Sharing News gathered in September 2021
One Health Happenings
One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared monthly by the
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The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the
official position of the One Health Commission.
COVID-19 Pandemic Related News
'See over 250 popular media OpEds, Commentaries, Podcasts and other media about the coronavirus pandemic that mention and/or call for One Health by name or theory ......... because popular media is read by the 'public'. Be sure to click on both 2020 and 2021 to fully appreciate the number of items that have been published around the world.
You can bring this exhibit to your region!!!
For those who can get to Washington, D.C.,
The National Museum of Natural History is open now for in-person visits!
Narrative Commentary by Dr. Suzanne Kennedy-Stoskopf
......"In general, pigs, chickens, cats, and dogs show mild respiratory or enteric signs once coronavirus is endemic. ....... One of my (human epidemiology) classmates spoke out and questioned why we needed
to know anything about coronaviruses since they did not cause serious disease problems in people. ...... The second part of his
comment was that they only were a big issue for animals. All eyes turned to me. I was the only
veterinarian in the class. I just shrugged and said, “Just wait.”..... What is exciting for me as a veterinarian is to learn that feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a disease caused by a coronavirus that was 100% fatal in cats when I graduated from veterinary school, can now be treated successfully with combined anti-viral therapies similar and sometime identical to the drugs used to treat COVID patients..... As with HIV, SARS-CoV-2 will probably be easier to treat than prevent."
A $5,000 USD One Health Scholarship is available to a graduate student in wildlife biology, epidemiology, veterinary, medical, public health, basic or social sciences or other post-graduate program focusing on the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment using a One Health framework. Funds will be awarded in November 2021. Application Deadline October 10, 2021.
June 8-9, 2021
NAS Virtual workshop
Hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, this workshop provided a venue for experts in infectious diseases, environmental health, and data science from government, academia, and the private sector to examine current knowledge about the environment–infectious disease interface and to explore how this knowledge can be used to inform public health decisions. The workshop report is now available.
September 5, 2021
One Health Tripartite developing a ‘Call for Action on One Health'
The world has the opportunity to bolster collective and collaborative methods to prevent future pandemics through a universal, inclusive One Health approach, Italy’s Minister for Health, Roberto Speranza, and QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), said at the G20 Health Ministers Meeting held in Rome. “We want to invest in the ‘One Health’ approach, that is, considering humans, animals and the environment as a whole ecosystem, in order to respond to the health emergencies of today and tomorrow”. He spoke on behalf of FAO and also in his capacity as Chair of the Tripartite for One Health, a consortium also including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). ……The Tripartite has proposals on how to fund One Health objectives rapidly that can contribute to a joint ministerial meeting of G20 Finance and Health Ministers in October 2021, he added. The Tripartite has supported the G20 to develop a Call for Action on One Health as part of its current development of a Global Action Plan for One Health with the guidance of its newly established One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP)…… It is expected, with the Tripartite’s participation, to result in a G20 Health Call to Action to bolster One Health resilience, which will build on and steer pledges on equitable vaccine access and efforts to contain antimicrobial resistance made in the Rome Declaration by G20 Health Ministers when they met in May 2021.
One Health is mentioned 17 times in items 5-23. A few excerpts:
5. “Within this context, linkages between human and animal health, the effects across One Health related to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), food systems, and environmental health, including climate change, ecosystem degradation, increased encroachment into natural systems and loss of biodiversity should be addressed through the One Health approach, leveraging and relying upon the technical leadership and coordinating role of the WHO, FAO, OIE and UNEP”
8. We identified key actions by focusing on the following four priority areas: healthy and sustainable recovery; building One Health resilience; coordinated and collaborative response; and accessible vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics......We highlight the need to build a strong, trans-disciplinary, holistic One Health approach with political commitment for long-term investment.
September 21, 2021
One Health is referenced 8 times in this report published by the Stimson Center Global Justice and Security Program ahead of the UN General Assembly meeting September 14 - 30, 2021:
Pages 10-11, 11. Create a Multisectoral Coordination Mechanism (MCM) as a tool for governments to operationalize the World Health Organization’s “One Health” guidelines on climate-related threats to public health and human-animal-environmental interdependence.
