April 2022 Edition
Announcing our Inaugural RBHS Clinical Trials Office Newsletter!
Hello, RBHS clinical research teams! Welcome to the very first edition of the RBHS Clinical Trials Office Newsletter! There is so much happening in the world of clinical research at Rutgers and beyond these days that we thought it would be helpful to create an easy mechanism to share news that is important to all of us. Regularly discussed content include OnCore, Deep6, ClinCard, EPIC, and more! We truly want this to be a helpful resource to our community, as well as a way to connect you all with one another. We very much welcome your comments and suggestions – please drop us a line with your thoughts at
Upcoming Events
Research Resources Workshop Wednesday (R2W2) Series

Wednesday, April 13th, 2022
4:00 - 5:00 pm

Topic: Clinical Trial Resources

Join the conversation about demystifying decentralized clinical trials!

Thursday, April 14th, 2022
1:00 - 2:30 pm

Understand important insights to operationalizing decentralized clinical trials from key stakeholders implementing them during the COVID-19 pandemic

Regulatory Cafe

Monday, April 18th, 2022
12:00 - 1:00 pm

Do you need help with?

  • Human subjects protection
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Vulnerable populations (children, prisoners, pregnant women, etc.)
  • Other regulatory issues

Deep6 Update: RWJMS Inpatient data is now live! For Deep6 requests: Click here
RWJMS Corner
EPIC Reminder: EPIC Go Live for wave 3 is June 4th, 2022.

EPIC Update: Citrix (VPN) will be required to access EPIC while working outside of RWJUH. More info can be found here
New Mandatory Review Requirement for Investigator-Initiated Trials
NJACTS has formed a Scientific Review Board to provide support to investigators seeking to conduct investigator-initiated clinical trials. Its mission is to assure that clinical studies at RBHS are of the highest quality by providing support to RBHS faculty and helping them improve their prospects of funding.
RBHS Faculty who are planning an investigator-initiated trial are urged to begin working with the SRB as early as possible in the process, so that we can assure that we are providing critical resources (such protocol design, regulatory assistance, statistical support, etc.) when they are needed most.

Interested study teams may reach out to begin working with the SRB via this link:
OnCore Quick Tip:
Did you know that OnCore has a dedicated space to store your study EDC website? No more bookmarks or emails back and forth between colleagues. You can save the link in PC Console any time!
New Brunswick Inpatient and Outpatient Data Now Available
The Deep6 feasibility and recruitment tool now also includes inpatient records for Robert Wood Johnson Hospital New Brunswick. Through collaboration with RWJBH, the Deep6 tool includes EMR data from most inpatient and outpatient New Brunswick practices. In the coming months, data from additional RWJBH & Rutgers locations will become available. As a reminder, aggregate feasibility counts are available at no charge to the study team. To request a Deep6 assessment, go to: For additional information on Deep6, visit the RBHS CTO website
If you want your favorite pet featured in the next newsletter, reach out to us via
Clinical Research Pet of the Month
This month is all about Sam Lee's best friend, Bear!

Bear is a one and half year-old COVID puppy rescued from Home at Last rescue in the Philly burbs. His littermate was DNA tested and he was found to have be part Pit Bull, Labrador, Chow, and “SuperMutt”.

He is the largest of the 12 pups in the litter. Whenever there’s a littermate get together he and his siblings immediately know each other and play rough. In other situations, he’s very docile and is the quietest dog in the neighborhood full of dogs.

He whines until he’s taken out for a walk during the lunchtime hour and will pout if a lunchtime walk is skipped due to weather or lunchtime meetings. He has a stripe of short glossy hair along his spine but retains his fluffy fur from his Chow lineage along the rest of his body.