Dear TBZ community:
What a wonderful celebration we had last night!
I was a bit nervous about how to bring the joy and celebration we usually have in our Sanctuary to a virtual event! In addition it was one year ago, one Purim ago, that was the very last time we were physically together in the Sanctuary.
Even a year ago Purim, and the world, was getting a bit strange. We were cleaning the microphones with wipes every time we passed them around. Many folks came dressed as Purell dispensers and the sanctuary was half empty. No one knew really what was coming. We didn’t know that the upside-downness of Purim would become the reality in our lives.
Here we are a year later and we have learned many things. We have learned about masks and social distancing and fear and courage, and most importantly we have learned that when we have community - even when we are physically distant, yet spiritually together - we can deal with the upside-downness of the world in ways we never imagined possible.
Parshat Tetzaveh focuses mostly on the making of the garments of the Kohen Gadol (the High Priest). The word used in the Torah for the designers, for the skilful artists who make these garments (and the tabernacle too) is חַכְמֵי־לֵ֔ב- Chochmei Lev - Wise of Heart! The Torah teaches us that skillfulness comes from the heart and my hope is that after a year we can all feel our hearts growing wiser and filling with openness. We have learned that it is LOVE, and community, and connection that keeps us strong.
What I love about Purim is its gift of silliness, lightness and playfulness even in the midst of fear. It is a story with complex messages and this year, more than ever, we need to allow ourselves to laugh and dance in the midst of complex times.
There are four Mitzvot we fulfil, during Purim:
Megillah (the listening of the Megillah, which we fulfilled yesterday joyfully)
Mishte (a banquet, or a celebratory meal, (this year perhaps a little more difficult to do with others, but have some celebratory moment at your meal today!)
Matanot L’evyonim (gifts to the most needy)
Mishloach Manot (gifts that we send to our friends and community)
This year, THESE LAST TWO Mitzvot were amazingly fulfilled by our community, thanks to Meryl Finkel and Joel Feldman who organized our Mishloach manot and Matanot L'evyonim Campaign! Meryl and Joel organized the delivery of Mishloach Manot to ALL TBZ members! With the help of 27 TBZ households that drove all around town bringing the goodies to our homes! And as of the writing of this we have raised a total of $15,618 ($13,822 for Yad Chessed and $1,796 to TBZ to defray the costs of the fundraiser/purim bag expenses). We partner with Yad Chessed each year at Purim to support their work providing emergency financial assistance to Jewish people in need while preserving the dignity of each person. They distribute funds to help people with food, medical expenses, shelter and other essentials. We are always honored to partner with Yad Chessed on Purim.
(Thank you to all our drivers: Mark Barnett & Katherine Gergen Barnett, Joshua & Rebecca & Jonah Blouwolff, Katherine & Gilead Ellin, Samuel & Anne & Isaac Engel, Jon Pollack & Fiona Epstein, Joel Feldman & Meryl Finkel & Lyazzat Feldman, David Kaplan & Sarah Fendrick, Jonathan Frankel, Carol & Michael Glass, Jill Greenberg, Mitchel, Beth Harris & Rachel Harris. Barbara Katz, Dan Kirschner & Sue Kahn, Larry Kraus, Mica Kraus & Sara Smolover, Michael & Ellen Krause-Grosman, Steve Lewis, Arnold & Aileen Maltz, Mickey & Aimee Salins, Edward Devos & Judith Schechtman, Enid Shulman, Beverly Sky, Deb Stang. Eddie & Sandy Taub, Stewart & Elanah Uretsky, Amit & Barrie Wheeler. Aaron & Tamar Winter)
Yesterday’s celebrations began at the Cleveland Circle reservoir. Many came and joined the windy and cold gathering, including President Joe Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris and Lady Gaga herself! (plus many monsters from Sesame Street!). Our outdoor celebration was followed by our Purim Rocking Megillah on Zoom.
A few videos and pictures are highlighted below.
With blessing for a shabbat that we can carry some of this simcha of Purim.
May this Shabbat bring renewal and blessings to all of you and your loved ones..
May we find strength, courage, and patience, and open our hearts with generosity.
May all those who are ill find healing.
May we have a joyful and restful Shabbat!
Shabbat Shalom & still Chag Sameach!