It's always nice when everything goes right! The students remember their lines and all the tech hits together: lights, music, mics, backdrops!

However, some of my favorite moments are when students find themselves in situations they weren't expecting and handle it with flair! Hades waited how long for the Evil Queen to appear? (A difficult costume change took more time than expected.) She made up a perfect excuse, "Sorry, I had apples that needed poisoning." A perfect excuse! Until both of them, onstage, realized her next line is supposed to be offering that very same... now poisoned apple... to Hades!

Or in Adventures of Neverland, it took more time than expected to change from a pirate to Mrs. Darling, so Mr. Darling and the little Darlings navigated the scene without her for a while. She finally got onstage... "Oh, up from your nap!"

Oh, I love live theatre!

For the cast parties, Nathan got us a draft of the final shows. It usually takes a few weeks for the final edits to come in. When they do, it's a simple download to get the shows and cast photos!

We will keep you posted.