We made it! Many thanks to all 24 CASSAR Chapters for completing your reconciliation reports and sending in your members' dues for 2024. CASSAR Secretary, Chris Cerillo, has informed me that he has received all of the Chapter's payments, and he will request that CASSAR Treasurer, Kevin Bidenkap, submit payment of our national dues to the National Society SAR.
On January 13 we passed a major milestone in the construction of your SAR Education Center and Museum when the Trustees approved execution of the construction contract for the "infrastructure phase" of the project. This includes structural, electrical, mechanical, and related elements to prepare our building for installation of the museum exhibits. The infrastructure phase is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024. If you haven't seen the video of this project, here is a link:
Construction is funded solely from Foundation funds, donations dedicated to this purpose. No NSSAR funds or the line of credit are involved. Thank you to all the donors for your past contributions. If you are currently making payments on your pledge, please consider accelerating those pledges. If you have completed your pledge, please consider an additional amount. The "Liberty Tree" campaign and the "1776 Society" are two easy ways to contribute by monthly payments:
As we look ahead to February, General George Washington's Birthday will be the focus of a number of events in our Society. Please consider attending one or more of them. The Sons of Liberty SAR Chapter in Los Angeles will again host the Massing of the Colors in honor of George Washington's birthday and the Armed Forces of the United States. The event is scheduled for Sunday, February 18, 2024 starting at 3:00 PM. This event will take place at Forest Lawn Cemetery Hollywood Hills, 6300 Forest Lawn Drive, Los Angeles, CA.
The San Diego SAR Chapter will be hosting a formal dinner to honor General George Washington on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 5:30pm at the Green Dragon Tavern and Museum at 6115 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, CA. The speakers will include SAR President General John Dodd and SAR Museum Board Chairman, Kent Gregory.
Finally, please reserve your hotel room for our CASSAR 149th Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame, CA on April 26-27, 2024. This is an important time for us to get together as a Society to learn from one another and socialize. There is a link below.
Thank you for your service to SAR,
Jim Klingler, President
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"We will remember our compatriot brothers with thanksgiving."
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$158 / night and $10 / Day Parking | |
News from Around the California Society | |
New SAR Eagle Chapter Officers Sworn In
(L-R) President Benny White, Registrar Wayne Rogers, Vice President of Programs Mark LeTourneau, and CAR Liaison Steve Wright.
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SAR Military Service Certificate
Compatriot Scott Mann, was presented the
SAR Military Service Certificate
SAR Eagle Scout Certificate of Recognition
The SAR Eagle Scout Certificate of Recognition was awarded to
Eagle Scout Matthew DeWitt
Outstanding Service to the Chapter
President-elect of the Eagle Chapter, Benny White, presents
President Wayne Rogers with a "Thank You" plaque for
Wayne's years of service to the SAR as Founder and 4-time President
of the Eagle Chapter and 3-time past President of the Riverside Chapter
Volunteer Recognition
(L-R) CASSAR Vice President South John Ferris, with Eagle Compatriots
Steve Wright, Matthew Rogers, Wayne Rogers,
Benny White, Karl Blackmun, and Mark Le Tourneau
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Harbor Chapter
Annual Awards Ceremony
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Roger Sherman Medal Recipients
President Bunker presents Chapter Roger Sherman Commendation medals to Brandon Villardi, Lucas Villardi, John Richardson, Harry Bellows,
James Bellows, and Jim Olds.
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New Member Inductions
Brandon Villardi and James Bunker present Timothy Burch, Peter Green, Stephen Bates, Brian Stanley (new transfer member) and Andrew Variano with their SAR Member Certificates.
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Silver America 250 Medals Awarded
Harbor Chapter members receive the Silver America 250 medal
(L-R) Daniel Miller, Jack Mulkey, John Richardson, Lucas Villardi, and Kyle Puro
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SAR Distinguished Service Medal
Jack Mulkey receives the Chapter Medal of Distinguished Service
for his four years of service as the chapter secretary.
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SAR Meritorious Service Award
Kevin Bidenkap receives the Chapter Meritorious Service Medal from James Bunker for his previous service as president, participation in the color guard, and numerous other initiatives.
SAR Color Guard Medals
State Color Guard Commander (center) presents Kevin Bidenkap (left) and Lucas Villardi (right) with both the Silver NSSAR Color Guard and the California Society SAR Silver Baron Von Steuben medals.
Bronze America 250 Medal
John Richardson and James Bunker present Nancy Richardson
with a Bronze America 250 medal.
