This is our final E-News issue for the 2020/21 school year. We’ll be back with more Good News, Mission Moments, and Tools You Can Use at the start of the 2021/22 year. Wishing you a well-deserved rest this summer. Keep up your mindfulness practice
and we’ll see you in August!!

Tips and Resources
Tools you can use
In the past year, educators have continued to show up and support their students during incredibly difficult circumstances. We would like to honor the work of educators everywhere with a teacher appreciation mindfulness practice. You are superheroes! Please take a moment for self care and enjoy. Thank you to LG Electronics USA for making this practice possible!

Summer 2021 - Just in time for summer professional development! Inner Explorer’s new Educator Wellness Series (available with a community license) is designed for
educator well being and self care. Look for an announcement soon!
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