November 2023

Just a few thoughts...

by Hulen Bivins, Executive Director

As we continue to move toward the end of another year, now is the time when the state’s libraries should work to set a foundation for forthcoming actions in the new year of 2024. A positive mindset is needed as a basis foundation in our preparations. Certainly, a negative outlook will not deliver the results that we expect and hope for in the months to come. First, however, let us pause to be appreciative of the status we have after the trials of the passing year of 2023. Knowing that things for our state’s libraries could have been much worse, we need to acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of life. Health, both physical and mental, can be a positive that helps us prepare for the challenges that shall surely come.

Librarians in the next year must focus on the positive aspects of situations encountered. When faced with challenges, let us collectively and as individuals seek the silver lining. Embracing the power of positivity does not mean ignoring difficulties but rather approaching them with a mindset that looks for solutions and growth opportunities.

After the challenges of 2023, librarians need to evaluate the influences around us, including people, media, and our environment. Surrounding ourselves with positivity by spending time with supportive associations and supportive individuals will strengthen our positive mindset.

Hopefully, we have learned from the setbacks encountered in 2023. Instead of viewing these setbacks as failures, librarians need to see any failures as opportunities for both learning and growth. Working with a mindset that sees our challenges as steps toward our individual success prepares each of us to better deal with adversity and the stress associated. 

As 2023 draws to a close, let us remember that this is the season traditionally viewed as a season of kindness. It is a time to express kindness and to do acts of kindness, especially with those who have in the past given us only problems and frustration. Hopefully, our actions of giving and receiving kindness shall create a positive effect, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and joy among all.

Finally, let us set achievable and realistic goals for 2024 that align with our values. Librarians must celebrate small victories along the way and use them as building blocks for larger accomplishments. Progress, no matter how small, contributes to a positive outlook and a sense of accomplishment.

Around the State with Mississippi Public Libraries

Winona-Montgomery Friends of the Library

win Chapter One Award

The Winona-Montgomery Friends of the Library received statewide recognition at the Mississippi Library Association’s annual conference. For outstanding contributions to libraries and for making the biggest impact to library service in the community, the Friends were presented the Chapter One Award. The president and former librarian Virginia “Bootsie” Weed led the Winona-Montgomery Friends in a wildly successful community gardening extravaganza led by Felder Rushing during this year's National Library Week. Aside from hosting this and many other author events for adults, the Winona-Montgomery Friends have also assisted with programs for children. The library's annual pajama party wouldn't have been the same without their gift and snack bags. Visit for more information.

Books Signing and Meet & Greet with Governor Tate Reeves and Holt McMullan

The opening welcome was given by the Board Chair for the Kemper Newton Regional Library System. The Mayor for Newton and other local officials were present to celebrate this signing event at the Newton library. With the addition of Gov. Reeves signature, Holt McMullan has obtained 13 signatures from Mississippi governors. His father, J. Elliott McMullan, was instrumental in raising funds to have the Newton library built.

Find out more at

Jackson-Hinds Librarian named Spectrum Diversity Scholar

Jordan Jones has been selected as an American Library Association Spectrum Diversity Scholar. 70 scholars were named nationally out of a large annual pool of applicants. This scholarship comes with almost $7,000 in a cash grant, and matching graduate tuition reimbursement, and along with full paid training and travel to the Spectrum Leadership Institute in San Diego in 2024. Jones is currently in the Master’s of Library Science program at the University of Southern Mississippi. He serves as the Branch Manager for the Willie Morris branch library. 

Find out more about the JHPLS at

News and Opportunities for Libraries

MAGNOLIA Training Available

MLC now has a MAGNOLIA Outreach Coordinator to help you learn and share information about how to access and use the MAGNOLIA databases. Trainings are available in person or virtually. Contact Kristen Hillman at to schedule your staff training today!

Scholastic Literacy Partnerships

Any non-profit (501c3), state agency, community organization, or corporation that is engaged in distributing books to children and/or their families free of charge is eligible to join. Current Scholastic Literacy Partnerships include small, grassroots programs housed in churches, schools, and community centers as well as large national programs run out of corporations, government agencies, and nonprofits. Services provided by these organizations often include early childhood, family literacy, and adult literacy programs.

Becoming a Scholastic Literacy Partner demonstrates your commitment to supporting literacy as a means to bettering the lives of children. It also entitles you to following benefits:

  • 10 FREE Bonus Books for every $150 spent
  • Discounts up to 68% off
  • FREE shipping and handling
  • Access to exclusive Scholastic resources

Find out more at Scholastic Literacy Partnerships - Literacy Development & Reading Programs.

Cookmobile Applications

If you are interested in reserving a Cookmobile beginning in March 2024 or later, now is the time to fill out an application!


