From Our President & CEO

Well, the ice is melting and we’re waking up to birds singing – a new season is emerging. The Arc of Plymouth and Upper Cape Cod is galvanized with the onset of spring, and we’ve begun to re-group and emerge as well – stronger and more committed to the work we do and the people and the families we support than ever before. It’s been a time filled with challenges, change and uncertainty however we can see the future and it’s bright!
Over the winter the Omicron variant did its very best but, our team worked beautifully together to ensure the people we serve, and our employees had the support they needed to emerge healthy and safe. Now that so many have received their Covid-19 vaccinations and the all-important booster shot, our communities are opening their doors. What a welcome sight. Rest assured our health and safety precautions are still in place and our team is being extra cautious to maintain safety. Slowly but surely, we’re emerging. Emerging with new and talented employees who came on board to help move our mission of empowering and supporting people with disabilities and their families to belong, contribute and thrive forward.
I am excited to report that we are in the process of building a new home for people living with an ABI (Acquired Brain Injury) and we anticipate it will be ready for move-in sometime in the early summer. Four people currently living in a long-term nursing facility will move into a new state of the art home – a home they can call their own. We have started to see a return to our CBDS and Employment programs, now located at 52 Armstrong Rd in Plymouth. This is truly remarkable as during the height of the pandemic, all services went virtual and many programs across the Commonwealth sadly had to close their doors. We are so thrilled to see the excitement on the faces of people, who for so long felt disconnected and lost, as they return to work and to gather again with friends. Welcome back everyone! Lastly, the census in our AFC and Shared Living programs as well as our Agency with Choice and DESE programs continues to grow – evidence that we’re reaching more and more people every day.
Spring is here symbolizing the emergence of something new, fresh, and energized. We are truly optimistic and joyous about the future!
Wishing you and yours all the best,
Mary Valachovic
President and CEO