October 2021 Newsletter
In this Issue
TCNA General neighborhood Association meeting: November 1 at 7PM
- Rev. Dr. Pauline Murray Presentation and Bishop's Park Proposal
- Walking Path on Linkwood Road
TCNA President's Message
Neighborhood Committees
- Public Safety
- Streets: Bollards
- Greens: Tuscany Triangle
- Social: Halloween Activities
Neighborhood News
- Anne Perkins
- Bulk Trash is Back
- Baltimore Plastic Bag Ban
- New Recycling Cans Coming
Calvert School Information
Neighborhood Restaurants
Home & Condo Sale Prices
Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury
- October26, 7:30 pm TCNA Streets Committee Meeting
- November 1, 7:00 pm TCNA General Neighborhood Meeting
- November 3, 7:00 pm. TCNA Board Meeting
- See other events at the end of the newsletter
General Neighborhood Association Meeting
Monday, November 1
7:00 PM (virtual)
7:00 Welcome and Introductions
7:10 Special Presentation - Representatives of The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray Chapter, Union of Black Episcopalians
- The Right Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, Bishop of Maryland
- Celestine Morgan, President
- Ms. Rosita Stevens-Holsey, Rev. Murray's niece
7:40 Calvert Liaison Report
7:45 Update on Calvert Construction
- Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travioso
8:00 Update on Linkwood Road Plans
- Brian ten Siethoff - Streets Committee
8:25 Brief Announcements
Meeting ID: 841 2806 7779
Passcode: 463537
Rev. Dr. Pauline Murray
Pauli Murray: Black Activist, Feminist, Lawyer, Priest and Poet.
The Pauli Murray Project will address the TCNA general meeting on November 1st with a request to support recognition for Dr. Rev. Murray in Bishop’s Park on University Parkway and Charles Street.
Who is Pauli Murray? Anna Pauline Murray was born in Baltimore in 1910 and throughout her life she campaigned for racial equality, and as a result suffered discrimination and imprisonment. She was accepted to Harvard Law School but then rejected because of her gender, subsequently graduating from the University of California Berkley Law School. Her book, ‘States’ Laws on Race and Color’ was described by Thurgood Marshall as the bible for civil rights lawyers. Her writings also include a biography that details the racial prejudice suffered by her grandparents, and an autobiography.
Words By Pauli Murray
We are Spendthrifts with words,
We squander them,
Toss them like pennies in the air -
Arrogant words,
Angry words,
Cruel words,
Comradely words,
Shy words tiptoeing from mouth to ear.
But the slowly wrought words of love
and the thunderous words of heartbreak
Those we hoard
There is a new documentary out in theaters now, and which can be streamed via Amazon Prime, called “My Name is Pauli Murray” by the filmmakers who filmed the documentary about Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Other resources and information
- Washington Post article September 12, 2021 CLICK HERE
- New book release on January 2022 PAULI MURRAY: The Life of a Pioneering Feminist & Civil Rights Activist
Bishop's Square Park is located in Tuscany-Canterbury. Support from Tuscany-Canterbury to recognize Rev. Dr. Pauline Murray in Bishop's Square Park is just one step before any action proceeds. Support from various groups (City Planning, Parks and Recognization, City Council) will be needed before it goes to the Baltimore Arts Commission who will determine what happens.
Linkwood Road Improvements: Final Vote at November TCNA Board Meeting
The TCNA Streets Committee is working on the finishing touches of a plan to complete a missing link in the Stony Run Walking Path and make Linkwood Road in Tuscany-Canterbury a safer place for the community to walk, bike, and spend time outdoors. The proposed plan will be discussed at the TCNA Streets Committee's Fall Meeting on October 26 and presented to the TCNA General Membership at the upcoming November 1 meeting. Then the final Concept Plan will be voted on at the November 3 TCNA Board meeting.
The 2017 "Upper Stony Run Strategic Plan", published by the Roland Park Community Foundation in partnership with Friends of Stony Run, proposed installation of a new walking path to connect the two bridges. The Strategic Plan states that: "The stretch of Upper Stony Run between Stoneyford Road and Ridgemede Road is the narrowest section of the stream corridor and is constrained by private parking lots on the west side and Linkwood Road on the east side. Consequently, there is very little space to accommodate the walking path. Several concepts for the walking path and its alignment through this area have been explored and should continue to be explored with the adjacent Tuscany-Canterbury Community and adjacent property owners."
