Wednesday, February 2, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
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BWH Neurology Grand Rounds: Neurology New Instructors
Session #2- Getting to Know You
12:00 – Meabh O’Hare, MBBCh
12:15  - Andrew Stern, M.D., Ph.D.
12:30 – Sattar Khoshkhoo, M.D.

Meabh O’Hare, MBBCh trained in medicine at the University College Dublin, Ireland, then completed neurology residency and neuromuscular fellowship at Mass General Brigham. She now has clinics at both the Foxborough and main Brigham campuses, seeing primarily neuromuscular patients, and also works closely with the neurology residents taking care of patients on the inpatient neurohospitalist service. She has a strong interest in medical education and has been appointed Assistant Clerkship Director for the HMS neurology clerkship. She also has a particular clinical and research interest in the neuromuscular complications of checkpoint inhibitor therapies. 

Andrew Stern, M.D., Ph.D. is an Instructor in Neurology within the cognitive and behavioral division. He completed his residency in the combined MGH-BWH program and his fellowship at BWH. He works under the mentorship of Dennis Selkoe studying the basic biology of amyloid beta aggregates in Alzheimer disease brain.
Sattar Khoshkhoo, M.D. is an Instructor in Neurology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a postdoctoral research fellow in the laboratory of Chris Walsh at Boston Children’s Hospital. He completed his medical training at UCSF where he worked with Eddie Chang to study the mechanisms of language perception in surgical epilepsy patients and later joined the laboratory of Vikaas Sohal as an HHMI fellow to investigate the basic mechanisms of focal epilepsies. Sattar completed his neurology residency at Mass General Brigham and his epilepsy training at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Sattar has had a longstanding interest in studying the pathophysiology of human epilepsies using a combination of systems neurobiology and molecular genetics approaches. He is currently funded through a NINDS R25 fellowship to study the role of somatic mutations in temporal lobe epilepsy.

CME code will be given out at the zoom meeting.

If you have any questions about the CME credit, please contact Partners Office of Continuing Professional Development at

The MGB CPD Team welcomes your feedback on their CME process. Please email Tracy Young-Pearse, Ph.D. and William R. Renthal, M.D., Ph.D. with your comments

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Chat Function will be available for Q&A prior to the end of the seminar

Meeting ID: 582 346 2701

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For questions, please contact Seminar Directors Tracy Young-Pearse, Ph.D. and William R. Renthal, M.D., Ph.D.
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