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Redlands Chapter
Flag Certificates
Redlands SAR partnered with the 17th Annual Adopt-a-Marine Project, at
The Reserve Club, Indian Wells, on Thanksgiving Day 2023, and presented
31 SAR Flag Certificates during the event. This is a Redlands Chapter
America 250, Veterans, Flag and Country Committee initiative.
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Redlands Chaplain Ben Hobbins presenting SAR Flag Certificates
to U.S. Marine Corps Sgt Michael Bass
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Sgt E5 Uri Velez, United States Marine Corps, holding the
SAR Flag Certificate presented by Redlands Chaplain Ben Hobbins
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Redlands Chapter Chaplain Ben Hobbins presented SAR Flag Certificates
to 31 Marines at The Reserve Club, Indian Wells, CA.
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Redlands Chaplain Ben Hobbins, was recently humbled by the Illinois SAR
with a state-issued Meritorious Award on December 30th 2023
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DOD 50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemoration recognized the SAR Redland Chapter as a Commemorative Partner. This partnership was talked about at the 2023 Fall BOM meeting in Long Beach.
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Riverside Chapter new officer installation
(L-R) CASSAR VP South John Ferris with Riverside Compatriots
David Leonard, Brian Stephens, John Matulich, Gene Justin, Mike Mann,
Hal Cardwell, Roger Cooper, Henry Lucas, and Wayne Rogers
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Sacramento Chapter
Chief Solano Chapter DAR Welcomes Don Littlefield
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CASSAR Executive VP Don Littlefield was invited to be the guest speaker at the January 20, 2024 DAR Chief Solano Chapter Meeting. His prepared speech was tossed when he learned they really wanted him to speak about his family history and what a well equipped Revolutionary War soldier wore in battle.
(Center) Peggy Hawkins enjoyed handling the 1777 French Charleville musket
(Right) DAR Chief Solano Chapter Regent Dawn Witherspoon thanked Don with a DAR Certificate of Appreciation.
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Sacramento Chapter 1776 Book Challenge
In September 2023, the Sacramento Chapter implemented a program with the objective of donating 1776 historical books on the American Revolution to 5th grade history teachers. Our goal is to provide at least 1776 books to classrooms written for 5th grade students that will help develop reading skills and inspire patriotism and a love of our American Heritage. Teachers participating in the program make these books available to their students and encourage their students to read and report out on what they have read. Some teachers select a class set of the same book so they can read it together and discuss what is happening in each chapter. Each participating teacher receives a classroom set of books that can be used for years to come.
This program has been enthusiastically received by both donors and educators in our area. In the four months this program has been active, we have raised 65% of the $17,760 needed for this project from private individuals and corporate sponsors, and we have donated 648 books or 36% of our objective.
We recently donated 3 classroom sets of books to Stonegate K-8 school in West Sacramento. The books were made possible through a generous donation from a corporate sponsor, Dollar General.
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Stonegate K-8 School Teachers: Amanda Angel, Angela Williams, and Luba Blair
Donors may have book plates affixed to their books
with inscriptions of their choice
| SAR Chapters interested in starting a similar program and would like more information may contact Chairman Carl Ahlberg or Co-Chair Craig Anderson | |
San Diego Chapter Officers Sworn In
(L-R) Peter Fagen, 2023 President; Jim McAdory, 2024 President;
Michael Hirman, 1st VP; Bryan Bagnas, Secretary; Alan Winters, Treasurer;
Gary Newton, Sergent-at-Arms; George Brewster, Chancellor;
Duncan Campbell, Color Guard Commander; and Gene Moore, Membership VP
Not pictured is Steve Modregon 2nd VP
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San Diego Chapter's New Members
(Left) Our newest Dual member Matthew Wehland
(Center) New Member: Doug Wright providing details on his Patriot ancestor.
(Right) New Member: John McFarlane with Gary Newton and Peter Fagen
2024 SAR Oration Contest
The San Diego Chapter was pleased to have three entries in its Oration contest this year. The contest was organized by Compatriot Ted Parsons and was conducted at the House of Spain in Balboa Park thanks to the assistance of the HOS President, Jesus Benayas.
Each entrant was well prepared and gave an excellent presentation, making it hard for the judges. After tallying the results, Daniel Hernandez (below left), from Bonita Vista High School, was selected as the contest winner.
| (L-R) Daniel Hernandez (winner), Shree Patel, Diego Castro | |
Veterans Memorial Museum
"Home of the The Legion of Valor"
Fresno, California
On January 6, Yosemite Chapter held a joint SAR/CAR flag certificate presentation along with an America 250 Minute and then handed out America 250 challenge coins. Overall, it was a great event and we were able to add 3 more CAR members to SAR.
