A community of learners over 50
This is an exciting time for us OLLIs! We’re kicking off our summer term this week - a rich slate of courses and lectures to sign up for, a wide variety of Shared Interest Groups and events to participate in, and the Summer Open House May 5 to introduce much of what is in store for us in the next four months.
The Almanac tells me that the month of May might have been named long ago for the nurturing Earth goddess Maius….OR for maiores – Latin for “elders” like us, who were highly celebrated back then!
Our OLLI starts a valuable new expansion of classes this term through OLLI Encore, described on page 21 in the summer catalog. You will find OLLI courses that were previously recorded and are available to us to watch any time on a computer or other device. And there's a new opportunity to take courses at a south Florida OLLI!
As always, if you find something you think would be interesting to your fellow OLLI members, please share it by sending an email to me, Mary Ettinger (ettinger@usf.edu).
As my two-year term as Chair of the OLLI-USF Board of Advisors comes to an end, I want to express my immense gratitude and appreciation to our dedicated OLLI staff, my wonderful and talented colleagues on the OLLI Board of Advisors, our fantastic instructors, hard-working committee members and other volunteers. These are the people, many of them behind the scenes, who do the work that makes OLLI activities happen and allows OLLI-USF to enhance the lives of so many in our community. I also want to thank all of the OLLI members for electing me to the Board and my Board colleagues for having faith in me and giving me the opportunity to serve as Chair.
We have been through a very difficult year due to Covid. However, I am proud of the way, through working together, OLLI was able to pivot to virtual classes and activities so quickly and so professionally. It may have been strange at first, but we all learned how to ZOOM and even remembered to mute and unmute. We began to see some positives of meeting virtually.
Although my time on the Board has come to an end, I will still be an active participant in OLLI classes, SIGs, and social events. I am excited about what OLLI will offer as we move back to an after Covid world. I know we can have the best of face-to-face and virtual activities and I hope to see all of you at these classes and events.
Phyllis Alpert
Chair OLLI-USF Advisory Board
Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun
We are excited to introduce a new member benefit, available now! OLLI-USF members are able to register this summer to take OLLI at Florida International University classes. Having classes over Zoom makes this possible. This will expand the number and variety of courses available to you, introduce you to new instructors and content, and give you the opportunity to meet OLLI members in south Florida. Check out their summer schedule here.
Wow! How do I sign up?
Call Charise at 813-974-5848 and tell her you want to sign up for OLLI-FIU classes. She will notify OLLI at FIU that you are a member in good standing. Then, call OLLI at FIU to register for all or most of their educational programming at the OLLI at FIU member rate.
What's the catch?
Only FIU’s classes qualify. Not socials or SIGs. You pay OLLI at FIU directly, and any cancellations, refunds, or missed classes should be addressed with them.
And yes, OLLI at FIU members may well appear in some of our summer classes! Please make them feel welcome. Learn more about our reciprocity agreement with FIU here.
Are you attending our Open House this Wednesday? Our keynoter is Special Agent Michael Horn, with the U.S. Secret Service, specializing in cybercrime. Michael led several popular classes for OLLI-USF and we're delighted to welcome him back for this event.
This Open House is also our Annual Member Meeting. Vote to elect members to the OLLI Board, and weigh in on our plans moving forward post-pandemic.
Meet the Candidates!
OLLI's Nominating Committee has been working since late 2020 to recruit, interview and ultimately, put together a slate of candidates for members to vote on. Led by Board Member Joan Weaving, the candidates are:
Pam Tyler is a retired lawyer and ordained Episcopal priest with extensive experience in the secular and ecclesiastical world as a Miami prosecutor, a Development officer for a large non-profit, an Executive Director of a Refugee Resettlement program, as Vice Chancellor and priest for the Episcopal Bishop of Los Angeles as well as owner and manager of San Geronimo Lodge in Taos, New Mexico.
Pam has a B.A. In French (FSU) a J.D. in Law (UF), and a M.Div. in Theology (Yale). Although born in Turkey and primarily an urban resident, upon retirement she moved to the family home in Dade City.