After nearly three years of discussion and outreach to adjacent residents and the broader Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood, a group of volunteers has developed a Concept Plan that envisions a new walking path on the stream side of Linkwood Road between the two bridges. The existing path in the grass will be maintained along the stream from Ridgemede Road to north of the Ridgemede Road alley. However, from the entrance to the Ridgemede Road alley down to Stoney Ford Road, the path would need to run in Linkwood Road and would require a reallocation of street space to prioritize safety for people walking.
To accommodate the path and maintain two-way traffic along Linkwood Road, the motor vehicle travel lanes would need to be shifted to the east side of Linkwood Road, away from the stream. Parking would be prohibited from Stoney Ford Road to the entrance driveway to the Linkwood Apartments to ensure adequate street width for cars, trucks, and emergency vehicles to pass in two-way traffic. To address concerns raised by residents of the Ridgewood and Ridgemede buildings, the project was modified to retain as much parking as possible north of the Ridgemede Road alley.
Traffic calming measures and ADA-compliant design features also have been incorporated into the proposed design. Three sets of modified speed humps ("speed cushions") along this stretch of Linkwood Road would slow cars and trucks, but they would have gaps to allow emergency vehicles to travel unimpeded. Street lights and signs would be relocated as needed to clear obstacles from the existing sidewalk, and portions of the existing sidewalk would be reconstructed to be ADA-compliant. Improved crosswalks at Stoney Ford Road and Ridgemede Road will make it safer to access the bridges across Stony Run.
Finally, responding to concerns raised about the quality of materials used in recent traffic calming projects in and around our neighborhood, the proposed design calls for more permanent, durable, and aesthetically-pleasing materials to be used to fit in with the historical character of our community.
Details about the plan will be presented
- TCNA Streets Committee Fall Meeting on October 26 at 7:30
- TCNA General Membership Meeting on November 1
- TCNA Final Vote about plan on November 3
For information about the Linkwood Road improvements or the TCNA Streets Committee, contact TCNA Streets Committee Chair Brian ten Siethoff at btensiethoff@gmail.com.
Message from TCNA President - Julia Frazier
Greetings, and Happy fall! One of these days, the temperatures will drop, and I will savor a fire in the grate, some hot cocoa, and the splendor of nature's colorful palette - painted on our trees and leaves throughout the neighborhood. I look forward to chillier weather, and brisk fall walks through our streets and alleyways with my family and Ivy the Airedale. Autumn has always been my favorite time of year!
It is a busy and constructive time around Tuscany Canterbury. The Calvert School community is back in full swing. The sounds of the students' laughter and voices during outdoor playtime trail through the neighborhood on sunny schooldays. Construction trucks can be heard, working away on the school's upper field, and behind Castalia, as the new sports facility is materializing. We've said a few goodbyes, and offered some warm hellos to neighbors either setting off for new adventures, or settling in anew - ready for new memories and friendships to be made. Welcome to our new residents, and fare thee well, to our friends heading off to new horizons!
I am excited about current local conversations that are taking place, focusing on vibrant new projects in our green spaces, and our thoroughfares and walkways. There have been continued dedicated efforts to make our parks and our streets and shared use pathways safer, and usable for all.
The COVID Pandemic still dictates our lives in many ways, but many people are finding ways to be active, and return to some much missed activities. While we as a neighborhood have not yet returned to attending monthly "First Friday" get-togethers, we hope that will not be true forever. Unfortunately, our fall picnic did not gel, but we hope to revisit that in the spring. Halloween approaches, and I know that families are planning to head out - safely and cautiously. It seems we are adaptable creatures, and the bustle of life and recreation continue. Once again, I am thankful for the opportunity to walk out my front door, and enjoy some of the best strolling routes that Baltimore City has to offer.
I wish you all continued health and safety, and a pleasant autumn season. Thank you for all that you do to make our neighborhood the fun and interesting place that it is! Stay kind and caring, and I hope to see you around the neighborhood soon.
Very best,
Public Safety Committee
Paul Gallo, Committee Chair
Tuscany-Canterbury Crime Data
Comparison 2020 and 2021
Overall decrease of 47%
100% decrease in violent crime
41% decrease in property crime
No reported crimes in the past 28 days.
Tuscany-Canterbury is truly one of the safest places in Baltimore area. The crime statistics from Northern District from January 2020 through October 12t 2021 continue to show a decrease in crime in Tuscany-Canterbury. Tuscany-Canterbury is home to 3800 people in 1700 homes, condos, and apartments.
