Northwood School Laker

March 25, 2022

Technology News

We have been learning about machine language and the different numbering systems used by computers (Octal, Hex, and Binary). I teach binary to help students understand the simple on/off characters the computer uses to learn instructions and programming. It is mostly just a fun little puzzle activity. The message below uses binary code matched to ASCII (text) letters. See if you can decode it to read the message. (HINT:Try this converter.)


If you are wondering about the strange equation above, it is actually correct in binary.

 -Mr. Robert



Kindergarten Screening/Registration

May 18, 2022

News from Kindergarten

In kindergarten we have just finished learning how to subtract in our math unit and have begun learning life science.  We have been very busy discovering quotation marks and practicing writing our sight words.

Some Friday fun with shaving cream to show off our spelling skills!

From the Sunshine Committee

Meals Information

School & Community News


Important Dates

March 29 - Report cards sent home

April 6 - Spring picture day

April 13 - School Board meeting, 6:30

April 25 - 29 - April vacation

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