Learn more about the Black community's experience with Health & Wellness through programs and activities with the St. Louis Public Library and the Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis as we celebrate Black History Month!
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February 4, 2022
@ 10:00 - 10:30 am CST
They're BACK! USGBC-MO Gateway Coffee Breaks kick off this Friday with February's focus on green building for businesses.

Take a break, and jump-start your day with Building Automation Systems and their relationship to Energy Management to achieve building performance optimization with Chris Ruth, Mid Missouri Controls Manager at Integrated Facility Services.

Coffee Breaks will be held the first and third Friday each month, discussing green building & sustainability HOT TOPICS with featured guests and your Green Buildings Are Better network.

February 8, 2022
@ 5:30 - 7:00 pm CST
With speaker, Cady S. Seabaugh of McCormack Baron Slazar, understand how climate change threats disproportionately affect low-income residents in the Gateway region and the lessons learned from Puerto Rico, the Western Virgin Islands, and Texas to mitigate extreme weather impacts right here.

For communities to become truly equitable, all people need to have access to the same levels of resilience to climate change and social upheavals.

This evening educational program is hosted in partnership with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) St. Louis Gateway Chapter.

Why buildings?

Have you heard this question before as you advocate for sustainability in your industry? The Biden-Harris Administration launched the National Building Performance Standards Coalition last week cognizant that,

the math is clear:
reversing climate change and meeting 2030 goals
can only be achieved with significant emission reductions from buildings

It's why we're here! The U.S. Green Building Council-Missouri Gateway Chapter has been instrumental in the City of St. Louis' achievements as the FOURTH jurisdiction nation-wide in implementing a Building Energy Performance Standard. Now, as a member of the 33 inaugural jurisdictional participants of the National BPS Coalition we can continue to catalyze Buildings As Climate Solutions with additional resources and collaboration.

The U.S. has set a goal to reduce emissions by 50-52% from 2005 greenhouse gas emission levels, 6,000 million metric tons, by 2030. With 17% of U.S. GDP from construction, real-estate, and housing - equitable building performance standards will not only make St. Louis' existing buildings heroes in the fight against wasted energy, air pollution and climate change - but our country's buildings.

As a USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter member, your local action delivers global results.
Do you or your organization have LEED projects or case studies to showcase?

Hurry! USGBC LIVE is accepting proposals for both in-person and virtual session delivery until Monday, February 7, 2022.

Submit an Education Session with up to four presenters or a Story Telling Session as powerful thought leaders in your green building industry.

Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis and LCRA will host a virtual public meeting TODAY - Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 3:00 pm CST.

The Urban League Plaza redevelopment will provide the cities of Dellwood, Ferguson, and surrounding north county communities convenient access to necessary services - services which these communities have long lacked access to.

Today's presentation will include environmental site assessment findings, the Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA), the cleanup remedies selected, the proposed redevelopment, and the activities that will transpire to create the new 13,500 square foot commercial center and plans for a community conference center, incubator space, and co-working spaces.
Know someone advancing the equity, prosperity, collaboration, and strength of our communities?

Nominate an individual, organization and/or initiative making a positive difference in the St. Louis region by Monday, February 7 at 12:00 pm CST.

  1. Demonstrating Innovative Solutions
  2. Enhancing Regional Prosperity
  3. Improving Equity and Inclusion
  4. Promoting Community Health & Well-being
  5. Emerging Initiatives
Looking for in-person networking?

Attend the STL Construction and Design Networking Group event Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 4:00 – 6:00 pm CST at Mom’s House Education Center in Chesterfield. This happy hour event is an opportunity for:
  • Construction & General Contractors
  • Commercial Real Estate
  • Architects &
  • Interior Designers
  • Engineers
  • City Planners
  • Developers
  • Commercial Bankers
  • Corporate Attorneys and more!
Do you know who else is taking Climate Action?

Find out at this month's Connect on the Quest: CLIMATE ACTION Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 4:30 - 5:30 pm CST with featured guests from:

  • Shawnee Mission School District
  • Climate Action KC
  • Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy
  • The Resilient Activist &
  • The Nature Conservancy

Green Schools for all within this generation
Cheers to our Green Schools Quest Mentors supporting our future generations in their quest to devise and implement the most creative, effective and no- or low-cost sustainable practices for their schools!

