March 17th, 2022
Please note: For the most up to date information, click on the Susan Lindgren website. (Language Translations available)
From your Proud Principal
Clarence Pollock
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all that celebrate!
Happy St. Patrick's Day from your fun and caring office team!
New COVID Guidelines for K-12 Students
Throughout the global COVID pandemic, St. Louis Park Public Schools has used guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to determine mitigation strategies to keep students, staff and families safe. 

New guidance (issued February 25) factored into the decision that was announced last week that most students and staff were no longer required to wear face coverings in our schools. As a result of that decision, the District has made several other changes to its COVID mitigation strategies:

Masking: K-12
Masks (face coverings) are not required to be worn in St. Louis Park Public Schools buildings or transportation (including school buses), see Policy 808 - COVID-19 Face Coverings.

Mask wearing is recommended for all stakeholders regardless of vaccination status. Students, staff, and visitors may choose to wear a mask based on personal preference and/or informed by personal risk; and their choice to do so will be supported in all district buildings.

PLEASE NOTE: Face coverings will be required when five percent or more of the students and/or staff who attend or work at a St. Louis Park Public School or building test positive for COVID-19, or when community levels of COVID-19 are high. On March 16, community levels of COVID-19 are low.

Contact Tracing: K-12
New CDC guidance encourages health departments to focus contact tracing on high-risk settings such as long-term care facilities, correctional facilities, and homeless shelters. Universal case investigation and contact tracing for COVID are no longer recommended in K-12 schools. Effective Thursday, March 17, 2022, St. Louis Park Public Schools will suspend contact tracing and the identification of close contacts of positive cases. Because we are not contact tracing we will not be enforcing recess pods. Please note that we will still send notification if there is a positive case in your child's classroom.

Masking & Contact Tracing: Early Learning at Central
Please note that masks are still required to be worn by students and staff at the Central Early Learning Center. ​​This decision was based on the fact that the overall population of early learners are ineligible at this time to receive COVID vaccinations. This decision will be revisited once vaccinations are made available to this age group. 

Due to the fact that St. Louis Park Public Schools will no longer be contact tracing, students will no longer be identified as close contacts or needing to quarantine due to any potential exposures at school. Additionally, the district’s COVID dashboard will no longer include quarantine data (beginning March 23). It is recommended that students and staff members who believe they may have been exposed to a positive case get tested. 
Important Information for all Susan Lindgren Families

  • Masks (Face Coverings) are not required to be worn. It is a family's choice. Please see policy revision below.

  • If we reach a COVID positivity rate of 5% or greater we would require mask wearing for all.

  • 5% of COVID Positivity Rate for Susan Lindgren is 26 people. This includes students and team members.

  • Starting TODAY we will suspend contact tracing and the identification of close contacts of positive cases.

  • Starting TODAY we will have no more recess zones/pods for the students. The students will be happy!

  • Starting TODAY we will only be isolating students that test positive for COVID 19. They will need to isolate for five days returning on day 6. (Regardless of vaccination status)

  • Unfortunately we are still unable to invite families into the building to volunteer for the remainder of the school year. This does not include our garden learning activities, June Jamboree and possible field trips.

  • If you ever have any questions or concerns please reach out to me by email- or phone 952-928-6699

We could not do the wonderful things we do at our school without all of you and your never-ending support. We are a village and family for all of our 433 learners! 

Your Proud Partner in Learning,
Clarence Pollock
MCA ~ Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments
Students in Grades 3, 4, 5 will be taking the MCA in April. Grades 3, 4, and 5 will take the Math and Reading MCA. Grade 5 will also take a Science MCA. They will be completed on the students' Chromebooks at school. For more information about the MCA, click here. Here is a link to the SLP testing website.

Susan Lindgren Tentative MCA testing dates:
Science MCA (5th Grade Only) - Tuesday, March 22 and Wednesday, March 23
Reading MCA - Wednesday, April 13 and Thursday, April 14
Math MCA - Wednesday, April 20 and Thursday, April 21
Women's History Month 
An annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. It is celebrated during March in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, corresponding with International Women's Day on March 8.

