This October, dozens of Rhode Island Historic District Commission members and staff, as well as RIHPHC and Statewide Planning staff went to CAMP in Warwick. The Commission Assistance and Mentoring Program (CAMP) was presented by preservation planners Amber Stimpson and Chris Skelly on behalf of the National Association of Preservation Commissions (NAPC).
We met in Warwick’s Sawtooth Building—also known as the Apponaug Mill—for presentations on Preservation Planning, Alternative Materials, Secretary’s Standards and Local Guidelines, Public Outreach and Community Engagement, the Role of the Commissioner, and Violations and Enforcement.
Attendees were engaged and inspired—and they fulfilled their new 3-hour training requirement for members of municipal land use boards. Thanks to our partners at Rhode Island Statewide Planning, NAPC, and the City of Warwick.