Fall Safety Suggestions
- Check your car doors to make sure they are locked (even if you park in a condo or apartment building garage). Don't leave any valuables visible in your car.
Keep outdoor lights on porches and outside on condos throughout the night even if you are not home. This discourages crime from happening.
- If you see a street light that is out, call 311 as soon as possible. If it doesn't get repaired Click here to email TCNA with the confirmation number and location.
- If you see something suspicious, call 911 as soon as possible.
You can get your vaccine at home!
The Baltimore City Department of Health is available to come to you for your vaccine! If you have not had time to get your vaccine because of your work schedule or other reasons, the department can come to you. Sign up at covax.baltimorecity.gov or call 443-984-8650.
COVID 19 Myth vs Fact
Are you getting confused with what you’re hearing about COVID-19? You are not alone. Johns Hopkins infectious disease experts debunk some common myths.
Maryland COVID cases, vaccinations and other metrics
Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count
Social Committee
Ann Christopher, Committee Chair
Fall Picnic has been postponed until the spring.
Halloween will return to Tuscany-Canterbury this year. Expect children to Trick or Treat. No parades are planned. If you do not want any Trick or Treaters turn off your outside light.
No First Friday Events until 2022.
Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair
A recent concern from several neighbors about the bollards came to the Streets Committee.
The bollards placed in a wide configuration at the corner of Linkwood and West University make it difficult to negotiate a good turn on to Linkwood. Bollards are a blight on Baltimore because they are not attractive and they are also distracting. They are becoming more present and used by city traffic department in lieu of a better solution. What can be done?
The TCNA Streets Committee researched the issue.
We share your concerns about the aesthetics and specific placement of bollards in and around our neighborhood. I've noted your specific observation about the intersection of West University and Linkwood and will communicate that to the City. You also can submit a 311 request via the city's portal so we have a record of the request to reference.
We're working with the City DOT and Councilwoman Odette Ramos to determine how future improvements to streets in our neighborhood can address urgent safety concerns while making use of more durable and more aesthetically pleasing materials. The challenge, as always, is how to pay for a seemingly endless list of critical transportation needs (safety, maintenance, mobility improvements for people with disabilities) and neighborhood requests.
The bollards seem to be a response to the city leadership's demand that City DOT address safety issues citywide as rapidly as possible. They've chosen to implement what are billed as "pilot" projects that can be made permanent via more durable materials and landscaping if the projects are determined to meet their objectives AND if more funding becomes available in the future to pay for longer term improvements. Both are big IFs.
Greens Committee
Bonnie Boland, Committee Chair
"Construction Zone - Crabgrass Eradication Zone"
The Oval Garden at Tuscany/Ridgemede needs some special attention both in trimming of shrubs and crabgrass removal. The crabgrass eradication effort may be a multi-year effort. The money that Tuscany-Canterbury that has budgeted for a landscaper won't cover all the neighborhood needs. So a special Thank You to board members and other volunteers who have been hard at work doing some weeding and trimming in the four gardens we tend and also donating plants and other materials.
BMORE Beautiful is encouraging residents to adopt & support a clean, green, eco-friendly City.
They are launching a virtual Urban Gardening Series.
Neighborhood News
Please let Amy Mutch know of a neighbor who should be featured or other items of interest in the Neighborhood Profile.
Anne Perkins
Is it too much to say that Tuscany Canterbury would not be this lovely livable community if were not for resident Anne Perkins? No
Anne moved from Guilford to Tuscany Road in 1990. This week she will be leaving our neighborhood. As we wish her all the best and as we invite her back for every block party and picnic, we must thank her for all that she has done for our neighborhood.
Shortly after Anne moved to Tuscany Canterbury residents found themselves in negotiations with Calvert School over their expansion. It was Anne who assisted the board of directors and pushed Calvert to agree to an understanding that any future changes or development had to have the agreement of the Tuscany Canterbury Community.
Fast forward to just a few years ago when Calvert acquired the woods across from Tuscany Road and went to the Baltimore City Planning Board for approval to add a field and fieldhouse. Neighbors followed then Co-Presidents of the Board, Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart to strike a deal that allowed the sale but preserved the woods and privacy for homeowners.
