidance from adolescents themselves to understand the challenges that today's teens face. As a community, we must provide a safe, open and nurturing environment for teens that may need help. If we can educate our youth in the early stages of development about healthy and respectful relationships, perhaps that may make a difference later in their lives.
Some ideas for activities this month:
- Post "28 Facts About TDV." Use your website or other social media to post 28 Facts about TDV throughout the month - one fact per day.
- Encourage youth activism! Support students and young people to create a school-wide or community campaign on their own. Many resources are available that provide guidance on how to do this.
- Have a poster or slogan contest! Ask teens to create a TDV app. Invite students to submit poetry, plays, songs, videos or artwork. Give the winner a prize that benefits their school, like software, an iPad or other equipment. Honor winners at an event.
- Engage school personnel: coaches, counselors, teachers and administrators need to have their awareness raised, too.
- Engage parents, caregivers and other adult influencers: send home brochures, flyers, post information on the school district website with links to helpful resources. Show a film. Invite parents to a "How to Talk to your Teen about Dating" workshop. Hold it at various dates and times throughout the month to ensure that parents can attend. Consider inviting parents and their teens together. Give teens talking points to talk to their parents, as well.
- Give a voice to survivors by hosting events, lectures, movie screenings or group discussion gatherings for young people.
- #ChalkAboutLove, Break the Cycle's Social Media campaign. Chalk About Love Week is your opportunity to create a dating abuse awareness event with a pop of color and art! Youth relationships may be fleeting, but a temporary message of hope can mean the world to someone seeking support.
Show your support and creativity for healthy youth relationships by participating in one or more of the week's challenges, February 6-10. When you chat, use the hashtags: #ChalkAboutLove and #teenDVmonth.
You can use the #NYTDVAM and #teenDVmonth tag on your social media posts to highlight all of the great working going on in your program! And stay tuned in to our Facebook and Twitter pages throughout the month. We will be posting tips, resources and stats, and highlighting all of the great work that's being done across the state and nation to prevent teen dating violence.
We encourage programs to look into the below list of tools and resources that we gathered. Raising awareness about teen dating violence is possible with any small or large actions and this month is the perfect opportunity to do so.
NYSCADV Prevention Project Toolkit
contains exercises, activities, primers, information and resources designed to help individuals and groups think about what would prevent domestic violence from happening in their communities. Tools and resources are chosen carefully, based on lessons learned and successes from local domestic violence programs throughout the state. Tools and techniques promoted in the toolkit support groups and individuals to go through their own process of discovery and decision-making to determine the role they wish to play in changing their communities.
Break the Cycle
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Dating Matters
Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships
is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's teen dating violence prevention initiative. CDC developed
Dating Matters
, a comprehensive teen dating violence prevention initiative based on the current evidence about what works in prevention. Dating Matters focuses on 11- to 14-year-olds in high-risk, urban communities. It includes preventive strategies for individuals, peers, families, schools, and neighborhoods.
Day One
DayOne offers teaching tools and resources to support educators and youth to work towards ending dating violence among youth.
Educational resources
including: A Know Your Rights Guide on Stalking, Dating Abuse, Orders of Protection (Available in both English and Spanish,) Teaching Tools, Tech Safety, Tips for Parents and Care Givers, Posters, and much more.
Futures Without Violence - That's Not Cool
That's Not Cool
is an award-winning national public education initiative by
Futures Without Violence
that partners with young people to help raise awareness and bring educational and organizing tools to communities to address dating violence, unhealthy relationships, and digital abuse.
MTV MTV's A Thin Line campaign was developed to empower you to identify, respond to, and stop the spread of digital abuse in your life and amongst your peers. The campaign is built on the understanding that there's a "thin line" between what may begin as a harmless joke and something that could end up having a serious impact on you or someone else.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
- Special Collection: Preventing and Responding to Teen Dating Violence This Special Collection emphasizes collaborative and multi-level approaches to the prevention of and response to teen dating violence. Drawing on the work of many organizations, this Collection provides general information about teen dating violence, as well as resources for different populations, including 1) young people, 2) parents and caregivers, 3) men and boys, 4) teachers and school-based professionals, 5) health care professionals, 6) pregnancy prevention programs, and 7) domestic violence and sexual violence service providers.
- PreventIPV: Tools for Social Change Throughout the month of February, PreventIPV will feature a tool each week that was developed for and/or by youth to promote healthy relationships, healthy sexuality, civic engagement, or social justice activism.
