745 Little Neck Road

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

(757) 340-2840 

[email protected]  kgpc.org

Happy Retirement Pat Kelley!

It’s going to be hard to imagine our church office without Pat. She has been the face and voice of this church for 6 ½ years. The Office Administrator position has been much more than a job for Pat, it has been a ministry. Her compassion, care, and love for the people in this church is evident. She makes every single person who calls or comes into the office feel like they are her first priority. She has prayed with, welcomed, and given prayer pockets to those who needed a hug and listening ear. Pat has set the tone for this office and created an atmosphere of warmth, love, and acceptance.

She also has grown this position as she transformed the weekly highlights, established Constant Contact, and creatively put together bulletins and graphics. Her positive attitude and can-do spirit have added so much to our staff. Remember when she did the entertaining Facebook video version of the weekly highlights? Not to mention the beautiful flower arrangements! Pat is talented in so many ways and has given us 110% of who she is in this position. In fact, she felt so comfortable and at home here that she joined the church.

I hope you will join me on Sunday as we celebrate Pat’s retirement with an acknowledgment in worship with a reception following in the fellowship hall. Cards are welcome as we express our love and appreciation to a remarkable woman.

Pat, we love you and will miss you dearly. Our prayers go with you in this next chapter of life. On behalf of this entire church, we are deeply grateful for all you’ve brought and given to build up KGPC and all the ways you’ve made a difference in our lives. May God be with you in your retirement.

Abide in Christ so that you may go out to Grow, Shine, and Love,

Pastor Chris


Looking for ACTORS! The Christmas Cantata this year has a few acting parts and I am looking for some folks that would be inspired to participate. The short story is very doable and has a great message! Please talk with me if you are interested or know someone you would recommend.

The Contemporary Praise Music Sing-A-Long scheduled for Oct. 1st has been postponed for now.


The Music Ministry is offering “Percussion and Song” sessions for Middle and High school students.  Please see me or John Fritz if interested! 


Musically Yours, 



Sunday, October 1

8:45 AM– Adult Study/The Book of Acts

9:00 AM– MS & HS/Discussion & Donuts

10:00 AM– Worship Service & King’s Kids

11:00 AM– Retirement Reception forPat Kelley

4:00 PM– Family LIFE Group

5:30 PM– Youth Fellowship

5:30 PM– Cantata Rehearsal


Monday, October 2

9:00 AM– Trinity Preschool

9:30 AM– Quilters

12:30 PM– Lunch Bunch

7:00 PM– Eve Circle


Tuesday, October 3

9:00 AM– Trinity Preschool

4:30 PM– Music Makers

5:30 PM– Care Ministry Mtg.

6:30 PM– Porch LIFE Group @ Sandford’s

6:30 PM– Grow Ministry Mtg.

7:00 PM– Book Club 

Wednesday, October 4

7:00 AM- Prayer Breakfast

9:00 AM– Trinity Preschool

12:00 PM– Sabbatical Advisory Team mtg.

1:00 PM– Wednesday LIFE Group

5:30 PM– LIFE Group @ Ensenada’s

5:45 PM– Praise Team Rehearsal

7:00 PM– Bible Study LIFE Group

7:30 PM– Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal


Thursday, October 5

9:00 AM– Trinity Fine Arts Day

10:00 AM– Thursday LIFE Group

7:00 PM– Chancel Bells

7:15 PM– Zoom LIFE Group


Friday, October 6


Saturday, October 7

4:00 PM– Oyster Roast



Click HERE for the Full Calendar
Click HERE for OCTOBER Birthdays

Inspiring Justice Driven Communities of Faith

Amanda Pine

I am in Minneapolis, MN for the General Assembly Committee on Representation meeting. As many of you know, I spend some time in service to the larger church by being involved in denominational activities. Before the meeting began on Thursday, I walked to the Mississippi River to view the Stone Arch bridge. On the mile walk there and back, I encountered four dead birds on the side walk. They were not close to each other in proximity, but they shared a common trait: they were all dead. It is not uncommon to see dead birds; after all, birds are just like the rest of us mortals. However, I saw more dead birds on Thursday morning in two city miles than I have seen all summer on countless hikes, walks, and runs.

