April 7, 2021
A Message from Rev. Paula
Beloved Community,

Happy Easter! It feels good to know that "Happy Easter!" is an appropriate greeting until the Day of Pentecost (May 23rd this year). It's a good reminder that Easter is more than a single day remembering a historical event. Easter is an ongoing celebration for Easter people like us. It is a reminder that the promise of new life is real and that the love and grace of God transcend all manner of death and loss. Each and every day - actually all day each and every day - we get to choose to live our faith and to trust that God is working in and through us and all things.

There's a lot going on this week after a beautiful Holy Week and joy-filled Easter so I'm going to keep this message short and end with the poem I read at the end of my Easter sermon. It is something I wrote a couple of years ago.

The Paradox of the Tomb

The empty tomb is not really empty.
It is full of the love of God for all people. 
It is full of the promise from God to all people. 
It is full of the life given for and to us.
It is full of the Easter message
that with God, all things are possible.

Peace & Blessings,

A Staff Transition
I share with you the bittersweet news that our wonderful parish administrator, Doreen Schindler, is moving on to a new position. Her last day with us is Friday, April 23rd.

The bitter part of this news is that we will miss the generous heart and warm hospitality with which Doreen shared her considerable skill and talents with us. I honestly don't know how we would have managed this past year without her. The sweet part of this news is that Doreen was recruited for a full-time position that will enable her to achieve some of her personal goals while also allowing her to share her skills and talents with a local arboretum.

Though I will miss her, I am happy for her and her family, that she has this exciting new opportunity. I am truly grateful for the time she has spent with us and the ways she has grown the parish administrator position since she joined us in December 2018, ways we now consider essential to our ministry. I said earlier that I cannot imagine this past year without her, which is only part of story. She and I arrived at St. Stephen's at around the same time, and supported each other as we got to know all of you and the ways we live our faith. I don't know St. Stephen's without Doreen, though I trust that the Spirit will help us to meet and welcome a new parish administrator, not to fill Doreen's shoes but to join us and build on the solid foundation Doreen leaves for us.

The Vestry and I will be talking about our recruitment plan at our meeting on Sunday and the official postings will be done early next week. In the meantime, if you know of anyone who might be interested in the position and who is not a member of the parish, please let me know.


St. Stephen's News
Sunday, April 25, 10 - 11:30 AM
St. Stephen's will host its annual meeting and Sunday worship on April 25th. All vestry members and/or ministry coordinators should provide Doreen with a report/yearly summary for 2020. Please email the report by Thursday, April 15th. Thank you!

Thank you to all who donated to the gift card collection for Family Promise families this Easter. The St. Stephen's congregation continues to be extremely generous during this difficult time of COVID and these families are truly grateful for the hospitality that has been shown to them during this trying time. Thanks to your generosity we raised $850!

Friday, April 16, 4 - 8 PM
Order a delicious meal from Panera in Millburn (722 Morris Turnpike) on Friday, April 16 between 4 and 8 PM, and 20% will be donated back to St. Stephen's Church!

Bring the Panera flyer to the cafe (or a digital version on your phone) to ensure that St. Stephen's receives the donation from your purchase. If you'd prefer to order online, please use code PRFUND.

Thank you for your support and feel free to share the flyer with friends and family!

The flyer can be found on the St. Stephen's website here and on the church calendar. We will also be posting it on Facebook. If you would like a copy of the flyer emailed to you, please email the parish office.

We have a NEW Zoom passcode for St. Stephen's: SSM119

This passcode should be used for Sunday Worship, Coffee Hour and Reading with the Rector.

We've added a new Essex County COVID link below in our Important Links section of the newsletter. These links provided by the Essex County Health Commission provide information in terms of access to the vaccine and social services, mental health support, and financial assistance. Again, your local health department is a prime resource that you can reach out to, as well as the resources that are listed.

You can also access the information via our website under Bulletins and Resources. (Scroll to the bottom of the website page for Covid resources.)
Connection & Common Worship
WORSHIP, Sundays, 10 AM
Live-streamed to YouTube, Facebook, and via Zoom. Bulletins are available on the St. Stephen's website. All links can be found at the bottom of the newsletter. NEW Zoom passcode is SSM119.

To call in, dial by your location:
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 864 1664 1640
Passcode: SSM119

The Sunday service will also be broadcast on HTTV (Comcast TV 36 and Verizon TV 33) on Tuesday at 6 AM and 3 PM.

Sundays at 12 PM via Zoom

Link is at the bottom of this newsletter.