Eight years ago, Anne joined neighbors to our north to clean and preserve a walking path along the Stony Run Creek past Wynhurst. This fall a plan to create a safe walking path to our south across Wyman Park will be unveiled. Again, we have the tireless efforts of Anne to thank.
Not only did she use her skills to get community engagement and buy in, she lobbied to get State and City funding. With every hiccup or stumble by planners or contractors, Anne was on the phone to see the path project thru. We have her to thank for the new beautiful bridges over the Stony Run that give all of us and our dogs access to wide open spaces.
Thank you Anne for being a great neighbor, great friend, and leader in Tuscany Canterbury.
by Maggie McIntosh
PS - Anne's cell phone and email address will remain the same!
Questions, Comments, Messages
If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please CLICK HERE and we will try to help.
The hillside between University Parkway and Stoney Ford Road has not been mowed for months. It used to be mowed every three weeks. What's happening?
The issue has been reported to Baltimore City 311 Center. We will keep you informed about the status.
Baltimore officials estimate 8,000 gallons of wastewater released after sewage backup near Stony Run stream after a nearby sewer line backup.
What can be done about this?
The city’s Department of Public Works crews were able to clear the main line blockage later that day. The leak was very concerning for neighbors since people and pets frequently walk along the stream and even swim inside it. Spills can release large amounts of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus into streams, stimulating the growth of oxygen-sucking algae — a nemesis for the Chesapeake Bay.
See more information in the Sun
TCNA is considering forming an Sustainability / Environmental Committee. Neighbors have contacted us about location for Electric Car Charging Stations, Solar Panels, Concerns about the Stony Run, and more. What are your concerns?
Council Member Odette Ramos sends TCNA her weekly newsletter. Some of the information is included in the TCNA newsletter. If you would like to receive her newsletter please let her know. odette.ramos@baltimorecity.gov
Please feel free to contact the 14th District at any time.
The number is 410-396-4814
You can also contact her fabulous team:
Yaslin Machuca yaslin.machuca@baltimorecity.gov regarding social media and communications, matters relating to Latino community, and scheduling a meeting or event with Odette or anyone in her office.
Plastic Bag Ban Is Here
Plastic Bag Ban Starts October 1st
Starting October the Giant, and all of the vendors will not have the same bags we are used to using. They will have alternative bags that cost 5 cents or more. Bring your reusable shopping bags!
Here are more details for retailers and customers about this ban.
Bulk Trash Pick Up is Back!
Residents must call 311 (do not use the app or online) to schedule your pick up.
- The collection will occur on Saturdays.
- Each quadrant of the City will have a specific Saturday of the month when they can request bulk collection.
- Scheduling bulk collection must be requested through 311 no later than 5 p.m. on the Thursday before the assigned quadrant collection day
- The first 200 requests for bulk trash collection and the first 30 requests for white goods collection will be scheduled; requests received above this amount will be scheduled for the following month.
- Residents are allowed to set out a total of 3 items.
- Residents should NOT put out their bulk items prior to their Saturday collection until they have received confirmation of their collection.
Tuscany-Canterbury estimated delivery of new recycling carts will be in February 2022.
You will receive postcards about the delivery of the new recycling carts. The postcards arrive in residents’ homes about 30 - 50 days before the distribution process begins
If you don't want a cart, and to opt out, call 311.
The new recycling carts are the same size as the Green City trash cans, and have a tracking code linked to the address in case the cart goes missing.
it’s easy to go overboard and assume that most plastics and paper can be recycled. In fact this is not the case.
Should NOT go into recycling (partial listing from city website)
- Soiled recyclables
- Polystyrene (styrofoam)
- Plastic bags or plastic wrapping of any type
- Takeout/deli food containers of any type, plastic cutlery and straws, snack bags
- Candy wrappers
- Paper towels
- Tissues
- Parchment/wax paper
Calvert School Information
Tuscany Woods Project Update
Pat Hawthorne & Mike Traviso
Tuscany Woods Project Committee
Calvert School Construction
Questions and Concerns:
- If you have questions or concerns about any construction issue please do not call Calvert or members of the TCNA, TLCC, Gardens or Ridgemede Boards unless it is an emergency.
- Click below and someone from the Tuscany Project Committee will get back to you quickly.
- From time to time there may be many questions on the same issue that the Project Committee will answer in the monthly TCNA E-Newsletter.
Neighborhood Restaurants Update
Support Our Restaurants in Tuscany-Cantebury
Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information
Amy Mutch, Neighborhood Business Liaison
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.