Gabriel Maté, a leading expert on addiction, says that an environment is normal when those who live in it are healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Something was not normal in downtown Minneapolis for these birds, and something is often not normal for us. We exist in a world that is separate from God’s will for us. It is my firm belief that we must act as Christ’s hands and feet here on earth to bring us a bit closer to the world as it should be (mostly because that is what Scripture asks of us). Luckily, the Connect Ministry Team believes that as well.

On Tuesday evening, representatives from fifteen different faith communities came together in the Sanctuary for a lecture from Susie Tierney, the Director of Just Faith. Just Faith Ministries is a national organization that believes in the power of sacred conversation to change the world. They offer a number of programs that focus on making this world closer to God’s vision for the world. Soon, Connect will offer a small group focusing on Faith and Racial Healing. We will be inviting members of the congregation to join us. If you are interested in furthering your spiritual journey in this way, please contact Amanda Pine at [email protected].


KGPC will be joining with Rise Against Hunger once again on October 8 at 2:00 to pack meals!

Please use this link to sign up if you would like to participate. We encourage you to invite a friend and have them sign up as well!


October Women's Circles

 Elizabeth Circle will meet at 10 AM on Tuesday, Oct. 10th, at Lynn Huffman's home. We will be studying

Sacred Encounters. Contact Cindy Hiddemen for more details.


Lydia Circle will meet at 10 AM on Tuesday, Oct. 10th at the home of Ellen Hill. We will be studying the book of Esther this year. Contact Claudia Hudgens for more details.


Eve Circle will meet on Monday, Oct. 2nd at 7:00 PM in the Parlor. We will be studying Who Is Jesus. Contact Pam Ponce for more details.



Actors in Costume----------Baking Cookies

Fellowship Hall Greeters-----Kitchen

Parking-------------------Animal Handlers

Costume Helpers-----------Builders/Setting Up & Builders/ Taking Down

Support PIN and JCOC Both PIN and JCOC have their annual fundraisers coming up, which are great opportunities to support these fabulous organizations and also enjoy and evening out. Please consider attending PIN's Annual Comedy Night November 10th at the Sandler Center (tickets are available from PIN or online or JCOC Annual Gala on October 6th (tickets are available at https://jcoc.org/gala23/).


Join our discussion on October 24th at 7:00 PM on the book

The Giver by Lois Lowry

November 28th

People of the Book: A Novel by Geraldine Brooks

Our Book Club meets on the last Tuesday of the month

at 7:00 p.m. in the Parlor.

Need a book, contact Julie Seipel for information.

Join us on

Mondays at 12:30 in the Connection Point

for Lunch Bunch!!

Bring a lunch and gather around the table as together this small group shares praises, concerns, scripture and study! Contact Julie Seipel for more information.


Grow In Your Faith!

Word Share Prayer is a monthly scripture reading/reflection that Session and the leaders of ministries use to start their meetings. We will include this in the monthly ENews for you to use throughout the month to read and meditate on.

READ:  Luke 17:5: The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’  

Ephesians 4:15-16: But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knitted together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love. 

2 Peter 3:18: But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen 


  • When was the last time you prayed for God to increase your faith? What would your life look life if you grew in faith?
  • How does it say we can grow in Christ? What happens to the body when we grow in Christ? Is that happening at KGPC?
  • What are the ways you are "striving to grow in your faith?" Do you have specific spiritual practices, days, or times?

Our Livestream is available Sundays on YouTube and also on Facebook! Use the links below. The links will also be in the Sunday Morning Worship email.

Click HERE for our 10:00 AM Worship Service
Click HERE for this week's Worship Guide
Click HERE for this week's Wired Word

Sundays at KGPC

8:45 AM: Adult Study- The Book of Acts/Parlor 

9:00 AM: Middle School & High School Class/

HS Rm 102: Discussion & Donuts

10:00 AM: Worship and King's Kids: During Passing of the Peace, children may follow their teachers to and be picked up from: 

 Pre-school/ Room 118----- Elementary School/ Room 104

Youth Fellowship

MS: Join us from 5:30 PM-7:00 PM for Youth Fellowship. We will enjoy fellowship time together from 5:30-6:30, and then eat dinner with the high schoolers from 6:30-7:00. 