Pam has been an OLLI member for three years. The Great Books courses have been her main focus but since COVID she has explored many other OLLI options. She has been on the Membership Committee two years and was part of the Exploring Leadership Opportunities at OLLI-USF class last fall. Pam is especially keen to expand OLLI membership north of Tampa and to diversify the OLLI community.
Earl Richardson retired as an Air Force officer, having served over 26 years as an Air Force bomber pilot and instructor pilot. He commanded a squadron that supported the day-to-day alert of our nation’s nuclear forces and was responsible for the safety and operational readiness of nuclear weapons. He also held senior leadership positions in military space programs and at the Pentagon. While at the Pentagon he worked with our nation’s most senior military leaders as he managed procurement of major new military weapons systems.
Earl holds a Doctorate in Public Administration from Nova Southeastern University and has taught Graduate School in Business and Public Administration.
Since retiring to the Tampa area he has also been an active local community volunteer in various leadership positions. Earl loves teaching and has especially enjoyed teaching here at OLLI-USF. Learn about Earl's summer course here.
Also on the slate
Two current and active board members, Robyn Cheung and Linda Feeney, are up for election to a three-year term. Both were tapped to complete terms left by departing/reassigned board members. On Wednesday, we will ask you to vote to affirm their election to a three-year term.
Robyn Cheung was born in New Jersey and grew up in Lexington, Kentucky. An alumna of the University of Kentucky, the University of Pennsylvania and USF, she earned a PhD in nursing. She had a rich career working in most areas of nursing, as a bedside nurse, case manager, nurse researcher and director of nursing practice. In 2016 Robyn retired and relocated to Tampa to be with family – two daughters and five granddaughters. These days she is enjoying having her family around her very much. Robyn loves reading and politics.
Linda Feeney, originally from Boston, moved to Tampa upon retiring from a 17-year career at the Ford Foundation, a major philanthropy with headquarters in New York and field offices world wide. At the Foundation she experienced and learned collegiality, a willingness to understand and value experiences, and also consensus, the active solicitation of input and the flexibility to adapt to it. She has used these skills working in her many volunteer activities.
When Linda first encountered OLLI, she was impressed with the quality and depth of the classes. Since then she has been teaching popular OLLI literature courses and has participated in the Leadership Course, which added depth to her knowledge of how OLLI functions. She believes that OLLI is a wonderful example of how a community of members can develop and sustain an organization serving a meaningful purpose.
SIG-nificant Events
For more info on OLLI SIGs, see the full list here. Most SIGs are meeting on Zoom; a couple are starting to organize small group outings. To visit a SIG email the contact(s) below.
Community of Readers and Writers
We will discuss PBS American Masters series - Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir, airing Friday, May 7, 7 pm. For an invitation to our next meeting, email us here.
Food, Glorious Food!
Mon, May 24 at 10am. Guest speaker Dalia Colón – Producer & Host of WUSF’s The Zest Podcast. For an invitation, contact Jane Applegate.
Thur, May 13 at 3:30pm. Play Scattergories with us! Email Kathy Palmer for the link.
German Conversation
Ici on parle français! NOW FORMING
OLLI Outdoors
Sat, May 8 Global Big Day – be a part of birding’s biggest team! Email us to find out how you can participate.
Thur, May 13 at 9am. Kayak/Canoe trip at Lettuce Lake Park, on the Hillsborough River. For more information or to register, email Charlie Delp.
Fri, May 28 from 3-4p. Virtual program and social, preview events for next hiking season. For more information or to try an event, email Ollioutdoors@gmail.com.
Mon, May 24 at 2pm. The Importance of Setting presented by Judith Page-Lieberman. For information and a guest invitation, contact Derrie Perez.
Wed, May 12 at 1pm. Email Bill Sapper for more information.
Talking Movies
Fri, May 21 at 2pm. Watch the movie on your own and then get together to talk about it. May's movie to be announced. For more information, and to find out where to watch the movie for free, contact Kathy Palmer.
Write Time for Poets
Thurs, May 13 & 27 at 2pm. Poetry writers, email Cath Mason for more information.
Trivial Pursuit
Tuesday, May 11, 4-6 pm. To play this game and for more information, contact Robyn Cheung.