NNEDV-Technology Safety Planning With Survivors
Technology Safety Planning with Survivors
This handout provides some simple but critical tips about phone, computer, email, instant messaging and other technologies to discuss if someone you know is in danger.
defines the gray area between love and control, so you know relationship abuse when it happens and before it escalates. One Love's #THATSNOTLOVE campaign uses social media videos, memes and
graphics to raise awareness on Teen Dating Violence. Here are a few of their
- #OKforpetsnotpartners
Pets can and will take advantage of our love. And we forgive them because they're cute and fluffy and don't know any better. But people should know better. Educate others with our new #OKforpetsnotpartners meme generator.
- Love Labyrinth
Feeling trapped in the Love Labyrinth is a very real and very frightening symptom of relationship abuse. One way out is awareness.
- Asterisk
Phrases like "I love you" or "I'm sorry" or "I didn't mean it" or "You understand, right?" should never be used to manipulate a situation. Here are some ideas on how you can use Asterisk to educate and empower others in your community.
- Couplets
Our Couplets define the difference between a good relationship and an unhealthy one. If you see three or more of these warning signs in your relationship, it's a problem. Don't be ashamed to tell someone when #THATSNOTLOVE.
The Love is Not Abuse
: The iPhone app is an educational resource for parents that demonstrates the dangers of digital dating abuse and provides much needed information on the growing problem of teen dating violence and abuse.
Circle of 6
: Circle of 6 is an iPhone app for college-aged students and their friends to stay close, stay safe, and prevent violence before it happens. The design is simple. It takes two touches to get help and they use icons to represent actions, so that no one can tell what you're up to if they see your phone. The design ensures safety, speed and privacy.
My Plan
: The One Love Foundation google play and iPhone app helps women and their friends to determine if a relationship is unsafe and create an action plan to leave safely since the danger level of a relationship can be difficult to assess.
Futures Without Violence
"What's the Dish?: Teen DV Month Last Minute Call to Action Menu
January 31, 2017
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Calling all procrastinators! Not yet sure yet what you will be doing with your school, community, or your young people for Teen DV Month?
We've got you covered.
That's Not Cool has partnered with Break the Cycle, and loveisrespect to present you with our full menu of planned events, activities, tools, and content.
We are excited to partner with local groups and organizations to organize, spread awareness, participate in, and share each other's work to lift up and empower youth voices. Join us for our webinar 'What's the Dish?: Teen DV Month Last Minute Call to Action Menu' to prepare for a month of raising awareness of teen dating violence and celebrating healthy relationships!
Day One
February 2017
For Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month,
Day One
wants to encourage young people and adults to think critically about the media they consume every day. Does your favorite TV show feature a teen relationship that is toxic or unhealthy, but the show makes it look glamorous? Did you just see a movie where one character makes sure to get another character's consent before a sexual act?
Share with Day One on social media
. If you want to call attention to a scene, clip or series that shows an unhealthy or abusive relationship OR give a shout out to a TV couple that is
, you can join the conversation on social media. Share a post, picture, video or meme with day one by tagging
on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and use
. Day One will be hosting a screening of some of the favorite TV shows, movies or YouTube videos featuring teens through the month of February. For more information contact Jen Cohn at jcohn@dayoneny.org or check Day One's website and social media posts for screening dates.
Mechanicville Domestic Violence Community Center - Domestic Violence Advocacy Program
Informational Table and Butterfly Wishes February 2017 Mechanicville, NY
Domestic Violence Advocacy Program (DVAP)
will hold informational tables at Mechanicville High School and Middle School. Students can participate in discussion about the types of prevention activities they would like to have in their schools and community. DVAP Advocates will work with the Middle School "Friends of Rachel" Club (
Rachel's Challenge
), to distribute "Butterfly Wishes". Butterfly wishes were created by students and members of the community during Domestic Violence Awareness Month and will provide a handwritten sentiment of hope or encouragement for a victim of domestic abuse or bullying. They will be magnetized, and distributed for students to hang on their lockers.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
#ThisIsDV Social Campaign for #TeenDVMonth
February 2017
What does teen dating violence look like?
Recognizing the tactics used to hurt, intimidate, frighten, and control young people in intimate relationships is critical if we are to take action to address and prevent it. NRCDV's
campaign elevates the voices of youth survivors during Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month to help validate and name their experiences and raise awareness about the multifaceted nature of teen dating violence.