HS: Join us from 6:30 PM-8:00 PM for Youth Fellowship. We will eat dinner with the middle schoolers from 6:30-7:00, and then separate to enjoy fellowship time together from 7-8:00

Click HERE for the Fall 2023 Youth Calendar

So far, we have collected over 100 cards, some of which have been included in PIN Lunches and some which will be given out this week to Food Bank and Meals on Wheels recipients! We have lots of people in our community who need a word of encouragement and, even more, to be reminded of the love of Christ, and we are asking each person to write a card each week in worship (Cards are available in the pews). You can also write cards at home (use your own cards or take some from the table by the office) and drop them off whenever you are at church


KGPC Fall 2023 Worship Series


Join us as we embark on an 8-week journey to encounter Jesus using the first season of the series “The Chosen,” the first-ever crowd-funded, multi-season series about the life of Christ and the unlikely people whose lives he turned upside down. You will be invited to watch each episode and join in a LIFE group as we gain a broader understanding of the probable context and backstory of many biblical characters. Jesus chose each of them to follow him, and chooses YOU, too. “You Are Chosen” will bring many of the early stories about Jesus’ ministry to life as we relate them to our lives today. So come, sit at the feet of Jesus, watch him in his early ministry, and hear his invitation to you, “Come. Follow me.”

October 1                The Wedding Gift                                   John 2:1-11

               Jesus and his 7 disciples, six male and one female, travel with him to a wedding in Cana where they meet his mother. Though not in scripture, Thomas is the coordinator of the wedding along with a daughter of a vineyard owner. When the wine runs out, Jesus’ mother asks for her son’s help. Thomas is one of the few that sees (but doesn’t understand) the miracle that takes place. Jesus tells Thomas, “Join me and I will show you a new way of counting and measuring.” How has this episode given you a new perspective of this miracle?

               Reflection Questions: How would you describe the way Thomas is depicted in this episode? Jesus reassures Thomas that while it's good to ask questions, we won't always understand, or even get, the answers. How do you deal with unanswered questions? Have you ever witnessed something you couldn’t logically explain? Why do you think Jesus performed this miracle even though he said his time had not yet come?


October 8 If You Are Willing…             Mark 1:40-2:12

               Both the leper and the friend of a paralytic plead with Jesus to heal, if he is willing. Their strength of faith is evident. In both instances Jesus is willing. In the first instance he tells the leper not to say anything to anyone about his healing. Why? The second time he heals in front of a crowd. Do you believe Jesus still heals today? What is the role of faith in healing? Is there ever at time Jesus is not willing to heal?

               Reflection Questions: Leprosy robbed its victim of dignity, community, and love. Are there any similar situations in our society today that would do the same? Have you ever cared about someone so much that you went to great lengths to help them? Why were the Pharisees so upset at Jesus’ healing? Who can you bring into Jesus’ presence by praying for them? 


October 15 Get Used to Different          Matthew 9:9; John 3:1-21

               Jesus speaks to Nicodemus about being born again, wind, Spirit, serpents, and other spiritual mysteries. He refers to a kingdom not of this world and saving not from Rome but from sin. This Jesus was different than any other rabbi Nicodemus had met. But as Jesus would later tell Peter, “Get used to different.” Matthew left everything to follow Jesus: money, a comfortable life, a steady job, protection of the Romans. Nicodemus also had a lot to lose if he followed Jesus: an honorable reputation, family, wealth, success. In the series, he too is invited by Jesus to follow him, but he is unable.

               Reflection Questions: Describe the difference between Nicodemus’ and Matthew’s response to Jesus invitation to follow him. When have you been more like Nicodemus? How have you been like Matthew? What have you left to follow Jesus? How would you tell someone what it means to be born again? 


October 22   Let the Little Children Come to Me   Matthew 18:1-5; Luke 18:15-17

               Before Jesus begins his formal ministry, The Chosen series depicts Jesus living in the woods where a group of children find him. These “first students” of Jesus ask questions about who he is and what his work is. Jesus welcomes them, teaches them, and provides a foreshadowing of his future ministry. 

               Reflection Questions: What would it take for you to trust Jesus the absolute faith of a child? Discuss what it means to be child-like in our response to Jesus, but not childish. What question that the children ask resonate with you the most? What question would you like to ask Jesus? What would you imagine his response would be?


