February 3, 2022
Weekly Update
A Message from Assistant Principal Gomez
Dear BFA Community,
One important aspect of running a school today is taking measures to maintain safety and security. As you know, we consider safety one of our highest priorities at BFA. When concerns about safety are not prevalent, students, staff, volunteers and parents all function at their best. We have implemented a number of safety processes and enhancements throughout the years, including (but not limited to) the following:
  • Maintaining a secure entry to the school;
  • Equipping staff members with radios/walkie-talkies;
  • Practicing monthly emergency drills (district and school led drills);
  • Updating and communicating safety and evacuation protocols;
  • Installing cameras throughout the interior and exterior of the school building;
  • Requesting that a School Resource Officer be on site at least two times a day;
  • Placing alarms on outside doors;
  • Installing ballistic film on interior and exterior windows; and
  • Establishing a great partnership with DCSD security and the Douglas County Sheriff's Office.
Parents can help enhance safety as well, just by being present in the school and communicating any issues to a teacher/staff member. When parents and grandparents volunteer in the classrooms, and especially at carpool, lunch, or recess, that adds another layer of security for our students. They know there are many trusted adults nearby in case they have a skinned knee and need to go to the Health Room, or need help opening a package from their lunchbox. We appreciate this partnership with our volunteers, and encourage those of you who have not yet volunteered at lunch, recess or carpool to give it a try and see how rewarding it can be.
If you have any questions about safety and security at BFA, please send me an email.
Have a great day!

Aric Gomez
Second Step Program
We are typically well into our Colorado winter routine by the first week of February. The snow boots are out, various layers are prepared and ready for the 30-40 degree swing in temperature an average day brings with it, and many people are comparing how many ski days they already have this season. In the past year or two, we have grown accustomed to a lot of life feeling atypical. This winter, Denver recorded the latest measurable snowfall, and one of the warmest Decembers on record. But now, with at least 6 inches of snow yesterday and freezing cold temps, we can all agree winter is here.

The Committee for Children, creators of Second Step, hosts a Winter Well-Being video series. Although, like our Colorado winter, we are a little late to the series launch, this looks to be an incredible resource readily available to all of us.  

According to the Committee for Children, "This seasonal video series is hosted by Dr. Tia Kim—a psychologist, parent-child relationship expert, and mom. Each week, join Tia as she shares tips and research-based advice to help you and your family take care of your well-being. The series will run from December 21 to February 15, supporting you throughout the season. Let's get through the winter better together!"
You can learn more by:
BFA News
Hot Lunch
Menu Changes
As we notified you earlier in the week, Nutrition Services has alerted us about a menu change. Due to staffing issues, Pizza Hut will only deliver pizza for lunch every other week. To see the latest menu, go to the Nutrislice website (and you may want to print a new copy for the month).

Also, please remember that whenever there is a snow day, the lunch schedule will be one day off. For example, tomorrow Nutrition Services will offer the Butter Chicken and Wowbutter Sandwiches from today's menu.
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books has started, and you can tell that our teams have done their homework! Our third/fourth grade team (pictured below), coached by Mrs. Bond, won their battle against Cougar Run by a score of 48-43 on Monday, and is excited about their battle against Saddle Ranch Elementary this evening.

Our fifth/sixth grade team, coached by Mrs. Dunn, is also off to a strong start. They had a tight battle against Cougar Run last Wednesday, where only two of the evening's twenty questions were missed and neither team was able to come up with the correct answer. They are looking forward to a face-off with Saddle Ranch today, and Roxborough next Wednesday.
Third/Fourth Grade Team pictured with Coach Bond:
  • Chloe Youssef
  • Brennan Smythe
  • Crew Neumann
  • Nash Lucero
  • Brinley Kitners
  • Deepa Annamalai
  • Hunter Ackerson
2022 Logo
PTO Fundraiser and Online Auction
2022 Park
We Heard You! Based on feedback from BFA families, the annual PTO fundraiser for the 2021-22 school year will be a direct-giving campaign. This means that 100 percent of all funds donated will go directly to BFA! The PTO's goal is to raise $50,000. The suggested donation is $100 per student or $250 per family, but any amount is appreciated. The PTO is raising funds to support their annual expenditures like paying for teacher appreciation, school planners, teacher requests, the school directory, Lexia, volunteer recognition, HelpCounter, funding AR rewards, as well as a new sign for the front of the school, playground enhancements and virtue banners. Look for more details next week.

In addition to the direct-giving campaign, the PTO will host an online auction where you can bid on five reserved parking spaces (4 annual and 1 monthly), front row seats to all of the grade-level musicals, and six front and center seats to eighth grade graduation! In addition, you can purchase Pathway to Learning commemorative bricks. These commemorative bricks are a great way to leave a lasting memory of your time at BFA. They will be placed in front of the school alongside the existing bricks. 
You will be able to make donations, buy commemorative bricks, and place your auction bids using our online auction webpage beginning next Monday, Feb. 7, through Friday, Feb. 18.
Please contact Sage Felux, PTO fundraising coordinator, with questions or for more information. Thank you for supporting BFA and making our school the Core Knowledge STEAM School of Choice!
Call for Board Nominations
The Succession Committee of the BFA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the Call for Nominations for the BFA Board of Directors ("Board") is open and will remain so until 11:59 p.m. MST on Friday, February 18, 2022.
Service on the BFA Board is an opportunity to grow personally and professionally while helping guide the direction of our school and our students' development. We are seeking leaders who are passionate and committed to the mission, vision, and long-term strategic plan of BFA to serve on the Board.
This year, there are two (2) open director seats on the BFA Board, which will be filled according to the Board of Directors Election Policy. Each seat is for a three-year term. One (1) director will be elected by the School Voting Group, and one (1) director will be appointed by the BFA Board.

