Help Save Geneva Heights School!!

Geneva Heights Elementary School in east Dallas is one of Dallas ISD’s oldest and most storied campuses. It is also one of 14 schools targeted for replacement under the first round of funding for the District’s record-setting bond program.

Preliminary architectural plans presented at the August 30 public meeting showed Geneva Heights being substantially preserved as part of the bond-funded work, despite being technically designated as a “replacement” school. However, there has been a recent push from some within the community to remove all of the historic buildings and rebuild the school from the ground up. DISD is at a critical juncture in considering the future of Geneva Heights and needs to hear from the community that preservation of Geneva Heights is the community desire and the most responsible approach.

How You Can Help:

Please contact Dallas ISD trustee Dustin Marshall as soon as possible to encourage DISD to continue with their current plans to preserve Geneva Heights and let him know that:

  • The Geneva Heights school building plays an important role in the school’s long history as a cultural and social landmark for the surrounding community,
  • That you support the direction shown at the August 30, 2021 public meeting where the original, 1931, two-story school building was retained.
  • Preserving existing buildings is widely recognized as the most environmentally sensitive and responsible approach to construction.

Your voice matters. Please reach out today!

Dustin Marshall
Trustee, District 2
Dallas Independent School District
(972) 925-3744
Coordinator: Dianna Thompson

Please also copy:

Brent Alfred, AIA, CCM
Deputy Chief of Construction Services and Bond Program
Dallas Independent School District