To call in, dial by your location:
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 895 5857 6382

Sunday, April 11, 1 PM

Our next book selection is Jesus and the Disinherited by African-American minister, theologian, and civil rights leader Howard Thurman. In the book, Thurman interprets the teachings of Jesus through the experience of the oppressed and discusses nonviolent responses to oppression. The book developed out of a series of lectures that Thurman presented at Samuel Huston College in Austin, Texas, during April 1948.

The book is available through Amazon, Target and Cokesbury, as well as other book outlets.
From Bishop Hughes & The Episcopal Church
Holy Week/Easter

Sign up to get e-newsletters and important announcements directly from diocesan headquarters. Find out more and subscribe here.

May 13, 6:30-8:30 PM
Bishop Hughes is inviting our congregation to join her on May 13th to reflect on what we, our churches, and our communities have learned and experienced as we have adjusted to the changes this time has demanded of us. Please mark your calendar to save this date!

Please note: Spanish language interpretation will be provided in real time for the meetings held on 3/13 and 4/15. It does not matter what region you are in. If you need this service, please let us know so you can register for one of these dates.
Faithful Outreach
June 19 & August 7
St. Stephen's has confirmed these dates to provide 150 lunches-to-go for Christine's Kitchen. Details and any updates will be forthcoming as we get closer. In the meantime please mark your calendar to save the dates. Thank you!

Collection bins are located outside the Narthex doors in the parking lot. Donations can be dropped off at any time.

Apostles' House needs: canned goods and non-perishable food items. 

North Porch is in URGENT need of Enfamil Infant Formula 12.5 oz containers (yellow label), baby wipes, and diapers size 4, 5, and 6.

Online Donations - If you are unable to drop off items at the church, and would like to contribute, you can make purchases and/or donations directly to these organizations at the following links:

North Porch Donation Link
The Apostles' House Donation Link

Cross Roads Camp & Retreat Center
A time of spiritual renewal one Wednesday a month from 10 AM - 12 PM. Upcoming dates: May 5 & June 2.

For details and to register, visit the Cross Roads link at the bottom of the newsletter.

Teen and Youth Ministries
Pop Up is a welcoming ministry of the Diocese of Newark bringing together youth for fun activities, community, and faith formation. All youth grades 6-12 are encouraged to join the monthly events. Follow YM on Instagram and Facebook at @popupym.

Life Is Sweet!
Sunday, April, 11, 3 PM
Grab some cookies and make sure you join us this Sunday for our next event!

The type of cookie is completely up to you but we recommend a classic sugar cookie without any sort of decoration because we will spend time together decorating our cookies. Have frosting on hand and maybe some other goodies you could use as decoration!

Registration is now open!
Click here to read the current Cross Roads Summer Camp newsletter.
Resources During Covid
There are many, many resources available to parishes and individuals to help sustain our faith practices during this unprecedented time. We have moved the list to our website here. This is by no means a complete list, though it does cover many areas of need.
St. Stephen's Prayer List
Please keep the following St. Stephen's family members and friends in your prayers...

Ian Janeczko, Peggy Thompson, Felder Dorn, Hailey Rose Fout, Donna Riggi, Blanchard Family, McManus Family, Bernard & Nathan, Fitzgerald Family, Lucille B., Jack Moreno, Jim Freeman, Grisette B., The May Family, Sue K., Walter Fields, Alexandra Shuss, Addie Cassar, Mary Jo Zarance
Sunday Lectionary
April 11, 2021 with Baptism!

Acts 4:32-35
Psalm 133
John 20:19-31
Giving with Tithe.ly
Giving with Tithe.ly is easy with options for recurring donations or one-time use for when you are away or not able to be in church (like all of us now due to COVID restrictions).

You can access Tithe.ly via their website or their app on your smart phone. Be sure to search for the correct account - "St. Stephen's Church Millburn." Once you have accessed the account page with our address, you will be instructed to follow the prompts.
Office Notes
Due to COVID restrictions, only teachers and staff are allowed to be in the building during school hours. If you need to visit the parish office/building for any reason, please contact us for an appointment. Thank you.
Important Links
Zoom Links
Links for Sunday Worship Live-Stream & Social Media
Website Links
Other Social Media Links
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
119 Main Street, Millburn, NJ 07041

Parish Administrator, Doreen Schindler
973.376.0688, Ext. 32

Rector, The Rev. Paula J. Toland
973.376.0688, Ext. 21

Fax: 973.376.4002
Website: ststephensmillburn.org


Director: Nancy Siracusa
Phone: 973.376.3534, Ext. 20