Last Week of the Mental Wellbeing Challenge!
There is only one week left! Those who achieve at least 25 mental wellbeing miles will earn the Mental Wellbeing 25 badge and be eligible for one of 50 drawing prizes, including WellPower Movement apparel, Scheels gift cards and other items. Mental Wellbeing 50 and Mental Wellbeing 100 badge-earners qualify for higher-value prize drawings.
Background – In observance of Mental Health Awareness Month, from May 1 – May 31 Challengers are invited to log miles for various mental wellbeing activities, which have been assigned a mileage value. For example, 30 minutes of meditation = 1 mile, or 8 hours sleep = 1 mile.
These activities and others have been added to the Activity Log and are listed at the top, each beginning with “Mental Wellbeing”. For example, Mental Wellbeing – Gratitude Journal (30 minutes = 1 mile). To log, simply select the completed activity and enter miles achieved below, same as physical activity miles.
Mental Wellbeing Challenge Prize Winners
Time to Talk Week
Monday- Lana Larsen
Tuesday- Amy Armstrong
Wednesday- Linsey Ziebell
Thursday- Cat Souliere
Friday- Jim Spence
Saturday- Janet Millnitz
Overall- Sowmiya Karthikeyan
Overall- Sharon Draper

Congratulations to our winners for Time to Talk week.
Wellness Tip of the Week
Summer is here!
Now is the time to start joining summer league sports. There are various teams and leagues that would love to have another player. Pick your sport. There is Slow-Pitch Softball, Sand Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, etc. Did you play sports growing up? Relive that moment!
Check out these sites for more information:

The key to staying healthy is creating great social interactions with friends and staying active. What better way than to join an adult sport league?
Upcoming Events

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WellPower FAQ's
Have questions or need help navigating the WellPower Movement website? Click Here
Nebraska Sports Council | 3260 Folkways Blvd | (402) 471-2544 | Email | Website