Vice President for Research & Economic Development
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
September Funding Focus Newsletter #2
What is a Limited Submission?
A limited submission solicitation (RFA, RFP, etc.) places a cap on the number of proposals that Auburn may submit to a sponsor. Auburn coordinates limited submissions by sending out a notification via this newsletter and creating competitions in the Auburn University Competition Space (also known as InfoReady).To apply to any limited submission posted below, click on the link and search for your competition reflected on the page. Please refer to the Limited Submission Procedures page for a list of requirements.
Limited Submission Announcements

The Office of the Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund (NDF), part of the Department’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN), develops and executes projects in support of U.S. Government disarmament and proliferation threat reduction priorities. ISN/NDF efforts prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), missiles, and advanced or destabilizing conventional weapons to terrorists and other rogue entities; support bilateral and multilateral efforts to halt the proliferation of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons, their delivery systems, related technologies, and other weapons; and secure, remove, or destroy WMD and its delivery systems.
ISN/NDF’s program on global biological threat reduction and improving border security to prevent the proliferation of high consequence pathogens seeks to strengthen the ability of foreign entities in the human and animal health, law enforcement, and border security sectors to prevent, detect, and respond to outbreaks of accidental, natural, or deliberate origin to mitigate the threat of high consequence pathogens. This program will aim to: improve safe and secure pathogen detection capabilities at the laboratory and network level; improve biosafety and biosecurity infrastructure and practices in laboratories and medical facilities that may encounter or work with high consequence pathogens; and promote and improve multisectoral coordination across animal and human health, law enforcement, and border security sectors for efficient prevention, detection, and response to biological incidents. ISN/NDF will specifically focus on countries and regions with high levels of endemic high consequence pathogens, demonstrated ability or interest from nonstate or state actor threats in using biological agents, and biological infrastructure that may be of interest to nefarious actors.  

Institutional Limit: 1 Proposal
Internal Deadline: October 13, 2021 4:45 pm
Important Updates

These competitive research awards provide seed money for junior faculty members that often result in additional funding from other resources. As a result of ORAU's partnership with The MITRE Corporation, a new research discipline has been added to the list of disciplines: Health Disparities/Equity.

Research project disciplines will now include:
  • Engineering and Applied Science
  • Health Disparities/Equity
  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematics/Computer Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Policy, Management, or Education

Only two nominations are allowed per institution. The limited submission opportunity will be announced in an upcoming issue of the Funding Focus newsletter once ORAU has opened the submission portal. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit the ORAU website for more information.
October 4-8, 2021

The Fall 2021 Virtual Grants Conference is designed to give new faculty, researchers, and administrators key insights into a wide range of current issues at NSF. NSF program officers will be providing up-to-date information about specific funding opportunities and answering attendee questions.

Registration will be free of charge. For those who cannot attend the live conference, all recorded conference sessions will be available on-demand shortly after the event.
Best Practices for Competitive NIH Grant Applications Webinar
October 20, 2021
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
$99 Registration Fee
Columbia University, Department of Medicine is organizing this NIH webinar that will include discussion of the following:
  • Federal funding agencies including the NIH and the other Dept. of Health and Human Services Public Health Service agencies, as well as other agencies that support biomedical research (e.g., the Dept. of Defense, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture).
  • Different types of research funding mechanisms, including grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and the different types of grants, e.g., those that provide comprehensive costs for the research project (e.g., R01), as compared to those provide funding for pilot projects (e.g., R03).
  • Mission and the different types of career development programs (e.g., K01, K08, K23, K24) will be provided.
  • NIH review process specific for career development grant applications, including the role of NIH Institutes and Study Section review panels, deadlines, scoring system, Impact Scores, review criteria, and the allowed number of applications.
November 1-4, 2021

Registration is open now for this free event geared toward administrators, researchers, early-stage investigators, graduate students, and anyone new to working with the NIH grants process. Attendees will learn about NIH grant processes, policies, and programs; interact with NIH program, grants management, review and policy staff; gather resources to use and share with colleagues; engage and network with peers, and meet 1:1 with NIH experts.

Applicants applying to NIH funding opportunities with due dates on or after January 25, 2022 must use updated application forms and instructions identified with a Competition ID of “FORMS-G.” Please click the link in the title above to access more information on this important update.
Hanover Research Queue Proposal Review Availability

Dates available after November 20, 2021

In order to provide resources for faculty and staff, Auburn University has partnered with Hanover Research for a number of grant development solutions including: Pre-proposal Support; Proposal Development; and Capacity Building. Their full-service grant development solutions are available to set goals, build strategies to achieve key grant-seeking objectives, and develop grant proposals that are well-planned, researched, and written. For information regarding Hanover’s core capabilities and project time lines, click here. If you are interested in a slot in the queue, please e-mail Tony Ventimiglia ( ).
New Hanover Research
Telehealth & Telemedicine Funding Calendar

Hanover Research has put together a new Telehealth & Telemedicine Funding Calendar. The calendar includes federal funders as well as foundations with funding range, focus areas and deadlines.

Researchers can also access Hanover's Interdisciplinary Research Calendar and Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences Calendar. These calendars include federal funders as well as several foundations with a description of the programs and the associated deadlines.

Tiger Tips is a series of short articles that provide guidance on a specific topic of interest related to sponsored projects. These articles are intended to serve as a resource for Auburn project directors, administrators and departmental staff who are involved in the management and/or administration of sponsored projects. The most recent article is about Revisions to the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide.