- ……To effectively tackle such threats to public health, an impressive array of global institutions— [including the WHO, the UN FAO, the OIE, UNICEF, UNEP, PAHO, World Bank] —advocate for an approach called “One Health” that highlights the interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health. One Health looks to create multisectoral partnerships that can bring climate and environmental science together with human and animal medical science to increase coordination and communication between these critical sectors for better human health and well-being. This collaboration would, in turn, help prevent and track emerging diseases and respond quickly and effectively to outbreaks in a more cost-efficient way. (235) But despite these endorsements, implementation of the One Health approach has been sporadic, reactive rather than proactive, and too small in scope. In addition, the lack of institutional guidelines for universal implementation, ineffective coordination among institutions, poor data sharing mechanisms, and limited budgets have made it difficult to operationalize. (236)
Pages 46-47, Section 5.1 Create a Multisectoral Coordination Mechanism as a tool for governments to operationalize the World Health’s Organization’s “One Health” guidelines on climate-related threats to public health and human-animal-environmental interdependence.
- Because the MCM would be intended to function within existing national infrastructure, the financial and human resources that government agencies already have at their disposal could be utilized and reoriented to achieve One Health targets. Furthermore, its multisectoral coordination could help reduce costly duplication of activities. Additional funding ......
Podcast - Federal Drive with Tom Temin. The USDA has a new animal surveillance initiative to catch potential COVID-19 and other zoonotic diseases in what officials call a strategic framework for an early warning system. Tom Temin spoke with the associate administrator for USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Dr. Michael Watson who said “it does require a broader scope of work across the Federal government and our partners so what we want to utilize is a One Health approach…….embraces the idea that the complex problems that affect health of humans, animals and the environment are best solved through improved communications, cooperation and collaboration across disciplines and sectors. We look to partner with those agencies that work to protect animal health, public health, and environmental health. This would include the CDC, Dept of Interior, FDA, and other partners. It also includes work with Tribal Nations...state wildlife and public health agencies as well.”
May 26, 2020
“The pandemic is a reminder of the intimate and delicate relationship between people and the planet. Any efforts to make our world safer are doomed to fail unless they address the critical interface between people and pathogens, and the existential threat of climate change, that is making our Earth less habitable.”
January 11, 2021
Three French research institutes - INRAE, CIRAD and IRD – teamed up with the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and around ten other research bodies in France, Germany and the Netherlands to launch PREZODE at the One Planet Summit for biodiversity. PREZODE is an initiative to prevent emerging zoonotic risks and pandemics. It is designed to incorporate and reinforce networks in human health, animal welfare and the environment. In line with the One Health concept, it aims to better evaluate and detect emerging zoonotic threats and develop preventive measures with all players to protect humans, the planet, and socio-ecosystems. See video on building the PREZODE international initiative.
Hot off the Press (see also Publications list below)
Sulagna Chakraborty, Flavia C.D. Andrade, Rebecca L. Smith (2021) J VetMedEduc doi:10.3138/jvme-2021-0021
The Berlin principles on one health – Bridging global health and conservation, Gruetzmacher K, Karesh WB, Amuasi JH, Arshad A, Farlow A, Gabrysch S, Jetzkowitz J, Lieberman S, Palmer C, Winkler AS, Walzer C, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 764, April, 2021,
The one health landscape in Sub-Saharan African countries, Fasina FO, Fasanmi OG, Makonnen YJ, Bebay C, Bett B, Roesel K, One Health, Volume 13, 2021,
Help the world find out about it!!
Be sure it is included on the
BMZ PAPER 1, January, 2021, Published by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Division for pandemic prevention, One Health, animal health, biodiversity (BMZ). With the initiative area One Health, the BMZ is pursuing – in consultation with other German min-
istries – the goal of establishing this approach across sectors in international cooperation and within German development cooperation.
Alinea, an international development consultancy providing technical and management expertise that helps people improve their lives, used International Development Week 2021 as an opportunity to explore the Feminist One Health Imperative with colleagues across the global network of One Health practitioners. One Health recognizes the connectivity across people, animals, plants and our shared environment. But the critical role of women is often understated in One Health programming. Thus, Alinea focuses on supporting women in their unique position in livestock value chains, health systems, families and communities. As primary livestock caregivers, vendors and consumers in traditional wet markets, women are at the frontlines of defence against existing and emerging zoonotic diseases. They are also particularly vulnerable to the cascading COVID-19 socio-economic impacts of poverty, maternity risks and gender-based violence. This is a call to action to address the root causes of zoonotic diseases transmitted from animals to people at the human-environment-animal interface, with women as the catalyst for a robust One Health approach.