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(L-R) Scott Nichols, President, SAR Yosemite Chapter,
CAR Members: Brothers Josiah, Levi, and Titus Lidbeck, Niko Lerandeau,
and Randy Dhindsa, CSSAR VP, North, on far right.
The Lidbeck brothers will be joining the SAR Yosemite Chapter.
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(L-R) Compatriot John Cline, CAR President & Compatriot Niko Lerandeau,
Bob Specht, Director of the Veterans Memorial Museum,
Yosemite President Scott Nichols, and Randy Dhindsa, VP North, CASSAR
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PG Manning’s America 250 Daily Minute
If you want to find out how your chapter can be apart of this celebration, contact John Ferris, Chair, America 250 SAR, at .
America 250 SAR Recognition Program
More than half of our California Society Chapters are participating
in the America 250 Recognition Program!
According to our California SAR Honor Roll, 124 members and spouses have earned the Bronze medal, 73 have earned the Silver medal, and 30 have earned the Gold America 250 medal.
The California Society is one of the most active participants in the SAR America 250 Program. Having said that, not everyone in our Society understands how the program works.
The America 250 Program is about recognizing the many events, trials, and sacrifices our patriotic ancestors endured to win our freedom from England. All of us are proud of our patriot ancestors. We know their story. During this time of America 250, we have the opportunity to know and share their story in the larger context of the revolution itself.
Increasing our knowledge and understanding of the American Revolution is the whole idea behind the recognition program. Many chapters have adopted the America 250 Minute as a way of increasing knowledge of the chapter attendees by presenting a short lesson of the Revolutionary War period (1764-1783.)
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(L-R) Bronze, Silver, Gold
This is point-based program with medals being awarded at various levels of attainment:
- 25 points for Bronze
- 60 points for Silver
- 150 points for Gold
Points are earned by attending, planning, and presenting America 250 events where we celebrate and learn about our Revolutionary past.
Whenever an America 250 Minute is given, the gathering becomes an America 250 Event.
Each attendee receives 3 points by simply attending
- Individuals in uniform or colonial attire receive another 5 points
- Presenters of the America 250 Minute receive another 5 points
By simply attending a chapter meeting, presenting an America 250 Minute, and doing so in your uniform or period attire, you earn 13 points toward the America 250 Recognition Program and easily build points toward medal recognition.
Additional points can be earned for planning, assisting, and volunteering at America 250 gatherings that are focused on specific Revolutionary War era event anniversaries.
There is an America 250 SAR Anniversary Medal Application form to fill out showing the attendance at various events and points earned.
For help with the form or any information on the America 250 Program, contact John Ferris, Chair, America 250 SAR at:
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February 18, 2024 — Massing of the Colors
February 22, 2024 — George Washington's Birthday
February 24, 2024 — George Washington - Gala Banquet
April 26-27, 2024 — CASSAR Annual Meeting, Burlingame
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Every member who participates in SAR programs and interacts with youth under the age of 18, is required to successfully complete SAR Youth Protection Training. Training is online, takes about 20 minutes, and is valid for 3 years.
Send your certificate of completion to Dan McKelvie:
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Cyber Scams
If you receive an email, text, or voice mail from a purported Officer or Compatriot seeking any kind of financial transaction, consider it a hoax. Phishing messages are very sophisticated and may include the unauthorized use of the SAR logo, a compatriot's name, or a pseudo SAR email address. Stop — Think — Verify !!!
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2024 Editor
California Compatriot
Experienced newsletter editor for editing and writing content for a diverse audience of 1500. Experience with Constant Contact, HubSpot, or Mailchimp, et al., is a plus. In addition, you must be adept at editing photos and other imagery in Adobe Photoshop or other photo editing software. This position would be best performed as a single focus, volunteer position.
Contact: Don Littlefield for more details.
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CALL FOR ARTICLES — February 20, 2024 Deadline
Please send news of events and high resolution digital photos to
Don Littlefield at dblittlefield@4July1776.US
All photos or or other materials that show or name any
minor under the age of 18
must be accompanied by a signed Release Form.
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The California Compatriot is the official newsletter of the California Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Unless explicitly stated, the opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the California Society SAR.
Editor: Donald B Littlefield
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