To nominate someone (including yourself) for the BFA Board, click here to complete the nomination form. Nominations from the BFA School Voting Group must be submitted online before 11:59 p.m. (MST) on February 18, 2022.
If you are interested in learning more, please visit the Board Election webpage or email Haley Maglieri, Board Director, or any of our board members.

Matt Keillor, President (
Sarah Nisbet, Vice President (
Mette Castor, Secretary (
Adam Lucero, Treasurer (
Karen Ramon, Director (
Jason Page, Director (
Haley Maglieri, Director (
Sweetheart Ball Wrap-Up
Thank you to all who helped make the Sweetheart Ball a success, especially the event chair, Ewelina Chzarnowski, and social coordinator, Alissa Motazedi. There were a record number of attendees (around 300) who enjoyed dancing and Brother's BBQ.
Also, a huge thank you to our amazing photographer for the event, Nicole Withee. The PTO is providing a 5x7 to each family who attended the event free of charge; here is the gallery link.
Community Events
Join CEC for Meeting Tonight
The Community Events Committee (CEC) invites you to join them for their next monthly meeting at 7 p.m. tonight, Feb. 3, at the Starbucks inside the Town Center Target. They look forward to seeing those of you who can make it!
Spirit Night at Kneaders Tuesday
Make plans to enjoy great food and support BFA from 5-8 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 8, at Kneaders (1105 Sgt. Jon Stiles Drive). They also will have cookies with the BFA logo and bolts on them for purchase! 

Kneaders will give back 20 percent of all purchases, including merchandise, so be sure to mention BFA so the school will get credit for your purchase. 
Save the Date for Muffins with Mom
The Community Events Committee (CEC) is excited to host the Muffins with Moms event from 7-8 am on Friday, March 4, at BFA. (Please note the date change.) Stay tuned for more information in the next few weeks!
PTO Store Now Open
The PTO's online store for spirit wear and spirit items is open now and will be open until Friday, March 4. You can shop for all your BFA logo gear including t-shirts, hoodies, baseball caps, masks and gaiters, desktop calendars, and more! Make sure your kids have sweatshirts for chilly classrooms and fleece jackets or vests for recess. Find all your items at MySchoolBucks.

Not sure what to order? The PTO will have a spirit wear booth at Parent Teacher Conferences where you can browse and try on items before ordering them online. (Items will not be available for purchase at conferences.) 

Orders will be delivered and sent home through your child's classroom. Masks and gaiters are not returnable. Questions? Contact Jacqui Condon, PTO spirit wear chair.
NJHS Offers FREE Babysitting During Conferences
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) will offer FREE babysitting during conferences on Feb. 15 and 17. Babysitting will be in the Maker Space room (go to the library; head west, then north down the first hallway to find the entrance to the Maker Space). Parents will need to sign their children in and leave a contact number in case of emergency. If a child needs a diaper change or is struggling in the babysitting room, NJHS members will call the parent and ask them come pick up their child. 
Please note that children may not be dropped off in the Dana Library and left alone while parents are at conferences.
Book Fair
Spring Book Fair
We’re excited to offer our Spring Book Fair during conference week! We hope you’ll shop the Book Fair, as your purchases help us earn funds for new library books.
Check out the book trailers for students in grades Kindergarten through third and fourth through sixth. Families can start shopping the fair online beginning Feb. 9 via our personalized website.
Book Fair Dates: February 14 - 17
  • Monday and Wednesday – 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Tuesday and Thursday – 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., fair closed from 3 – 4 p.m. for carpool 
If you want to load e-Wallet so your student can purchase books at school, watch the video to learn additional details.
Children may not be dropped off at Book Fair while parents attend their Parent Teacher conference, rather feel free to drop off your child with our wonderful NJHS students who will be providing child care.

As always, we will need volunteers so please sign up today!
A Second February Spirit Night at Modern Plate
Save the date for another February spirit night event--this month you'll have two weeks to try a convenient and delicious dinner option, Modern Plate! In case you didn’t get to know them last fall, Modern Plate is a locally owned and operated, family-run company that makes meals and delivers them to your doorstep. They deliver fully cooked, heat and serve, family-style (serves 4) meals within the metro area. If you order by 10 a.m. on weekdays, you can get your meal delivered the same day! It's the perfect dinner solution for busy days. Meals range from $19.99 to $37.99. Sides, soups, appetizers, and desserts are available as well. 
Purchase your meals between Feb. 10 - 24 by visiting Use the code 'BFA' at checkout in the coupon code box at the top of the screen. Modern Plate will track our orders and donate 10 percent back to Ben Franklin Academy. Spread the word amongst your colleagues, neighbors, family and friends for our fundraiser to have a greater impact!
Something to Celebrate? Rent the Rock!
The Spirit Rock is an opportunity to share exciting events with our school community by painting your own message. Parents, students, and staff may “Rent the Rock” to recognize a student’s birthday, show school spirit, wish a team good luck, thank a teacher, announce an event, etc. It is a great way to spread positive messages and increase excitement! The rate to rent the Rock is $20 per day. All proceeds benefit Ben Franklin Academy!
**Note: Climbing on the rock may be hazardous; it is only intended for painting, not climbing.
Want to rent the Rock? Here’s how: First, reserve the date you want by visiting the ‘Rent the Rock’ SignUpGenius. Then, pay for your reservation through MySchoolBucks.
Have questions? You can find answers to frequently asked questions on the PTO webpage, or contact Subashri Sadasivan, Spirit Rock committee manager.
Upcoming Events
BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.