Northwood School Laker

February 2, 2024

Deliberative Session Child Care

The Deliberative Session will be held Thursday, February 8, at 6:00PM in the gym. Champions will be providing free child care.

Northwood School Olympics Week

February 19 - 23

State of NH Supports and Services available to all residents

NH Rapid Response Access Point or call 833-710-6477

“If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health and/or substance use crisis, you can call and speak to trained and caring clinical staff. You’ll be served by compassionate providers from mental health centers in your community who can help you access vital resources in an emergency.”

211 NH Call 211 or

“ 211 is New Hampshire’s first statewide, comprehensive, information and referral service. Thanks to a unique coalition of non-profit, government, corporate and volunteer partners, New Hampshire residents need only dial 211 to be connected, at no cost, with trained Information and Referral Specialists who can provide them with the health and human service information they need to get help, give help or discover options.”

Southern NH Support Services or 603-668-8010

“As the Community Action Partnership serving Southern New Hampshire and beyond, we help our neighbors conquer obstacles on their path to economic independence. Whether it's child care, nutrition, education, workforce, housing or senior living needs, we offer services to help our community members achieve their goals and provide for their families.”

The Northwood Emergency Food Pantry

Located at Saint Joseph’s Church

844 First NH Turnpike

Northwood, NH 03261

Hours of Operation:

First Saturday of the month: 9:30-11:00

Second Monday of the month: 2:00-3:30

Last Wednesday of the month: 9:00-10:30

Contact Julie Roberts at: (603) 664-6937

Information on additional resources is available on my website or email me at, for assistance.

News from Kindergarten

Kindergarteners worked hard following directions this week in technology class. Mr Robert gave directions and students had to independently get our iPads and log onto the coding app and complete the tasks. Great job, kindergartners!

From the Northwood School District Clerk:

The following positions are open for the March school district elections:

School Board Member: 3 year- 2 positions

School District Moderator: 3 year- 1 position

School District Treasurer: 3 year - 1 position

School District Clerk: 3 year- 1 position

The filing dates for the above vacancy is January 24, 2024 to February 2, 2024, 5 P.M. 

Anyone interested in running for this position, please contact the School District Clerk at Email:, by phone, 603-234-8609, or leave a message at the school.

Thank you,

Penny Hampl

Northwood School District Clerk

School & Community Information

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with wonderful kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Roy or Ms. Young with any questions.

Important Dates

February 7 - School Board meeting, 6:30

February 8 - Deliberative Session, 6:00

February 13 - Kindergarten Nursery Rhyme Show, 9:30 - 10:30

February 16 - 6-8 Dance, 6:30 - 8:30

February 21 - School Board meeting, 6:30

February 26 - March 1 - February vacation 

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
