Holy Cross
Episcopal Church
Weekly E-blast
Our Mission:
“Making Christ Visible in
God’s Community”
Announcements & Upcoming events
We have Lenten Devotionals that will be available for pick up beginning this Sunday. They will be described in the announcements at the service if you are watching virtually. If you would like a devotional mailed to you, send Jennifer an email and she will get one out to you.

The Devotionals that we have every year from the Episcopal Relief and Development are not available in print this year. They have released a digital link for the PDF. You can also sign-up for a daily email from them. The PDF links are below in English and Spanish. If you would like one printed just email Jennifer for that as well.

Thank you!


You may click the above link or follow the one below.

Topic: The Way of Love Book Study
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 6537 2864
Passcode: wayoflove

We have a few books available in the office. Or you can get a copy from amazon. They also have a digital copy on amazon for your Kindle or Kindle App. Please contact Jennifer if you need help getting a book.
Holy Cross,

As many of you noticed over the last few months a small free food pantry was installed at the back of our parking lot (where the bus once was). Sadly as of this morning Wednesday Feb 24th, the pantry has been removed. The creators of "The Little Free Pantry-Golden Strip" and Holy Cross have faced some difficult issues with vandalism, possible abuse of the pantry and negativity on social media. For these reasons we came to a mutual agreement that the pantry would be removed from the Holy Cross property. We are sad to see something that has been a great addition for our community have to be removed but in the circumstances this was the best option presented by the group.
As of now the other 2 pantries are still open, but we are unsure of how long that will be.

Thank you to everyone that pitched in and helped stock the pantry.

Jennifer Hellams
The bulletin for every Sunday will be sent out via Eblast on Fridays.
POWER PACKS is starting to collect food and monetary donations!!


With the kids going back to 5 days a week school Power Packs has been asked to start providing our sponsored kids from last year with food bags.
Contact Jennifer Hellams
secretary@holycrossep.org with any questions!
Collections will be different you can drop it off at the church or arrange for Jennifer to come get it from your porch. As always we take donations with the memo line marked power packs or through our online giving link.
IRS Stimulus Payment info..
Please read the article linked below. If you have not received your stimulus payment you need to claim it on your taxes so you will get it in the form of a tax return. If you DO NOT normally file taxes you must do so for 2020 in order to get your Stimulus payment!

Thank you Noreen Smith for sharing this information.
If you have questions about this post you may email Noreen at rjnoreen@bellsouth.net

With social Distancing strongly recommended and our odd office hours we are asking everyone to send their pledge checks to the church P.O. Box.
Holy Cross
P.O. Box 187
Simpsonville, SC 29681

You can also contribute online through My Holy Cross. If you need any help with this please contact Jennifer Hellams and she will walk you through.

Please continue to give as you can.
New counseling service offered by
Holy Cross
We are proud to announce that Bobbie Godwin has agreed to offer counseling services to Holy Cross members for a reduced fee of only $50 per hour. Bobbie is a SC Licensed Professional Counselor and SC Licensed Addictions Counselor with over 20 years of experience.
You can schedule an appointment with Ms. Godwin by contacting her directly at 843-287-3760. Due to the current covid-19 pandemic, sessions will be held outside at our pavilion or in the Meeting Hall with masks and appropriate social distancing.
If you would like to submit anything for the weekly

announcements please email
[864-967-7470]  [secretary@holycrossep.org]  [holycrossep.org]