September 23, 2021
Hosted by HEAL Community of Practice Webinar Series. Farmers are the first line of defense to protect themselves, their families and their community from zoonotic disease risks. In this webinar, Brian BEDARD, Director of Animal Health and Food Safety for Alinea International, shared results of a virtual training on zoonotic diseases and farm biosecurity for livestock producers in Ethiopia. This adapted One Health open-source course and content program is part of the Capacity Development Support Facility Project, funded by Global Affairs Canada, which helps Ethiopian farmers improve agricultural productivity with a focus on women. It provides a technical refresher and background materials targeted at government veterinarians, private veterinarians, community animal health workers, doctors, public health workers and extension staff who engage with and train livestock producers. The training has been developed into an eLearning course. Recording Available.
See also:
Emergencies come in many forms: fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, violent storms and even terrorism. In the event of extreme weather or a disaster, would you know what to do to protect your pet? Leaving pets out of evacuation plans can put pets, pet owners, and first responders in danger. Even if you try to create a safe place for them, pets left behind during a disaster are likely to be injured, lost, or worse. Be prepared: make a plan and prepare a disaster kit for your pet.
The Arizona Cancer Evolution Center, in partnership with the Exotic Species Cancer Research Alliance (ESCRA), are conducting a survey to gauge interest in a pan-species cancer database. Any current professionals (human/animal health, comparative oncology, evolutionary biology and other fields) that might find such a database useful were encouraged to take the survey by Monday, 9/20/2021. Please direct any questions to Leigh Duke (, Project Manager of the ESCRA Database. Survey here.
By Ndemic Creations in collaboration with infectious disease experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN). The popular simulation transports players into a global public health outbreak similar to the COVID-19 pandemic and provides expert commentary comparing decisions made by gamers to real-life scenarios. Get it now.
Since 2018, the One Health Clinic has provided free, integrated human and veterinary health care for those experiencing homelessless with pets in Seattle. Since many have asked how to replicate the model, the University of Washington's Center for One Health Research and Washington State University's College of Veterinary Medicine have made a free Toolkit to help create a One Health Clinic in your community. The One Health Clinic hosts monthly meet-ups on the second Tuesday of the month, 2:30-3:30PM Pacific, to introduce the toolkit and have a space where people can ask questions and share experiences, challenges, and successes. When an individual signs up for access to the Toolkit, they will receive the link to the monthly meetings. For more information:
International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA)
November 24-27, 2021
Hybrid Student Conference
Bucharest, Romania and Virtual
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest together with the International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA) is organizing the One Health Student International Conference between 24 - 27 November. Deadline for the submission of abstracts: October 1, 2021. For more information about fees and the conference, please visit and
Starting at the end of 2021, Comparative Medicine (or "One Medicine") virtual events will feature interesting case studies and people (from different parts of medicine) will work together to find the right diagnosis and best treatment plan to save the patient! In prep for these exciting online events, we would love to hear from you TODAY! What interests you in medicine?? Are you curious to learn side-by-side with people from the "other" medical field? These events will be hosted by One Health Lessons, a global organization that aims to inspire children and adults to value the interconnection between our health and the health of the environment, animals and plants. One Medicine appreciates the significance of the trans-disciplinary connection and collaboration between human and veterinary medicine. With these events, One Health Lessons aims to encourage collaborative discussions, interdisciplinary case analyses, and presentations that are designed to advance your professional medical career. Fill out the survey here:
One Health Lessons (OHL), in partnership with the International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA), invites interested students (18+ years old in any program or field) to sign up to become a Student Lesson Leader to teach virtual COVID-19 & One Health Lessons to children.
The Lesson Leaders Program is a 4-hour training program (separated into four, 1-hour blocks) to equip the public with skills to teach OHLs in their own communities. Volunteers will attend an orientation, shadow two 1-hour lessons, and then teach on their own with another volunteer watching.
The sign-up form for Lesson Leaders will be open continuously. Any student is welcome to sign up to be a Lesson Leader. For students only: be sure to select that you heard about the program through ISOHA to become a jointly certified Lesson Leader by OHL and ISOHA.
Your one-stop-shop for links to student group re-sources, educational opportunities, advocacy inform-ation, and communication platforms.