In April 2022 we will announce our Elementary, Middle & High School WINNERS and Spotlight Awards. Those participating in the adapted format of monthly sustainability challenges will be entered into a $200 raffle.
"I want to begin a multi-year project to expand the solar array at Missouri History Museum, along with implementing more carbon reduction strategies for the Missouri Historical Society's sites..."
Angela A. Moore, MPPA, LEED AP O+M, TRUE Advisor, Sustainability Coordinator, Missouri Historical Society
USGBC-MGC Member since 2017
Board of Directors
Direct quotes from the national USGBC LEED Pro Spotlight, January 27, 2022:

Favorite LEED project: Louisiana Children's Museum, LEED Gold, New Orleans

Green building goal for this year: Explore renewable energy more. I want to begin a multi-year project to expand the solar array at Missouri History Museum, along with implementing more carbon reduction strategies for the Missouri Historical Society's sites, Missouri History Museum, Library and Research Center, and Soldiers Memorial Military Museum.

#1 piece of advice: Listen to your Intuition. At times, we operate within spaces that do not always have a set sustainability model in place for introducing and implementing environmental practices. When this is the case, we have to rely on the knowledge that we have obtained and our intuition. One of the best tools that I have used over the years has been to listen to my intuition; it serves as a compass to me when I am unsure if I am heading in the right direction, personally or professionally.

In the process of certifying the Missouri Historical Society's sites, I did not have a museum sustainability model to follow at the time. Throughout the process, I took in as much knowledge as I could about historic buildings and used my intuition to make decisions that would benefit the Missouri Historical Society well past the initial LEED certifications.
North County Recreation Complex
2577 Redman Ave. 63136
Mom's House Education Center
291 Chesterfield Mall. 63017
Advocacy and Allyship: Towards a More Racially Just St. Louis
Policymaking Through a Racial Equity Lens
Tell us what you think about this month's USGBC-MGC article written by Fredericka Brandt, Education & Outreach Coordinator, USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter, Make 2022 a Year of Hope: Take Climate & Racial Equity ACTION and Celebrate Community with Your USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter.

Read the latest issue of the Healthy Planet! Subscribe and enter the drawing for a Missouri Botanical Garden Ticket. Sign up here!
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Ready to renew your USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter membership? Check your membership status.

Learn more about Sponsorship Benefits and become part of our vision to make every building a green building!

Stay Connected! Follow us @usgbcmogateway

St. Louis Department of Health - Renewing Green Schools Champion

One Digital (formerly HM Risk) - Renewing Silver

The financial support of our sponsors is integral to ensuring that everyone can live, work and learn in smart and healthy buildings.
What Your Company Gains as a USGBC - Missouri Gateway Sponsor: 
EXPAND: Grow the knowledge of green building and sustainability in our community & contribute to a more equitable future by gifting a Green Sponsorship for a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise or community group.
PARTICIPATE: Get involved in educational programs, special events and community projects to showcase your company's leadership.
ADVERTISE: As a Chapter Sponsor, your company will be:
  • Listed on our website which receives 6,500 visitors and 60,000 page views per month.
  • Included in our monthly e-newsletter with over 5,000 subscribers.
  • Recognized at monthly programs.
LEARN: Keep up with the latest green building trends and technologies and earn continuing education hours.
ALIGN: Differentiate your company as a leader in the sustainability movement in your community.

USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Sponsorship includes numerous benefits - from complimentary Chapter memberships and monthly program passes to exposure on the Chapter website, e-news and at events.

You can learn more by downloading our 2022 Sponsorship Package or by contacting Emily Andrews at 314-577-0854. 
Thanks to Our PLATINUM Sponsors!
Thanks to Our GOLD Sponsors!
Healthy Planet
Thanks to Our SILVER Sponsors!
Thanks to Our GREEN SCHOOLS Sponsors!
THE GREEN SCHOOLS QUEST is also SUPPORTED in part by the St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Thanks to Our BRONZE Sponsors!
Custom Engineering

ECO Recycling

Guarantee Electrical Company

Hastings & Chivetta

Integrated Facility Services, Inc.

Navigate Building Solutions

Rosemann and Associates 

Villa Lighting


Thanks to Our GREEN Sponsors!
Advanced Green Consulting 

Faith Group, LLC

Fox Architects

Growing Green, Inc.

Horner & Schifrin, Inc.

Johnson Controls

KAI Enterprises

Rise Community Development

Schaeffer Marketing Group


S.S. Wilson

St. Louis Composting-Total Organics Recycling

WM. B. Ittner, Inc.
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To initiate, develop and accelerate the implementation of green building concepts, technologies and principles that promote environmentally responsible, prosperous and healthy places to live, work, learn, and play.

We recognize that we are a predominately white organization – our staff, our leadership, and our membership. As an organization, we recognize that we have unintentionally contributed to the status quo of injustice and systems that are racist. We know that environmental degradation and climate change disproportionately affect communities of color. We are working to do our part to address and breakdown systemic and institutional racism while understanding our own implicit biases. Learn more about our Equity and Inclusion Initiatives.