Bishop's Dispensation from Attending Mass to Expire
Bishop Estévez has announced that the general dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligations for Catholics in the Diocese of St. Augustine will expire on the Vigil of Pentecost, Saturday, May 22, 2021.

There will remain some dispensations for the faithful who may find themselves in specific circumstances.

Details of these particular dispensations and masking are attached to Bishop's letter.
"The use of face coverings shall continue until public health guidance suggests otherwise. With guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and other public health agencies, we have learned much about the disease and how it spreads. It appears that close contact with infected persons poses the most significant risk. Contagion from other sources has proven negligible and is preventable by good personal hygiene, social distancing, and face coverings." 
More information may be found at :: 352-332-6279 ::