One Health Issues In the News
Speaking on the timely importance of the event, Shri Mansukh Mandaviya noted, “Man is not an isolated animal and acquire diseases from animals who are also nestled in their environment. Outside of human purview, animals fight and amongst each other enabling viral transmission. Only a holistic approach to health keeping in mind human-animal interaction and their broader interaction with the environment can help alleviate such challenges.”
A northern Illinois [USA] man died of rabies after apparently being bitten by a bat......He woke up in mid-August and found a bat on his neck. The bat was captured and later tested positive for rabies. The man declined to begin post-exposure rabies treatment….....A bat colony later was found in his home.
Neglected One Health Issues
Challenges for the Human-Animal Bond
About 72% of renters in the U.S. said pet-friendly housing is hard to find, 59% said it’s too expensive, and 24% said that their pet has been the reason they needed to move, which means about 6 million renting households have moved because of their pets. The research shows the biggest challenge is not necessarily a lack of pet-friendly housing but restrictions on pets. Restrictions can be based on the number of pets, size, weight, and breed. For example, some landlords only allow dogs that weigh 45 pounds or less. … Seventy-six percent of property owners and operators say their properties are pet friendly, according to the report, but only 8% are free of any restrictions.
Amazon Smile has donated over $200 million to charities worldwide! You can help increase AmazonSmile donations to One Health Commission by shopping at or with AmazonSmile 'ON' in the Amazon Shopping app.
September 3 to November 18, 2021
Hosted by the Phoenix Zones Initiative. Phoenix Zones Initiative advances the interconnected rights, health, and wellbeing of people, animals, and the planet through a Just One Health approach. Led by physicians and a diverse team, Phoenix Zones Initiative promotes legal, economic, and public policy to uplift the most vulnerable, including children and animals, and provides resources so others can do the same. A Just One Health approach expands the One Health framework by centering rights and justice as primary prevention strategies within local and global programs, policies, and research priorities. For more information and to register contact
October 5-8, 2021
Small island and low-lying developing states are among the countries in the world most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, posing many challenges to public health, including increased illness and death from hurricanes, floods, heat waves, and droughts; water and food insecurity; increased transmission and spread of infectious diseases; diminished air quality; and adverse physical and mental health impacts on populations displaced by climate change disruptions. Join the Caribbean community and international partners for 4 days of immersion in the science of climate change and health in the Caribbean, identifying knowledge gaps, posing solutions, resource sharing, networking, and empowerment. Registration and agenda available at
October 6, 2021
11am - 12pm (BST), 12pm - 1pm (CEST)
This virtual side event at the G20 Civil Society 20 Summit is hosted by the Action for Animal Health (A4AH) Coalition. Experts from civil society and multilaterals will discuss the transformative potential of One Health and why robust animal health systems are critical to putting it into practice. A4AH has been advocating for the G20 to recognise the need to invest in animal health systems over the past few months, and this is one of their final chances to get our messages across before the leaders’ summit at the end of October. French and Spanish translation will be available. For more details and to register:
October 16-17, 2021
Harris County Public Health’s 2021 virtual One Health Conference brings together renowned medical, veterinary, and environmental experts to share their research and insights on the path forward. Keynote speaker Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz will present on One Health’s Impact on Women’s Health.
Save the Date
October 19, 2021
Link will be provided later
Contact or
October 26-29, 2021
Hosted by Rabies in the Americas (RITA), Inc, a non-profit organization, the annual RITA Conferences began in 1990. They are held in a different country each year and RITA is based in 2021 in Brasil. RITA encompasses the multidisciplinary experience of professionals from all fields of knowledge related to rabies in the Americas and elsewhere using the “One Health” approach. Preliminary Agenda.
November 1-3, 2021
African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Africa CDC is holding this conference to share best practices and experiences from Member States and partners; showcase continental One Health research through scientific presentation; highlight operational tools and guidance documents developed by African Union (AU) organs and technical partners like WHO, OIE and FAO; exhibit opportunities for collaboration or One Health implementation support; and strengthen One Health advocacy and capacity across the AU Member States and Regional networks. #AfricaCDCOHDay2021 Attendance is open to ALL.
November 2-4, 2021 (Hybrid Symposium)
Kansas City, Missouri, USA, and Virtual, This symposium will provide updates on the latest research on antimicrobial stewardship, antimicrobial resistance and alternatives within human, animal and environmental health. From the utilization of new technology to on-farm stewardship efforts, the 11th Annual Antibiotic Symposium will engage leaders in a collective dialogue about the continuous improvement across their industries.
