Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, February 9, 2024

Dear Saint Mark Family,


God’s grace and peace be with you.


This past Sunday we welcome six new members into our Saint Mark family and the life of our church. We will be welcoming two more this Sunday. I encourage you to welcome these new members when you see them. Reach out to them, and let each of them know how glad we are that they are a part of this great family.


Earlier in January, I encouraged you to make it your goal for this year to be present in worship at least 90% of the time, which would be approximately 47 Sundays. I encouraged you to receive it as a loving challenge, and even to make it a fun competition between your Sunday School classes and Bible Study groups. I pointed out that you are truly missed when you are not in worship, likening it to an empty chair at the dinner table.


Over the past few Sundays it has been simply wonderful, and such a joy to see so many of you showing up for worship. Quite a number of you have shared that you are also excited to see more persons in worship, and to see new faces each week. Some of you have pointed out how exciting it is to see that the young adults have taken over the 3 back pews in the middle. Others have shared that there is a new energy in worship. Some of you have also shared that you welcome the invitation, and will make the effort to show up and be present.


Saint Mark, the truth is that when you are present it is noticed, as it is when you are absent. Your presence makes a profound impact on our worship experience. Jesus tells us, “where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them,” and I believe this with all my heart. Where the people of God are gathered in Christ’s name, the Spirit is present. And where the Spirit is present there is a stirring and a dynamism that create a God-saturated atmosphere. I encourage you to continue showing up, to continue being present, to continue gathering with your church family, and let us experience together the present presence of the Lord God.


Next week Wednesday, February 14, is Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of Lent. The Lenten season is a period of 40 days in which Christians enter a time of spiritual preparation - through fasting, prayer, worship and other spiritual practices - as we journey towards Easter. Our Lenten Theme for this year is “The Way of the Cross.” Throughout the season we will examine Jesus’ ministry - from his baptism at the Jordan to his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, to his trial and final day on the cross.


There will be a variety of spiritual offerings that you and your family and loved ones can participate in during the season. Our 2024 Lenten Devotional will be published online and shared by email, and will include daily spiritual invitations to draw you deeper in your faith journey. We will be hosting interviews during Wednesday Night Suppers with different guests on their most practiced/favorite spiritual disciplines. There will also be multiple Bible and Book Studies offered. On Good Friday, we will join Grace House, Lutheran Redeemer, and All Saints’ Episcopal for an ecumenical Stations of the Cross Walk in Midtown. These are just some of the spiritual enrichment opportunities that will be available for you to participate in throughout the season.


On Ash Wednesday, Pastor Andy and I will be doing Imposition of Ashes on the church terrace on Peachtree Street from 7:00am to 8:30am, and from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. We invite you to come on out and get your ashes imposed before the start of your work/school day, or later in the day. We will then have our Ash Wednesday service at 6:30pm, following Wednesday night supper. We encourage you to come on out, and let us worship God together.


This Sunday, Rev. Dr. Byron Thomas, Superintendent of the Central South District, will be our guest preacher at both services. We welcome Rev. Thomas, and look forward to having him at Saint Mark.


Also, this Sunday will also be our Chili Cook Off. I must confess, from the types of Chilis I have heard that will be prepared, I am looking forward to sampling all of them. It will begin after the 9am service and continue after the 11am service, where the winner and the 2nd and 3rd runner ups will be announced. Come on and sample, and enjoy the culinary skills of your Saint Mark family.


I look forward to seeing each of you, and worshiping God with you this Sunday.


God’s grace and fullness,

Pastor Carolyn.

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