Let's show and teach our learners the amazing work women have led, developed and competed in. These women are our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, neighbors and friends.
Clarence Pollock, Susan Lindgren Principal

Arsenio Richardson, Susan Lindgren Elementary Support Supervisor

Jane Watts, Susan Lindgren Administrative Assistant to the Principal
952-928-6698 ~
Susan Lindgren Key Dates for Families

  • No School - Friday, March 25th - April 1 - Spring Break
  • No School - Monday, May 30th- Memorial Day Holiday
  • Last Day of School - Thursday, June 9th
Lunch Menu and Letter Day Calendar for the Last Week of March
Letter Day Calendar for the Month of April
Lunch Menu for the Month of April
Smiles at Morning Drop Off!
Media Center News
Media Center Facebook Page
By Robin Nelson
For more amazing Media Center updates please see the Facebook Site Ms. Nelson has put together for all of us!

Winter Afterschool Enrichment Opportunities for
Susan Lindgren Students
St. Louis Park Community Education's Youth Enrichment Program (YEP) is excited to announce new winter afterschool enrichment opportunities. Below are two brand new clubs beginning in December. Transportation is available for both programs (requires advance registration). More information about
transportation is in the registration links


In SOS: Endangered Earth, children team up with the Saving Our Species (SOS) organization and use their ingenuity to fulfill an important mission-protecting animal habitats and preserving natural resources across the country. This mission guides children to practice empathy, explore relationships between humans and wildlife, investigate the real ecological issues that will affect their futures, and apply responsible decision making and creative problem solving to make a positive impact on the world. 

Where: Aquila: Wednesdays; Susan Lindgren: Tuesdays; Peter Hobart: Thursdays; PSI: Thursdays
When: 2:15-3:40 p.m. 2/10-3/23/2022
Who: Available to students in grades 1-5
Price:Sliding Scale

We're celebrating the New Year in style-Young Rembrandts Winter lessons are kicking off with African Masks, the Statue of Liberty, and a winter rabbit. Every month YR students draw a complex Art History piece and this season we're highlighting Andy Warhol! Artists will be learning core art skills while boosting self-confidence and social development. We can't wait to draw with you!

Where: Aquila: Tuesdays; Susan Lindgren: Fridays; Peter Hobart: Mondays; PSI: Wednesday
When: 2:20-3:20 p.m. 
Who: Available to students in grades K-5


Join us to spend the afternoon immersed in your own LEGO land. Your only mission of each session is to build whatever LEGO creation you set your mind to!

Where: Aquila: Wednesdays; Susan Lindgren: Tuesdays; Peter Hobart: Mondays; PSI: Thursdays
When: 2:15-3:40 p.m. 4/6-5/24/2022
Who: Available to students in grades K-5
Price:Sliding Scale

New and returning students invited. Each Chess class follows four basic components: 
-Teach it!...Each class students are taught different chess concepts and coached to implement those concepts into their chess games. 
-Practice it!...Students practice positions set by the coach to improve their understanding of the concept. 
-Puzzle it!...Students are given chess puzzles (constructed by WIM Serafima Sokolovskaya) and work with coach guidance to solve them. 
-Play it!...Each class sends with students playing 20-30 minutes of chess. Coaches often feature in-class tournaments during the session.

Where: Aquila: Wednesdays; Susan Lindgren: Mondays; Peter Hobart: Tuesdays; PSI: Fridays
When: 2:20-3:20 p.m. 4/6-5/27/2022
Who: Available to students in grades 1-5

The spring season is an exciting time to be a part of Young Rembrandts. Springtime is all about vibrant colors, and our colorful drawings are guaranteed to capture your attention. Students will learn how to think outside of the box. Sign up for classes today!