Auburn maintains an annual subscription to this monthly newsletter published by Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC. Access is available only for Auburn University faculty, staff and students with a valid user ID.
Federal Agency Coronavirus Resource Hubs
Funding Opportunity Reminders

NIH has reissued the Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) funding opportunities. The MOSAIC program is an NIH-wide initiative designed to facilitate the transition of promising postdoctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds into independent, research-intensive faculty careers in institutions. MOSAIC scholars come from diverse scientific backgrounds, and 75% are from racial/ethnic groups that are underrepresented in the biomedical sciences. 

Applications for the MOSAIC scholar awards (K99/R00) are due October 27, and applications for the institutional awards for cohort-based mentoring and career development that support the scholars (UE5) are due November 18.

Click on the link in the title above for more information including slides from a recent webinar about the programs.
New Funding Opportunities

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) is committed to improving patient-centered diagnosis and care for all patients with sleep disorders. To ensure that there is a continued advancement in effective diagnosis and care of patients with sleep disorders, the AASM Foundation provides research funding through the Strategic Research Grant. This grant is investigator-initiated and supports high-impact research projects aimed at addressing gaps in knowledge that impact the ability to provide optimal, patient-centered, cost-effective diagnosis and care for patients with sleep disorders.
This year, the AASM Foundation is issuing four different Strategic Research Grant request for applications focused on the following research domains that will advance the field of sleep medicine and population sleep health.

Letters of Intent for each RFA is due October 11, 2021 11:59 pm ET

The Dialogues on the Experience of War program supports the study and discussion of important humanities sources about war, in the belief that these sources can help U.S. military veterans and others think more deeply about the issues raised by war and military service. Project teams should include humanities scholars, military veterans, and individuals with relevant experience. 
Dialogues projects must include:
  • Discussion programs: The convening of at least two sustained discussion series focused on humanities resources and themes that address the experiences of war and military service.
  • Preparatory programs: The creation of an in person or virtual preparatory program to recruit, train, and mentor a sufficient number of individuals to serve as discussion leaders for the series.

Proposals Due: October 14, 2021 11:59 pm ET

From bench to bedside, the CCTS is on a mission to improve health and health equity in communities across the deep south. By working together, researchers can accelerate the translation of fundamental and clinical research into improvements for human health and healthcare delivery.

Through the CCTS Pilot Program, they seek to ameliorate health conditions that disproportionately affect this region as represented by the CCTS Partner Network and to develop the future translational research workforce by fostering collaboration, team science and innovative discovery. Research plans may lie at any point along the translational science spectrum -- from biological basis of health or disease to interventions aimed at improving health of the community.

Pre-Applications Due: October 25, 2021 5:00 pm
Full Applications Due (by invitation only): December 21, 2021 5:00 pm

The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) enthusiastically supports members of the community who seek evidence to support bedside colleagues in ensuring safety and excellent care for critically ill patients and their families. Funds support research that drives change in high acuity and critical care nursing practice. AACN encourages experienced clinicians and researchers to propose projects that support inquiry and systematic research that generates new knowledge. The grants are designed to ensure a vital source of clinically relevant research for creating the evidence-based resources that influence high acuity critical care nursing practice. Current AACN membership is required to apply.

Proposals Due: October 29, 2021

This year the foundation is offering two types of awards programs:
  • Standard Awards will provide significant funding for researchers who have already generated some amount of preliminary data, but are often required to demonstrate additional, significant progress before they can apply to governmental or industrial funding agencies.
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards are intended for young researchers in their final stages of mentored training. These awards fund projects in an established laboratory that will serve as the basis for the applicant's own independent research career.

Proposals Due: November 1, 2021 5:00 pm ET

The Daniel F. Breeden Endowed Grant Program supports teaching and learning projects that directly benefit the instructor, students, and Auburn University’s overall teaching program. Approximately $30,000 is available each academic year for awards. The Breeden Program is managed by the Biggio Center. The grant review and selection panel is drawn from the University Senate Teaching Effectiveness Committee.
  • Tenured/tenure-track faculty from any discipline, or faculty from the Lecturer or Clinician title series with appointments continuing through academic year 2021-2022.
  • Contingent faculty (part-time, adjunct etc.) may apply as part of a collaborative effort with a faculty member from the group listed above (tenured/tenure- track, full time lecturer, full time clinician).
  • Preference will be given to early career, pre-tenured faculty. 
  • Faculty who have been awarded a Breeden Endowed Grant within the last two years are eligible to apply, however their applications will receive lower priority than those from faculty who have not.
  • Proposals for collaborative projects involving multiple faculty and departments are encouraged.

Proposals Due: November 5, 2021

The multi-agency Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases program supports research on the ecological, evolutionary, organismal, and social drivers that influence the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. The central theme of submitted projects must be the quantitative or computational understanding of pathogen transmission dynamics. The intent is discovery of principles of infectious disease (re)emergence and transmission and testing mathematical or computational models that elucidate infectious disease systems. Projects should be broad, interdisciplinary efforts that go beyond the scope of typical studies. They should focus on the determinants and interactions of (re)emergence and transmission among any host species, including but not limited to humans, non-human animals, and/or plants. 

Proposals Due: November 24, 2021 5:00 pm
Don't see a grant that fits your research area? Contact Proposal Services and Faculty Support to set up an appointment for a one-on-one or small group Pivot training session.
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
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