Rev Sally Fritsche
Sunday, June 19
10:15 am at UUCUC
and via livestream
UUA General Assembly
Sunday, June 26
11:30 am at UUCUC
and via livestream
Please be sure to check the service description each week and double check for the sign on Sunday mornings indicating whether RE is available during that week's service.
Please send your joys or sorrows to joysandsorrows@uucuc.org any time before the Joys and Sorrows portion of the service. They will be read aloud.
Join our online Zoom Fellowship Hour after the service on Sundays (immediately following the service).
Join us at 11:30 (or immediately following the service) for an in-person fellowship with coffee, beverages, and treats in the Fellowship Hall.
As of Thursday, June 16, 2022, the COVID-19 transmission level in Champaign County is MEDIUM. That means masks will be welcomed in UUCUC's building for all activities. Please visit this link for UUCUC's current COVID Safety Guidelines.
Your contributions and support allow us to continue to respond with love and resources to the needs in our congregation and the wider community. We couldn’t do it without your support and we are grateful to each of you.

  • Online Donations
  • If you prefer mailing a check, please mail the check to the UUCUC office at 309 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801.
Bookmark our UUCUC Events and UUCUC Calendar webpage for future reference.
Sunday, June 19: 11:30-2:00

Celebrate the arrival of summer with a Potluck picnic lunch and all-ages field day at UUCUC, right after church on Sunday June 12th. We’ll have food, games, art, and colorful prizes to win and wear!

Take a moment to visit our NEW Planned Giving page!

You can find information about naming UUCUC as a beneficiary of your estate, making a gift now, and our bequest intention form.
RE&E NEEDS VOLUNTEERS - RE&E is looking for volunteers, please sign up to help.
Please consider donating to the Little Free Pantries run by Julie Laut (Urbana) and AJ Herzog (Champaign), which they have maintained year-round since March 2020. Their Amazon wish list has been updated to include unique summer items. The wishlist can be sorted to identify high priority items. All orders sent through Amazon are delivered to Julie's house and split between the two pantries. You are also welcome to drop off items in person at both locations. Questions? Contact Julie (jlaut@hushmail.com) or AJ (zogs92@gmail.com).
JOYS AND SORROWS sent to joysandsorrows@uucuc.org for last Sunday, June 12, 2022.

From Samuel Beshers: For those offering this service, and that we are able to have such a service.

From Jerry Carden: A candle of sorrow for Prof. Kathryn Oberdeck. Kathy lost her struggle with cancer last Wednesday. She taught her classes into the middle of the semester when she had to take medical leave. Kathy was the professor for History Harvest that started us on the journey to document the AIDS quilt panels. She became a good friend during the process.

From Gail Cohen: Kathy Robinson, you're on my mind more than you know. Keep fighting. The world needs your poetry.

From David Gross: Yesterday was the 56th wedding anniversary for David and Claudia.

From Jim & Sandy Hannum: Tomorrow (June 13) is our son's 43rd birthday. Happy birthday, Jeff!

From Brienne Hayes: After two years of being unemployed, I finally found a job that pays a living wage with coworkers who accept me for who I am.

From Ren Herzog: Grateful for family, blood and found, and community for the support these past couple of years. I am now 9.5 months on hormone replacement therapy and I can say without a doubt it is so worth it. LGBT+ healthcare saves lives.

From The Herzogs: We are so grateful for this UUCUC community for supporting our LGBTQ kiddo and all of us on this journey of self discovery + growth. May we all continue to fight for, welcome, and support all our children.

From Umeeta Sadarangani: Holding close the parents losing children to hunger in Somalia. Gratitude for this service.
Please send your joys or sorrows to joysandsorrows@uucuc.org any time before the Joys and Sorrows portion of the service. They will be read aloud.
UUCUC Social Action Offering. Each month a selected organization is chosen to receive offerings from our congregation. You may donate to the social action offering for the month in one of the following ways:

A Quest for Justice
Beginning in 2005, the Concerned Citizens of Carbondale gained attention when residents made their case for a full remediation of the Koppers site to the US EPA and the City of Carbondale. Because the northeast side of Carbondale is a historically Black, segregated community, they feared that environmental racism would influence their plea. Environmental racism manifests itself in policy, practice or directives that expose people of color to environmental hazards.

Sadly, the community’s call for accountability for over 100 years of exposure to toxins has gone largely unanswered. Concerned Citizens of Carbondale believe this is because the City is attempting to redevelop the property, and add it back to their tax base. Imposing additional requirements for cleanup affects their ability to attract new businesses. Concerned Citizens of Carbondale also remain skeptical of the effectiveness of cleanup by the US EPA. Most recently, after public pressure, the agency discovered deadly dioxin and furan compounds on 15.8 acres of the Koppers site had not been fully remediated. They required 8.4 acres to be excavated and removed to a landfill, but allowed the remaining 7.4 acres to be covered with 12 inches of soil. Calls for additional testing south of the plant’s boundary fence have gone unanswered from the EPA and Carbondale, who say the site is remediated. However, residents who live near the site believe otherwise. The Concerned Citizens of Carbondale is asking for a complete study of the area’s soil profile, because liquid creosote could be in bands 2 to 12 inches wide in the soil several feet deep. Read More
During the month of April, our shared offering was able to raise $1898.50 that was donated to R.A.C.E.S.

RACES is the only agency dedicated to serving the needs of survivors of sexual violence in Champaign, Ford, Piatt and Douglas Counties. RACES provides counseling, court advocacy, medical advocacy, and runs a 24 hour Rape Crisis Hotline. Pre-pandemic, the agency provided counseling and advocacy services to more than 225 survivors of sexual assault each year, including supporting more than 75 people annually during the hospital medical exam and evidence collection process. RACES’ services are attuned to the needs of survivors from historically marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ individuals.
Next eNews: June 23, 2022
Last day for content: Tuesday, June 21 by 5pm at the latest.

Don't forget to publicize your meeting/event!

Please send your submittals to pubs@uucuc.org and not to the admin email.
Regular Church Office Hours
Closed until further notice
Church Office
(217) 384-8862
Rev. Karen Bush
Interim Lead Minister
Rev. Sally Fritsche
Associate Minister for Congregational Life
Juan Camacho
Brian Franklin
Director of Business Administration admin@uucuc.org
Benjamin Hanson
Choir Director
Jamie Jones
Office Assistant
Avalon Ruby
A/V Technician & RE Assistant
Rose St. Clair
Religious Educator
Adrienne Summerlot
Consulting Director, Religious Exploration & Engagement
Tim Voelker
Facilities Manager