Where: Peter Hobart: Mondays; Susan Lindgren: Fridays; Aquila: Tuesdays; PSI: Thursdays
When: 2:15-3:40 p.m. 4/5-5/31/2022
Who: Available to students in grades K-5

Skyhawks flag football is the perfect program for your young athletes who want a complete introduction to America's Game or those who simply want to brush up on their skills in preparation for league play. Through our 'skill of the day' campers will learn skills on both sides of the ball including the core components of passing, catching, and de-flagging or defensive positioning-all presented in a fun & positive environment.

Where: Peter Hobart: Tuesdays; Susan Lindgren: Wednesdays; Aquila: Mondays; PSI: Thursdays and Saturdays
When: 1:30-2:30 p.m. and 2:40-3:40 p.m. 4/7-4/28/2022
Who: Available to students in grades K-5

Hey kids, do you love to get messy? Then this is the art class for you! We'll use clay, papier mache, paint, and more simply sloppy supplies to make projects your mom would never let you do at home! We'll become masters at making a mess, learn some pretty cool stuff-and have lots of fund while doing it! Making a mess is the best!

Where: Aquila: Mondays; Susan Lindgren: Wednesdays; Peter Hobart: Fridays; PSI: Thursdays
When: 2:20-3:20 p.m. 4/4-5/28/2022
Who: Available to students in grades 1-5
Online Enrollment is Open for 2022-23 School Year
Families looking to enroll a student into St. Louis Park Public Schools for the 2022-23 school year should visit the Enrollment Center website to start the online process. To be eligible for Kindergarten in the Fall of 2022, your student needs to turn 5 by September 1, 2022.

In order to complete the online enrollment form, it will be helpful if you have the following documents saved on the device you are using to complete the form:

  • Student's Birth Certificate
  • Student's Immunization Record
  • Proof of Residency (Utility Bill, Rental Contract, Purchase Agreement, etc.)
  • Early Childhood Screening Record

Our Enrollment Center staff is ready to answer any questions you might have to help guide you through the process. Contact the Enrollment Center via phone at 952-928-6023 or via email at
Introducing Park Virtual: A Virtual Learning Option for 2022-23
St. Louis Park Public Schools is pleased to announce that Park Virtual, a K-12 virtual learning experience, is being developed for the 2022-23 school year. Park Virtual will provide a rigorous academic experience that is aligned to state standards while flexible to meet the unique needs of every student and family situation. Similar to in-person instruction, Park Virtual students will live their brilliance in an environment that centers student voice and experience to create racially equitable learning that energizes and enhances the spirit of our community.

This online learning environment utilizes the St. Louis Park Public Schools staff and curriculum with an international focus at all levels. Advanced Placement and concurrent college-level courses will be available at the high school level. 

More information about Park Virtual can be found on the Park Virtual website or by downloading this one-page flyer.

Enrollment Interest Form

An enrollment interest form has been created to collect information from families who are interested in enrolling their student(s) in Park Virtual and/or receiving more information about this virtual learning option.

Please use this form to join our mailing list. We will use this data to determine interest and the needs of families, and will communicate our plans this spring.

Save the Date! Virtual Informational Session

The District will host a virtual informational session regarding Park Virtual at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 21. More information regarding this event including the Zoom link will be available soon. 
District to Send COVID Test Kits Home with All Students & Staff Ahead of Spring Break
To keep our schools and buildings safe after Spring Break, we strongly encourage all students and staff to get tested for COVID-19 before returning to school on April 4, regardless of vaccination status. We are excited to announce that St. Louis Park Public Schools is in a position to assist families and staff with this request. Beginning next week, students and staff members will be sent home with two COVID-19 tests.

Click here to download a one-page flyer with full information in English.
Click here to download a one-page flyer with full information in Spanish and Somali.
District School Calendar
District School Calendar 2021-2022

District School Calendar 2022-2023
Familias Latinas
Familias Latinas de nuestras escuelas, ahora ya tenemos una página de Facebook con información totalmente en español! Les invitamos a visitar y a darnos un me gusta.