Cypriana is proud to announce it is the recipient of The Baltimore Sun’s Reader Choice award 2021 for “Best in Mediterranean Cuisine”! Owners Maria and Vassos were determined to maintain a high standard as covid challenged the restaurant industry and this award is a validation for their labor of love. Maria shared some wonderful stories of her Greek ancestors and the word “philotimo” is the thread that runs through so much of her history. Friendship, love, and honor are included in the definition of this Greek word that can’t be translated. The patio will remain open as weather permits and indoor dining is fully operational.
The Ambassador Dining Room is pleased with the success of the newly created buffet brunch on Sundays from 11-2:30! Their liquor license was extended to offer libations and hope this new enhancement will continue to bring in neighbors!
Hopkins Deli is your place to go for snack and sweet cravings! Offerings range from the specialized, wasabi peas and yogurt pretzels, to the classics, caramel creams and milk chocolate peanuts. Did you know they have NINE salad options on their menu?
One World Café is thrilled to see neighbors and students out and about enjoying the beautiful weather and patronizing the restaurant with renewed energy. Indoor dining is at full capacity but tables are socially distanced by design.
Alizee’ American Bistro continues to work on re-branding efforts and hopes announcements are in the near future. Stay tuned!
Updated Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday: 11 - 3 & 5 - 9
Monday: Open for Party Only
443 449 6200
Open Daily
7am-11am serving breakfast
5pm-9pm serving dinner
A casual but upscale authentic neighborhood restaurant. Make reservations for patio dining
410 366-6603
10% discount is extended to residents on food and 15% discount on cases of wine
100 W University Parkway
Extended hours Wednesday through Saturday from 10am-8pm.
Sunday remains 10-4 pm and they are closed Monday and Tuesday.
Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
Thanks to TCNA president and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source: This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email: julia@monumentsothebysrealty.com
Events Happening In and Around
Community Concerts at Second’s 35th season of “Music for All, Free to All”
In planning our return to presenting live events, the health and safety of our audience has been our top concern. As a result, Community Concerts at Second will require all audience members to show proof of vaccination and to wear masks at our concerts until further notice. We ask that you arrive early to present proof of vaccination to our volunteers.
In addition, we plan to livestream our five fall concerts for those who are not yet comfortable attending live events.
- Oct 24 - Candlelight Concert
- Nov 7 - Janice Chandler-Eteme, soprano
- Nov 21 - Candlelight Concert
- Jan 9, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
- Jan 30, 2022 - Berta Rojas, guitar
- Feb 27, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
- March 20, 2022 - Nathalie Joachim & Spektral Quartet
- April 3, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
- April 24, 2022 - Icarus Quartet
- May 1, 2022 - Ivalas Quartet
- May 15, 2022 - Wonderlic Piano Concert
- May 22, 2022 - Joel Fan, piano
- June 5, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
Thaddeus Mosley: Forest
October 17, 2021-March 27, 2022
Painter Sam Gilliam nicknamed Thaddeus Mosley “the forest” and called him the “keeper of old trees, round trees, big trees, heavy trees.” This month, see five recent sculptures by Mosley, who channels the art of the African diaspora, jazz, and the European modernist avant-garde into inventive wooden forms using only a mallet, chisel, and masterful joinery techniques.
BMA Violet Hour:
SAFRA/Primitive Tongues
October 20
6-7 p.m.
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator. PresidentTCNA@gmail.com
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association
Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Don't know when to pay your dues? Reminder renewal notices for 2021-2022 are sent the month that your dues need to be renewed.
Not a member yet? Join anytime!
Officers and Board Members for July 2021 to June 2022
Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members:
- Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
- Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
- Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
- Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
- Paul Gallo (Tuscany Court)
- Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op Stony Run Lane)
- Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
- Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street)
- Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
- Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road)
- Anne Perkins (Tuscany Road)
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street)
- Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
Members of the Calvert Project Committee
- *Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford)
- *Mike Traviso (Tuscany/Lombardy Co-op)
- Charles Brenton (Tuscany/Lombardy Co-op)
- Lucinda Davis (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo)
- Fred Lazarus. TCNA (Ridgemede Road)
- Andy Parsley (TCNA Tuscany Road)
- Julia Frazier (TCNA President, Canterbury Road)
- Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford)
*Co-Chairs and points of contact with questions.
Curbside Art in Tuscany-Canterbury
Balcony Garden in the St. James