In this edition
  • Three New Board Alternates Join STA
  • SolanoExpress Blue and Green Line Service Changes
  • STA Allocates Clean Air Funds and Issues Call for Projects
  • STA Allocates Funds to Design Solano Rail Hub
  • STA Board Approves Five Short Range Transit Plans (SRTPs) for Five Transit Operators
  • Transit Working Papers Identify Future Priorities of SolanoExpress
  • STA Approves County Collaborative for Housing
  • New STA Building Construction Update
  • Solano Mobility’s Commuter Employer Program Highlights & Top 20 Employers
STATUS Newsletter

The STATUS Newsletter is published every month after the STA Board meeting to inform the public and our stakeholders of what’s happening with transportation in Solano County. 

Please sign up here to receive this newsletter directly in your inbox. 

  • Remote STA Board Meeting 3/10 at 6:00pm
Three New Board Alternates Join STA

Three new Board Alternates, Rio Vista Vice Mayor David Hampton, Suisun City Mayor Pro Tem Wanda Williams, and Vallejo Councilmember Pippin Dew, were sworn in at the February 10 STA Board meeting.
SolanoExpress Blue and Green Line Service Changes

At the February 10 meeting,the STA Board approved service modifications to the SolanoExpress Blue Line and Green Express (GX), operated by Fairfield and Suisun Transit. These service changes will lessen the service hours on Saturday for Blue Line, adjust the timing for one of the Green Express runs, and provide for sweeper buses in support of COVID-19 safety protocols. “Sweeper” buses are extra buses used to pick up additional passengers when regularly scheduled buses have reached their passenger capacity limits. Updated service schedules can be viewed by clicking here and become effective February 27, 2021.
STA Allocates Clean Air Funds and Issues Call for Projects

At the February meeting, the STA Board approved STA staff's recommended allocation of Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) County Program Manager fund for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22. These recommendations include: funding for Solano Mobility programs ($175,000), continued Solano EV Charging Station Implementation of electric vehicle chargers ($100,000), and a call for projects for the remaining $124,779 FY 2021-22 TFCA Program Manager funds.
STA Allocates Funds to Design Solano Rail Hub

In follow up to last month’s Board action to designate the Suisun Fairfield Amtrak Station as the Solano Rail Hub consistent with the State Rail Plan, the STA Board authorized funding to prepare for a Project Study Report (PSR) of the project site that will scope out the 3rd track for the station and improved pedestrian and bicycle access. In order to initiate the engineering work for the Solano Rail Hub, a PSR is required to provide further detail on the design layout and engineering parameters of the station and associated facilities. The Suisun Amtrak station has been designated in the California State Rail Plan as a rail hub for Solano County. To read more about the Solano Rail Hub Project, please click here.
STA Board Approves Five Short Range Transit Plans (SRTPs) for Five Transit Operators

The Short Range Transit Plans (SRTPs) for the five Solano County Transit operators – Dixon Readi-Ride, Fairfield And Suisun Transit (FAST), Rio Vista Delta Breeze, Solano County Transit (SolTrans), and Vacaville City Coach – were approved by the STA Board. Over the past year, STA staff and consultants developed the SRTPs in partnership with each local transit operator’s staff. To view the approved SRTPs, please click below.

Transit Working Papers Identify Future Priorities of SolanoExpress

In addition to preparing the five Short Range Transit Plans (SRTPs) over the past year, STA staff and consultants have developed four working papers on the subjects identified by the STA Board, numbered according to the individual location in the overall deliverable listing for the SRTP project. The STA intends to use these Working Papers to guide and support future transit coordination and connected mobility efforts.

STA Approves County Collaborative for Housing

The STA Board is submitting a request to the Solano County Board of Supervisors to designate the Solano Housing Investment Partnership (SolHIP) as the Association of Bay Area Government’s (ABAG) County Collaborative for Solano County in order to continue funding through FY 2023-24. STA planning staff has been working with all seven cities, the County, and ABAG to support efforts to update the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) for Solano County, provide consultant assistance for housing element updates for five of the cities and the County, provide technical assistance, and identify grant opportunities for affordable housing projects located in Priority Development Areas (PDAs) adjacent to regional transit services. This early effort has resulted in funding for two affordable housing projects in Fairfield and Vacaville, totaling 280.
Recently, ABAG has developed its regional funding plan to help fund these continuing efforts at the county level through “County Collaboratives,” such as SolHIP. Current funding for the SolHIP is estimated to last until the end of the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year.
New STA Building Construction Update

The construction of the new STA office building is well underway on Main Street in Downtown Suisun City. This 23,248SF, three-story building will be centrally located in the center of Solano County with convenient access to the Suisun-Fairfield Train Station, express and local bus service, and within walking distance of three local government agency centers. The project construction has resulted in over 82,000 local construction job hours and will provide better access to the public and various Citizen Advisory Committees that partner with STA. Construction is scheduled to be completed during the Fall of 2021.
Solano Mobility’s Commuter Employer Program Highlights & Top 20 Employers

The Solano Mobility Employer Program uses incentives to encourage alternative modes of travel to improve attendance and productivity while helping to decrease traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. Below are a list of 2020 highlights and a list of the Top 20 employers participating in Solano Mobility’s Employer/Commuter program. For more information, please visit the Commuter Benefits Program page here or contact the Solano Mobility Call Center at 800-535-6883.
 2020 Commuter Benefits Program Highlights
  • 78 Employers engaged in our Program
  • 212 users for First/Last Mile Program
  • 215 active users on the Ride Amigos Platform
  • 20,942 trips logged on Ride Amigos as part of the Commute Challenge
Employer/Commuter Program Top 20 Employers
  1. Travis Air Force Base (Aerospace, Medical)
  2. Travis Air Force Base
  3. Solano County
  4. Fairfield Unified School District
  5. Northbay Healthcare Green Valley
  6. Northbay Medical Center             
  7. Northbay Vacavalley Hospital    
  8. State Compensation Insurance Fund       
  9. California Medical Facility            
  10. Sutter Solano Medical Center     
  11. Kaiser Permanente         
  12. Genentech Inc  
  13. Solano Community College          
  14. City of Vallejo    
  15. USDA Forest Service       
  16. Vacaville City Hall            
  17. Valero Benicia Refinery 
  18. Jelly Belly Candy Co.       
  19. Jelly Belly Factory            
  20. Touro University California  
2021 STA Board Members