November 4-6, 2021 - Virtual Conference
Hosted by the International Society for Infectiouss Diseases (ISID). Many One Health topics will be discussed. Example Sessions:
- Participation in One Health Networks and Involvement in COVID-19 Response Activities
- One Health – Emerging Threats across Species Boundaries
- Viruses in Bats and Potential Spillover to Animals and Humans
- Global Climate Change and Emerging Infectious Diseases
- SS08 I Scientific Session 08: One Health in Action
- One Health Response to Antimicrobial Resistance
November 6, 2021
Glasgow, UK, Organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and by the Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA), in close collaboration with Glasgow Caledonian University and its Centre for Climate Justice, with the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change, and other partners. Taking place during the COP26 meeting, the aim of the conference is to call on governments, businesses, institutions and financial actors to drive a green, healthy and resilient recovery from COVID-19.
November 17-21, 2021
Annual Conference - Virtual
November 18-24-, 2021
Celebrated annually, the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) aims to increase awareness of global antimicrobial resistance and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy makers to avoid the further emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections.
May 24-25, 2022
London, UK, conference provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of One Health.
June 21-24, 2022
In Person and Virtual
Hosted by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and its sister agencies, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European Environment Agency (EEA), the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Center (JRC). Brussels-based conference will examine food and feed safety from the broader perspective of sustainable food systems, focusing on the need to implement a ‘One Health – One Environment’ approach and exploring possible developments of risk assessment science.
November 7-11, 2022
7th World One Health Congress (WOHC)
Hybrid (online and in-person)
Singapore, Hosted by the SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute. The WOHC is the world’s premier conference to advance the One Health agenda. Taking place biennially, it advances trans-disciplinary efforts that further our collective understanding of animal-human disease transmission alongside their social and environmental determinants. The WOHC attracts professionals from academic institutions, civil society, national governments, the private sector and multi-lateral organisations all coming together to share learning across diverse disciplines including epidemiology and disease surveillance, animal production and trade, food safety, animal science, human health, environmental science/ecology and global health security.
Early bird registration tentatively opens in October 2021, and abstract submissions will commence shortly thereafter. #WOHC2022
Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)
These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!
Track the progress of One Health since 2001
Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's
Select a year and click 'VIEW'
A monthly web seminar series that brings together One Health practitioners from the Horn of Africa and elsewhere to discuss best practices on how to operationalize One Health in the field and how One Health supports sustainable development. The seminars and other HEAL community of practice (CoP) seminars are organised jointly with the ILRI One Health Center for Africa.
September 30, 2021 Webinar
Hosted collaboratively by the American Association for the Advancements of Science (AAAS), the Charles Valentine Riley Memorial Foundation (RMF) and the World Food Prize Foundation, this lecture explored the environmental and societal challenges facing our planet through the lens of agricultural innovation and its applications in a global context. Three presentations included:
- "Ecology, Economics and Evolution of Emergent Pathogens" by Dr. Andrew Peter Dobson, Princeton University;
- “One Health Perspectives on Emerging Zoonotic Diseases” by Dr. Xiang-Jin Meng, Virginia Tech;
- “Zoonotic Diseases of Food Animals Threaten Global Food Security and Public Health” by Dr. James A. Roth, Iowa State University.
A panel discussion was moderated by Ilaria Capua, DVM, Ph.D., Director of the One Health Center of Excellence, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Recording will be posted on this webpage.
September 28, 2021 Webinar
This webinar - organised by the MEPs for Wildlife in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Humane Society International /Europe (HSI) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) - discussed the on-the-ground impact of markets for live wildlife, particularly for human consumption, and associated wildlife trade (either from the wild or breeding facilities), the links to biodiversity, climate, security, and health and how to address these threats through an integrated One Health approach. Recording Available.
September 27, 2021 Webinar
A virtual side event to the 2021 UN General Assembly hosted the Minister for International Development Cooperation of Sweden, and the Coalition to Prevent Pandemics at the Source. Speakers include Dr. Jane Goodall, Goodall Institute, H.E. Per Olsson-Fridh, Ministers for International Development, Sweden, Rt. Hon. Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Administrator UNDP, co-chair Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response. The event included a brief presentation of the recently released report by the Harvard University-led International Scientific Taskforce on preventing pandemics followed by a panel with diverse voices from global health, development and environment. See the Report.
