Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP

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July 20, 2022 | Volume 13 | Issue 29
Stir, shake or blend: A comparison of methods used to reduce viscosity of Blenderized tube feedings (BTFs)
“Blenderized tube feeding (BTF) refers to formula composed of whole foods and purees blended to a consistency that can be administered through an enteral feeding device”. BTFs have become increasingly popular as an enteral feeding option for both children and adult patients. BTFs can be home-prepared, however commercially prepared ones have several advantages including ease of preparation, simplicity of transport, the ability to be used in schools and hospitals while also reducing gastrointestinal symptoms, hospitalization rates and improving quality of life.
Though a higher viscosity feed appears to result in less reflux/respiratory illness, it poses challenges when being administered through an enteral feeding tube.

A study of a variety of commercially available BTFs compared changes in viscosity associated with stirring, shaking or blenderizing.

“The viscosity of BTFs’ is independent of stirring or shaking (blenderizing produces variable results) which change depending on the percent of water by volume added to the formula, as well as the presence of additional non-food ingredients.”
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At the completion of this activity, participants are expected to: [1] Understand general definitions, [2] Learn about the International Classification of Function Model, [3] Review the Disability Laws, [4] Understand the role of Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation providers.
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