We're Hiring for Maestro! Wolf Adventure, Virginia Wildlife Magazine, Google Business Profile... and more!
The Catholic Diocese of Richmond held its annual Scout Mass on March 13th at St. Mary's Catholic Church with Bishop Barry Knestout presiding. Cub Scouts from the Heart of Virginia Council earned the Light of Christ (Tigers & Wolves) and Parvuli Dei (Bear & Webelos) emblems, while Scouts BSA Scouts earned the Ad Altare Dei emblem.
We are looking for volunteers to cut grass at Cub Adventure Camp and T. Brady Saunders. Training will be provided! Candidates must be 21 years or older. Learn more
Philmont Information Meeting
Sign up for the PhilmontInformation Meeting on April 20th. Find out about fundraising opportunities and affordable payment plans.
On May 31st, 19 Cub Scout Adventures are retiring to improve the program, making these next few weeks your last opportunity to earn them before they’re gone. If your Scouts have partially completed the following adventures, work to get those entered into Scoutbook ahead of their retirement date. We are highlighting several retiring adventures in the coming weeks and providing you with the resources you need to earn them before they're gone!
Jamboree is more than a destination. It's the adventure of a lifetime. And there is simply nothing else like it on the planet. Are you interested in attending the 2023 National Jamboree? Complete our registration to help HOVC better track our participating Scouts/Scouters.
Setting Up Your Unit with a Google Business Profile
Every little thing you do can have a huge impact on your success in this and coming years. If you have a little extra time (insert “one hour a week” jokes here), consider using it to create a Google Business Profile for your unit. A Google Business Profile can help with your recruitment efforts, provides families and guests an opportunity to offer reviews about your program, and more! Read all about how a Google Business Profile is the perfect tool, then get all set-up using our instructions.
If you subscribe to Virginia Wildlife Magazine, you may have been as delighted as we were to see a wonderful write-up about Albright Scout Reservation, one of Heart of Virginia Council’s camping and day use facilities. Albright is a 568-acre multi-use area that provides opportunities for camping, events, pioneering, orienteering, and exploring. We invite you to take a few moments to read the Virginia Wildlife Magazine article, “Citizen Science is a Great Way to Connect Kids to Nature” by Emily Grey, and to join us at camp!