Youth News & Updates

February 5, 2024

This Week at Surge...

I am back from the NADCE (National Association of Directors of Christian Education) Conference in Houston, TX. This trip was a great opportunity to learn about mental health in ministry, as well as connect with other DCEs.

This week, Surge is headed to Choices Pregnancy Care Center for a tour of both their facility & the National Memorial for the Unborn. During this event, we will have a chance to learn about the good work being done at Choices, and about the good work that's still to do! Plus, we'll have a chance to pray together over the facility and the memorial before we head back home.

Youth parents and families are invited to join us for this tour! Please see more info below.

Next Event: Youth & Parent Tour at Choices Pregnancy Care Center

We will meet AT Choices Pregnancy Care Center, this Wednesday [2/7] @ 6:15 p.m. (*we are not meeting at church - please drive directly to the center.)

Our tour will start at 6:30 and we will get a chance to see the entire facility and learn about what they do there. Then we will have a chance to pray over the center and its staff together before heading over to the National Memorial for the Unborn. (*This is powerful place, filled with both extreme grief and regret, as well as abounding hope -- so please take some time to prepare yourselves and your teens for this experience ahead of time.) Before we leave the memorial, we will have another chance to pray together before heading home around 8:30.

If possible, please let me know how many from your family will be attending. Thanks!

DCE Office Hours

I am normally available M, T, Th, from 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (typically in-office from 9:30 - 3:30). Wednesdays from 2:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Fridays from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Sundays from 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

My Meetings This Week:

  • Tuesday - BOCE @ 5:30
  • Wednesday - Youth Tour at Choices
  • Thursday - Club 56
  • Friday - Family Craft Night

BCA Teaching Schedule

I teach the 7th & 8th grade Religion Class at BCA @ 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. on M, T, Th, F. We are studying church history during my quarters.

I do this each school year during the 2nd & 4th quarters (Oct. - Dec. & Mar. - May).

Have a question or need to meet with me?  

You can call my office number 423-698-8336, send me a text, or shoot me an email at and we'll find a time that works for you. I'm always open to meeting with you in your home as well, if that is something you would prefer!

Kingdom Kids 2024 Event Calendar
Club 56 Information

2024 Youth Event Calendar

Want a downloadable version of the Calendar?

Just click the image below!

Need a Youth Ministry Health Form?

Click the button below!

2023-2024 Youth Ministry Health Forms

Please fill out a new Youth Ministry Health Form for 2023-2024 and turn it in to the DCE office ASAP! *Current health forms are required for attendance/participation in all youth events.

Parent Resources

Unsure of how to more deeply understand teen culture (and your own teen)? Sometimes asking them about it directly actually goes a lot better than you might think. Here are some questions to help kick off conversations with your teenagers at home, in the car, or even waiting in line:

  • What’s something about being a teen today that you wish I understood?

  • Is there anything that people younger than you say or do that confuses you?

  • What is one thing you think that your generation and my generation have in common? 

Podcasts To Check Out:

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