October 29  In Spirit and Truth    John 4:1-42

               Jesus goes out of his way to make sure he is at a specific well at a specific time to meet a specific woman. He chose her to reveal himself publicly for the first time. Why? They have a lengthy discussion about worship where he says that worship is not about place but about the heart. Worship is about spirit and truth, not about logistics of time, place, and style. How might his teaching still resonate with us today? But only when he specifically tells her about her past does she come to believe. What is it that leads us to believe?

               Reflection Question: What was the significance of Jesus revealing his identity for the first time to a Samaritan woman? Why do you think he chose her? In what ways does their conversation about worship influence your thoughts about worship today? Have you ever been as excited as that woman to tell others about Jesus? If Jesus told you “everything that you have ever done,” what would he say to you?

Join us as we focus on Jesus to deepen our relationships with God and each other. This worship series will inspire you to engage just like the disciples did-up close and personal! Contact Amanda Pine for more details and to sign up

 On the Chosen Series:

Family LIFE Group: This group is for families with children of any age. We will have prayer and discussion followed by a potluck dinner.

When: Sundays from 4-6 PM beginning on September 24th in JJ Toombs and Shannon Bronaugh’s homes

 Lunch Bunch: This group is for anyone to attend. Prayer, discussion, and bring your own lunch!

When: Mondays from 12:30-2 PM in the Connection Point at church

Porch LIFE Group: Meet out at the porch at the leader’s house for discussion and prayer

When: Tuesdays from 6:30-8 PM at Sanford’s home led by Chuck and Pam Sanford and Daryl and Marion Mitchell

Wednesday LIFE Group: Meet for discussion and prayer

When: Wednesdays at 1 PM at church led by Sue Mooney

Thursday LIFE Group: Meet for discussion and prayer

When: Thursdays at 10 AM at church led by Pastor Chris

Zoom LIFE Group: Meet for discussion and prayer

When: Thursday at 7:15 PM on Zoom led by Karen Pleas


Prayer Breakfast: Join us for prayer, discussion, and breakfast

When: Wednesdays at 7 AM in the Fellowship Hall

*NEW - Bible Study LIFE Group: Meet for study, prayer, and discussion

When: Every other week on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM led by Suzy Farley

We will start on Sept. 20th and will meet at the church. We’ll be discussing Luke.

*NEW - LIFE Group at Ensenada's led by Dan Duquette

When: Wednesdays at 5:30 PM at Ensenada's Restaurant

Biscuit Bunch: This monthly group gathers to pray and fellowship over Hardee's biscuits in the Pavilion by the playground.

When: Thursday once a month at 8:30 AM in the Pavilion 

Contact Amanda Pine for more details about these amazing LIFE Groups.

“Pathway to Generosity” for 2024

Commitment Sunday Worship Service Sunday, October 29, 2023 10:00 AM

Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:19) Where is your is your treasure stored? What path does your heart follow? Commitment Season is upon us. This is a time for you and your family to prayerfully discern what your financial commitment to God’s work through King’s Grant Presbyterian says about the focus of “your treasure and your heart”.

What financial commitment you will make for 2024?


• Pray for God to lead you on new steps in your faith journey to deepen your sense of generosity and gratitude.

• Experience the joy of contributing to God’s work in the world. • Understand that Stewardship is not a way of raising a budget. It is God’s way of raising disciples.

• Complete your 2024 Commitment Card (coming in the mail soon) and bring it to worship on October 29, 2023

• If you are unable to attend that day, drop off or mail your card to the church

• OR complete the card online on our website & click on the “Give” page

• If you have any questions contact Jill McNulty or Julie Seipel

Thank YOU for Committing & Giving!






Cash Income-------------$38,806

Cash Expenses --------($53,099)





ACTUAL INCOME:-------$403,551

ACTUAL EXPENSES:--($415,268)







Click HERE for Financial Summary
Contact Us

King's Grant Presbyterian Church

745 Little Neck Road

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452

(757) 340-2840 

[email protected]

Office Hours: 8:30 - 3:00 M-F

Service Times

10:00 AM - Worship

---------- Service

Visit our website