If you are interested in applying to reserve a Cookmobile, here are a few things to consider:


  • Be prepared to list at least 4 programs your library is interested in hosting with the Cookmobile as well as a rough timeline for these programs.
  • Partnerships with local groups, organizations, etc. are encouraged for your Cookmobile programs.
  • Cookmobiles are checked out for a 3-month period. You may want to factor in time during the beginning of your reservation to familiarize yourself and your staff with the equipment/setup.
  • The Cookmobile will be delivered and picked up from your library by a third-party delivery service.


Click here to apply!


The application and other Cookmobile materials can be found on MLC’s Cookmobile webpage.

2024 Jane Smith Literacy Award

This award recognizes an existing literary project or program that is outside of traditional library service, innovative in nature, and in a Mississippi public library. Think broadly about the term “literacy”—digital, financial, or family are all types of literacy that would qualify. The winner will receive a $100 cash prize, which will be awarded in February at the Public Library Directors meeting. The award nomination form will be open until December 15, 2023.


Apply at

Stephen T. Riedner Grant for Life Enhancing Library Programs for People Living with Dementia

Two $2,500 grants are available for libraries that are planning new services/programming for their patrons living with dementia. Grant submissions could include, but are not limited to, projects focused on:


  • Inclusion – welcoming this population into the library/community
  • Staff dementia awareness training
  • Person-centered focus – address unique needs as individuals with their own interests, abilities, and history
  • Literacy activities that promote the use of books and reading as at least one component of programming (which of course can include art, music, exercise, nature, etc. as well)
  • Academic research into reading and dementia
  • Developing partnerships with local organizations that also serve those living with dementia


Complete the simple application form and submit it by Feb. 23, 2024

Libraries Transforming Communities: Small and Rural Communities Grant

These grants focus on increasing accessibility of facilities, services, and programs to better serve people with disabilities. Libraries will need to identify the primary audience they are hoping to reach (children with autism, patrons with mobility issues, those with PTSD, etc) and create their grant application around better serving that audience. 250 libraries will receive $10,000 for their projects and 50 libraries will receive $20,000 for more ambitious projects. The Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) defines a rural community as one that is more than, or equal to, five miles from an urbanized area (defined as a town/city with a population of 25,000 or greater) and small communities to have a population of 25,000 or less.

Grant guidelines:

How to apply:

Deadline: December 11, 2023

Margaret Murray Grant

The purpose of the Margaret Murray Grant is to advance library programming and literacy for Mississippi public libraries through activities sponsored by local Friends of Mississippi Libraries chapters. Margaret Murray was a former employee at the Mississippi Library Commission and served as the liaison to the state Friends. Margaret actively supported and encouraged local public libraries in Mississippi to establish Friends of the Library chapters. 


Grant funds are earmarked for programming, collection development, and literacy activities. Funds are not intended for administrative or operational use. Grants for 2024 are $500 and four chapters will be awarded. Successful applicants agree to match grant funds at a minimum of 10% ($50.00) in financial support from the local Friends.


Margaret Murray Grant Application for 2024

Deadline: February 29th, 2024

Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries Grant

Public librarians are encouraged to tell school librarians in the state that the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries provides funds to our nation's neediest schools so that they can extend, update, and diversify the book and print collections in their libraries with the goal of encouraging students to develop a stronger love of reading and learning. The grant is to be used to purchase school library books, e-books, and magazines. Use of the grant’s funds for shelving or furniture of any kind, or similar items, is prohibited. 

For more information or to apply:

Introduce your library--When connecting with new project partners, introduce your library. Have your logo and system/branch name clearly identifiable on any library packets or documents. Bring program information, statistics, or any positive anecdotes about the library’s services. New partners should hear the library’s story and have a clear view of how the library supports the community.

Know your goal--When building project partnerships, it’s best to have clearly defined goals. Unclear or half-planned ideas will not motivate folks to agree to putting their name or brand on a project.

Establish shared goals and benefits--Make sure to establish shared goals with your partners. Consider your mutual interests in supporting the community, and how working together will also benefit the goals of your partner organization. What would motivate them to partner with you?

Partnerships come in all shapes and sizes-- Sometimes the word “partner” strums up ideas of money and formal agreements. Partnerships can involve those things, however, they can also be as simple as a local figure coming to do a story time, or having the town’s garden store annually donate surplus supplies for programming.

For assistance with your Community outreach, contact Natalie Dunaway at

2023 Public Library Technology Survey

All U.S. public libraries are invited to complete this survey to help PLA better understand technology capacity, resources for patrons, infrastructure, digital literacy, and staffing.

To complete the survey, login to your library’s Benchmark account. Click on “Surveys” in the menu and you will see the 2023 PLA Technology Survey listed under “Open Surveys.” All public library directors or your library’s contact in Benchmark should have received an invitation to this year’s survey. If you did not, please contact for assistance in accessing your Benchmark account.

Deadline: December 16, 2023

PLA Surveys and Data | Public Library Association (PLA) (

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