September 23, 2021
Organized by Public Health Insight and Health Innovation Initiative, One Health Connect 2021 brought together a panel of three world-leading experts from each of the domains of One Health to highlight the importance of trans-disciplinary approaches to address present and future challenges threatening human, animal, and environmental health. Speakers:
- Dr. Sharon Deem, Director of the Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine
- Doreen Robinson, Head of Biodiversity and Land Management at UN Environmental Programme (UNEP)
- Dr. Kamini Walia, Senior Scientist in the Division of Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases Division of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
September 23, 2021 Webinar
Hosted by Conservation International. This webinar will underscore the vital linkages between human health and the health of the planet and includes discussions on the risk of emerging infectious diseases from the destruction of nature and also how the current collision of climate change and biodiversity loss profoundly impacts human wellbeing in other ways. A major goal is to show how environmental destruction exacerbates health inequities and that we must heed the knowledge of Indigenous peoples to achieve a healthier, more sustainable world.
September 23 -25, 2021
Hosted by the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygien. Who should attend: Physicians and healthcare providers:
● Working in tropical medicine and travelers' health
● Seeking additional knowledge in these growing fields
● Needing Continuing Medical Education credits
● Planning to sit for the CTropMed® Examination
September 21, 2021 Webinar
Hosted by ILRI and Venture 37 Livestock and Livelihoods webinar series, Topics and speakers included:
- Land Use Policies and One Health, Mark Mitchell
- The Role of Livestock Research at the One Health Interface, Kristina Roesel
- Scaling One Health Practices and Policies in Africa - Opportunities and Challenges, Bernard Bett
- Safety/Quality Investment in Livestock - One Health: Putting theory into practice in country of Georgia, Lasha Avaliani,
- Linking Land Management to One Health in Ethiopia, Bedasa Eba,
September 21-24, 2021
Hosted by the Asian Society of Conservation Medicine (ASCM), Japanese Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (JSZWM), Hokkaido University WISE Program for One Health Frontier. This conference was a place to share the latest research results from researchers, veterinarians, and administrators who are working at the front line of One Health, and discussions at the forefront of One Health as it relates to wildlife health and conservation medicine.' More information:
September 22-23, 2021
Hosted by the WHO as part of the WHO global webinar series to support AMR national action plan implementation, with global, regional and country presentations from Thailand, Kenya and Morocco. The webinars were recorded and are available on the WHO AMR website.
September 22, 2021
Governance, surveillance and strategy to encourage appropriate use in the non-human sectors. Dr Nithima Sumpradit, Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
One Health activities, engagement with regional economic groups and AMR NAP implementation in WHO, Dr Walter Fuller, WHO Regional Office for Africa
September 23, 2021
Practical experience and challenges of One health working at national and subnational levels. Dr Evelyn Wesangula, Patient safety lead and AMR focal point, Ministry of Health, Kenya
Morocco experience in prevention and control of AMR- Dr Sami Darkaoui, Head of Pharmacy and Veterinary Inputs Division, Moroccan Office of Food Safety (ONSSA)
FAO support to One Health AMR at country level. Dr Junxia Song, Senior Advisor AMR
September 17, 2021
Dr. Metta Spencer, Sociologist and founder of Peace Magazine and its ‘Save the World’ Project based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, interviewed Dr. Cheryl Stroud, Executive Director of the One Health Commission. One Health had previously been featured in ‘Save the World’ Interviews # 46, #89 with Drs. Laura Kahn of the One Health Initiative and Dr. Stroud.
September 16, 2021
Dr. Bernadette Dunham was Plenary Speaker as part of the Ohio State University Global One Health Initiative’s 10 year celebration. Recording available.
September 15-16, 2021
The concept of One Welfare describes the interrelationships between animal welfare, human wellbeing and the physical and social environment. The One Welfare Framework comprises five sections which are in-tended to capture the different multidimensional aspects of the concept. This conference centres around the five One Welfare Framework Sections and includes a special section on One Welfare and COVID-19. Global experts in animal welfare, human well-being and the environment will present and discuss their latest experiences and research in the area of One Welfare. Check YouTube channel for recordings:
September 15, 2021
One Health Sensitization Seminar - Nigeria
Institutionalizing the One Health Concept, and Tripartite Joint Risk Assessment tool
Hosted at the National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom, Nigeria. At the seminar it was agreed to form a One Health Network.