The Retreat & Long Island Against Domestic Violence
TDVAM Workshops
February 2017
In February 2017, prevention staff at NYSCADV member programs
The Retreat, Inc.
Long Island Against Domestic Violence (LIADV)
will be working with foster care youth in Suffolk and Nassau Counties on the topic of Teen Dating Violence Prevention Month. Staff will be completing workshops with youth to participate in programs such as "In Their Shoes", "These Hands are not for Hurting."
Other activities include Teen Dating Violence Prevention Trivia games and discussions on red flags of a violent relationship and available community resources. Foster Care youth have been working on posters and poetry related to this topic since December and they will also be completing a clothesline project to decorate orange t-shirts for awareness. These items will be on display at the Suffolk County Executive Building in their schools in February.
Love is Respect
Love is...Respect Twitter Chats
February, 8, 2016 starting at 7:30 PM EST and
February 15, 2016 starting at 8:00 PM EST
In February 2017, loveisrespect will be celebrating its 10th anniversary! The theme for Teen DV Month 2017, Love is . . . Respect. You can join the twitter chat to talk about healthy relationship on February 8, 7:30 EST and February 15, 8pm EST. You can wear orange and change you appearances in honor of Teen DV Month on February 14. You can wear orange shirts, nail polish, ribbons, jewelry, shoes or anything else you can think of! Tell people why you are wearing orange and post pictures and updates on Instagram and
using the hashtags #Orange4Love and #RespectWeek2017.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Crank Up Your Youth Community Action Teams: What's working in Florida February 9, 2016 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST Young people are working to stop domestic violence and change societal factors that support it. This webinar will examine the domestic violence prevention work of the youth community action team in Dade City, Florida, the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV) statewide youth summit, and FCADV statewide youth leadership programs. FCADV will provide examples of how prevention programs can increase youth leadership and engagement.
RESTORE Sexual Assault Services & Chances and Changes DV Program
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month - When Love is in the Air
February 9, 2017
Dansville, NY
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Chances and Changes and RESTORE Sexual Assault Services staff will also be presenting at When Love is in the Air at Dansville Community Center. The event will feature a key note presentation and
separate parent and teen breakout sessions. This event is free and open to the public. Click here for more information and to register for When Love is in the Air.
will also be hosting 5 in-class workshops at Wyoming County schools on healthy relationships, they are also working with their local chapters of Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD).
Love is Respect
Wear Orange Day
February 14, 2016
As part of Respect Week (February 13th-17th),
Wear Orange Day is a national day of awareness where we encourage everyone to wear orange in honor of Teen DV Month. You can wear orange shirts, nail polish, ribbons, jewelry, shoes or anything else you can think of! Tell people why you are wearing orange and post pictures and updates on
using the hashtags #Orange4Love and #RespectWeek2017.
Family Service
Love Me, For Me, A photography exhibition to celebrate Love, Respect, and Consent.
February 14, 2017
Poughkeepsie, NY
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
There's a lot of love and respect in this world, but it doesn't always get the attention it deserves.
Family Services
in partnership with other organizations will host an open house on February 14, 2017, from at 4:00-9:00 pm at The Vassar Barn: 50 Vassar Farm Lane to celebrate the works of the City of Poughkeepsie community in their empowerment photography project to effect change and the community norms of violence acceptance. This is a Valentine's Day event hosted by Family Services and Sexual Assault/Violence Prevention Program at Vassar College to highlight, and celebrate people like you, and me by sharing the everyday ways we show love, respect, dignity, compassion, and consent within our relationships, families, and communities. Shuttle service from Family Partnership Center to Vassar Barn will be provided. For
more information
contact Kathryn Joblon at KJoblon@familyservicesny.org.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Our Gender Revolution: Youth Leaders in Action
February 16, 2017
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST
The Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence integrates a social change approach to interrupt the root causes of gender violence fueled by multiple systemic
. The Our Gender Revolution youth framework explores concepts of gender, inequality, and a vision of the world to end oppression and violence and engages young people as social change agents. On this webinar, presenters from the Idaho Coalition will highlight the 2017 We Choose All of Us campaign for National Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month that directly addresses the current climate of hate and violence in our schools and communities as a model for promoting youth-driven activism for social transformation. The 2017 We Choose All of Us campaign will be available for order and use during Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month and beyond.