Places to Go, Things to Do
from Don Clark
Don Clark, OLLI's day trips leader, has been searching out interesting things to do and visit in the Tampa Bay area, and sharing his finds for many years. This month he offers the James Museum of Western and Wildlife Art in St. Petersburg.
This long-awaited museum that opened in 2018 is huge with room after room filled with powerful and beautiful Western American treasures. The architecture of the rooms is designed to create an atmosphere of our American West. Some free docent led tours are offered, with social distancing – check ahead for dates and times. Learn more at the museum’s website, http://thejamesmuseum.org, or call at 727-892-4200. Admission is $15 for 65+, with special discounts for all tickets on Tuesdays - $10 for 65+, and there is onsite parking.
Membership Team Finds New Pathways to Serve Members
by Ron Hammerle
Earlier this year, OLLI leaders recognized the need to find new ways of welcoming new members, introducing instructors and promoting upcoming classes, during the age of COVID.
Coming Attractions
With the traditional Open House meetings now being conducted online—and in-person classes and travel groups on an enforced sabbatical, one exciting new avenue involves video profiles of popular OLLI instructors and new courses. Rather than turning to outsiders, OLLI has created a virtual, inhouse, production company, led by Joyce Mathisen and Theresa Sokol. While their first videos were too late to be included in this year’s running for the Academy Awards®, watch for their coming attractions on the OLLI small screen this fall.
New to OLLI? Join us!
On the third Thursday and third Saturday of each month, OLLI's Membership Committee is offering new members the opportunity to learn “Everything You Always Wanted To Know About OLLI But Were Afraid to Ask.” You might even get a call or receive an email inviting you specifically to one of these meetings. They are easy to attend on Zoom from whereever you are.
The Third Thursday session, from 3:30-4:30, gives new members an introduction to the full range of OLLI programs, including classes, special interest groups and travel opportunities. Sally Ordway hosts this session along with a special guest or two. RSVP for the May 20 3:30 pm session here.
And the Third Saturday cocktail party? Of course, It’s at 5 o’clock, dear! Join host Ron Hammerle and friends at OLLI’s virtual Saturday night cocktail party, with BYOB drinks and virtual hors d’oeuvres. RSVP for the May 22 5 pm session here.
Can't make these dates? We'll do them again June 17 & 19; July 15 & 17... every 3rd Thursday and Saturday.
It can be hard to figure out everything going on around OLLI in the virtual world; what classes we've enjoyed, etc. Join us at these small, friendly and informal sessions and get in the know. Welcome to OLLI.
This May marks the first course taught for our OLLI entirely in Spanish: Bilingual Mindfulness: El Arte de la Conciencia Plena. El primer curso no lingüístico impartido íntegramente en Español ofrecido en la historia de OLLI.
Anyone with a basic knowledge of Spanish could benefit from this class. Instructor Clara Schönborn-Lowe is fully bilingual and can translate easily when needed. This pilot session introduces the practice of mindfulness (atención plena). Learn how to practice the art of living in the present and how to apply atención plena not only in our daily life, but also when facing stressful situations. This short one-session introduction may be a gateway to longer, future courses in atención plena as well as to other courses taught in the Spanish language! This $10, one-meeting workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, May 12, from 10 to 11:30 AM, via Zoom.
Clara is a native of El Salvador in Central America. She holds a bachelor's degree in the Social Sciences from USF in Psychology and Sociology with a focus on Health Psychology. Clara moved to the United States in 1979 and teaches Gentle, Mindful Yoga at OLLI; she is a Roll of Honor instructor. She has been involved in the Art of Mindfulness (atención plena) for many years. More info here!
We were saddened to learn of Jim Urbanski's passing in April. Jim served as inaugural board chair for the Learning in Retirement Institute, the liberal arts precursor to OLLI. Our condolences and thanks for his service to Ann Urbanski. Jim's obit here.
Carolyn Clark, our Goodwill Ambassador, has been kept busy recently with news of member illnesses, setbacks and triumphs. Send your OLLI People News to Carolyn. Thanks to your efforts, we are learning more about the challenges (or joys) we are facing, so we can reach out to them. Email Carolyn here or call her at 813-545-7477.