March 28, 2022
Credo/ Moving the Needle Update
Dear Assumption Faculty and Staff,

Thank you for your continued support of the Credo, Moving the Needle (MTN) project, the five-year retention and student success initiative to enhance the student experience at Assumption. 
As we begin the campus work in the four focus areas (listed below), I wanted to share with you a list of the team members. Please feel free to reach out to these individuals with your ideas and feedback. The University is grateful to these individuals for dedicating their time to this important work. Their collective work to enhance the student experience at Assumption will have an immediate, long-lasting, and significant impact on student success and persistence to graduation.  

you can find the recording here.  (Passcode, Assumption1!)
Through your continued input and participation, the University will enhance the student experience, empower our students to thrive in their undergraduate experience, and conclude their academic journey with graduation from Assumption.

Francesco C. Cesareo, Ph.D.

MTN Project Leads

Conway Campbell, Ed.D. and Mary Bresnahan

MTN Modules and Co-Chairs

Co-Chairs: Jessica McCready, Ph.D. and Eloise Knowlton, Ph.D.

ALANA, First-Generation and Campus Environment
Co-Chairs: John Bell, Ph.D. and Amy Hurley

Business of Being a Student
Co-Chairs: Michael Matraia, CPA, JD and Monica Blondin

First-Year Experience
Co-Chairs: Sam Stoner, Ph.D. and Sara Swillo Muckian
500 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA, 01609  (508) 767-7000