September 14, 2021
WHO EPI-WIN Webinar - Science Communication
Hosted by the Winton Centre (UK)and the Harding Center (Germany), two sister centres that work on how best to communicate health risks. Helping people understand the potential benefits and harms to their health from different actions and treatments they might take, and the evidence behind it, is a difficult task. During a public health emergency it becomes even harder. Speakers included:
- Dr Alexandra Freeman, Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication, University of Cambridge, UK
- Dr John Kerr, Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication, University of Cambridge, UK
- Dr Gabriel Recchia, Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication, University of Cambridge, UK
- Ms Christin Ellermann, Harding Center for Risk Literacy, University of Potsdam, Germany
September 6, 2021
At the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress, in Marseille, France. Identifying and reducing human health risks from wildlife trade needs an internationally coordinated and effective approach. With a major focus on One Health, this Alliance is being initiated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH). Already some 80 national and international political and civil society organizations, incl. indigenous communities, as well as scientific institutions are participating. Recording of congress available: See also
Don’t forget to USE the
Anyone, from anywhere in the world, can directly post and view One Health Opportunities, from summer programs to educational, job and funding opportunities.
Courses and Summer Programs
October 4, 2021 Next Course Start date
One Health MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
Hosted by the University of Basel.
October 12, 2021 Next Start Date
Estimated 8 weeks, Self-paced.
Hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Explore the connectedness of people, animals, and the environment through this unique approach to One Health that connects traditional ways of knowing with the natural and social sciences. Combine Western and Indigenous knowledge to form a holistic understanding of the future of life in the Circumpolar North.
• Evaluation
• Gender, indigenous peoples, social inclusion and fisheries
• SDG 14 formulation, delivery, and reporting
• Small-scale artisanal fishers
• Marine pollution
• Blue economy
• Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
• International marine law
• Sustainable marine resources management
• Climate change and fisheries
• Conservation and sustainable use of oceans
• International seafood trade
• Post-harvest fisheries and value chain development
More information contact or
Application deadline October 6th, 2021.
Fellowships / Postdocs
A career development fellowship sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Fogarty International Center (FIC), this program supports fellows from all 10 U California campuses as well as 21 affiliated international sites across 17 countries. The fellowship is designed for US doctoral students (PhD, DrPH, etc.), professional students (MD, DDS, DVM, PharmD, etc.), Postdoctoral fellows from any discipline, Foreign postdoctoral fellows from affiliated international sites in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The GloCal Health Fellowship Training:
- Research Project - 12 months, at 1 of 21 international sites
- Mentorship - Develop relationships with leaders in global health
- Global Health Education - Online or onsite courses
- Career Development - Support transition to the next stage of career
(No post-DVM experience required). Bovine and/or swine experience also preferred. Application period closes October 12th. Please share broadly and I would be happy to answer any questions.
Lead Public Health Veterinarian position requiring at least 5 years of post-DVM experience. Bovine and/or swine experience also preferred. Application period closes October 12th. Please share broadly and I would be happy to answer any questions .
September 2021
- Global One Health initiative to celebrate 10 years of impact
- Global One Health highlights & perspectives
- Revisualizing the One Health Schematic
- One Health Photo Contest
- GOHi welcomes new staff
Duke One Health Newsletter
- Viral Load of SARS-CoV-2 in Respiratory Aerosols Emitted by COVID-19 Patients while Breathing, Talking, and Singing
- Molecular Typing of Human Adenoviruses among Hospitalized Patients with Respiratory Tract Infections in a Tertiary Hospital in Guangzhou, China between 2017 and 2019
- Influenza A Viruses are Likely Highly Prevalent on South African Swine Farms
- Epidemiological Investigation of Leptospirosis in Central Borneo
- Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation
Planetary Health Alliance Newsletter
Author: Mathew Dixon In: BMC ‘Bug Bitten’
Matt Dixon looks at how a One Health strategy could drive down infections and prevent a major cause of epilepsy in low and middle income countries, neurocysticercosis.
Melissa Prusinski, a research scientist and laboratory supervisor at the New York State Department of Health, and Sarah Gregory discuss cases of anaplasmosis in New York during 2010-2018. Anaplasmosis is a tickborne disease that impacts both humans and companion animals.
This podcast is part of the CDC's Emerging Infectious Disease Series.
Thank you for reading One Health Happenings.
And a Special Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.
Prepared by Bailey Archey, Blair Budd, Caitlin Holly and Cheryl Stroud
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