Call Us: (620) 342-0375
Address: 802 Commercial Street,
Emporia, KS 66801
Welcome to the Emporia Presbyterian Church
Faith Statement: Through the love and inspiration of Jesus Christ and each other we reach out beyond ourselves to support others, continue to grow in faith, praise God, and celebrate His gifts.

Indoor worship services at West and online
1702 W. 15th Avenue, 10:45a.m.

Join us for Online Worship
Go to our EPC website:
click on the Worship tab
or watch from our Facebook page:
February Events
Sunday February 6, 2022
Services Resume Downtown Sanctuary

Sunday, February 13, 2022
Souper Bowl Sunday

Monday, February 21, 2022
Presidents' Day

Sunday, February 27, 2022
Transfiguration of the Lord
Sabbatical Spotlight
Sabbatical Spotlight: What is it?
And on the seventh day God finished the work that God had done, and God rested on the seventh day … (Genesis 2:2) 
… therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it. (Exodus 20:11)
Sabbath keeping – a time for holy rest and renewal – has been marked by God’s people from the time Abraham and Sarah wandered in the wilderness up to present day sabbaticals for professors and pastors. This year, both EPC’s pastor and congregation will be taking intentional time to rest in God’s Spirit and renew ourselves – heart, soul, strength, and mind. This sabbath time is essential for any person or people of faith who hope to follow God’s lead into the years and decades to come.
Why now? In short, Pastor Phyl became eligible for sabbatical on September 13, 2020, per presbytery policy. With the blessing of Session and the help of EPC’s Worship and Personnel Committees, her sabbatical proposal was approved by the presbytery’s Commission on Ministry. And while the current policy allows for a pastor’s sabbatical every five years, the pandemic made logistics tricky in 2020. So, Pastor Phyl will be taking her sabbatical closer to the seven-year mark of her service with EPC - April 24- August 2, 2022.
Seven is the biblical number of sabbath. On the seventh day God rested after creating during Days 1-6. Sabbatical years, observed from the New Testament period forward, are traditionally granted every seven years, releasing priests and professors, farmers and fields from service. The bible even speaks of Years of Jubilee – the seventh sabbath year, so every 49/50 years – as a time when everything resets, debts were forgiven, reparations were paid to those previously dispossessed, and slaves were freed.
Therefore, the Worship, Mission & Outreach, and Christian Education & Nurture Committees all believe that this seventh year together in ministry, God is calling not just Pastor Phyl but all of us to rest, reset, and renew for the years ahead. 
Next month: Watch for specifics on how Pastor Phyl will be spending her sabbatical time away and for Sabbatical Steps our church family will be encouraged to take together as we all live into the gift of sabbath time.
Services Resume At The Downtown Sanctuary on Sunday February 6, 2022
Thank you to everyone who helped deep-clean Downtown, move supplies over from West Campus, and set-up yet another sacred space to follow our Measures of Care during the ongoing pandemic.
We are blessed beyond measure to have so many options for worship space, resources to help keep our church family safe, and hands ready and willing to serve within our congregation, and the wider community beyond the doors.
Lois and Richard Schrock Feb 2
Miriam and Richard Winter Feb 16
Ann and Dave Eldridge Feb 22
Jennifer Moran Feb 4
Pastor Phyl Stutzman Feb 7
Merriam Kindle Feb 8
Broderick Stewart Feb 12
Brandi Aye Feb 17
Carolyn Turney Feb 17
Abigail Stewart Feb 18
Jane Hawes Feb 20
Tom Jobe Feb 21
Belle Grimsley Feb 22
Amanda Cunningham Feb 22
Katherine Weaver Feb 23
Jackie Ames Feb 23
Braxtyn Stewart Feb 24
Betty Campbell Feb 27
Happy New Year from Takako and Toshi
Thoughts on Year 3 of Coronatide
The Rev. Elizabeth Dilley is the national Team Leader for the Ministerial Excellence, Support, and Authorization of the United Church of Christ [UCC]. Or, as she says, “You can just say that I work in the field of ministerial support and oversight.” Dilley is also a dear friend and colleague of mine from our Young Clergy Women International days. She is always quick to share a nerdy joke, Wordle score, or deeply pastoral, theological insight – sometimes all at once – as circumstances require. Her wise words below struck a chord in me as we look at new plans, emerging ministries, and the next “What’s next?” together as EPC, reminding us all once again to always rest in the Spirit and extend God's inexhaustible grace. On we go, friends. In Christ, we can do hard things! 
Thoughts from Dilley:
In seminary I took a course called Conflict in Congregations taught by the indomitable Speed Leas. In it he talked about tension points at years 3, 7, and 12 in a particular ministry context. These are times when conflicts rise up, often to a crisis point …
I talk about the Year 3 Conflict with my colleagues A LOT (partly because ministry tenures are shortening and not everyone makes it to years 7 and 12 in a setting). It's the time when the ministry setting realizes the minister isn't Jesus come to save them all, and the minister realizes that the ministry setting isn't the Promised Land always overflowing with milk and honey. It's very hard, and stuff comes up that feels very personal - often it's presented that way, in fact, as "your ministry is a failure" or "you are a failure" or things like that.
It's important to remember that this happens in healthy and unhealthy systems alike, that the ways through are through investing in relationship-building, listening, and making generous assumptions (a great phrase I recently picked up from another colleague). It comes from working through the conflicts, from figuring out the kernel of truth in a mountain of unfair assumptions and accusations and dealing with that rather than the other stuff, and from continuing to invest in your inner prayer life (for individuals) and corporate prayer life (for congregations).
I share this today because we're coming up on Year 3 of Coronatide. Stuff that used to work isn't working as well. Our ministers and our ministry settings are exhausted (and very possibly burnt out, though that's not the focus of this). What we've been doing hasn't solved/fixed all the big problems of our communities. We're tired and angry and would just like to blame someone or enact all the "If only....." scenarios running through our head. If, instead, we can continue to be "hard on issues and gentle on people," invest in our relationships and the health of our systems without blaming people and systems for not being perfect, then very likely we'll see our ministries deepen to a new level of trust and faithfulness.
Clergy: please rest and do not take on the responsibility for *all this* (flails hands about). Pray. Listen. Be curious, not judgmental.
Congregations: please rest and trust that everyone is doing the best they can. Do not give into the temptation of believing it's possible to solve *all this* (flails hands about). Pray. Listen. Make generous assumptions.
I don't know what is on the other side, but I do know that when clergy and congregations are able to make it through these particular touchpoints, their ministry deepens and flourishes in beautiful ways.
Elizabeth Dilley
January 24, 2022
Church Library Great Reads by Kathie Buckman
The Gravedigger’s Daughter: Vignettes from a Small Kansas Town, by Cheryl Unruh 
Local author Cheryl Unruh has done it again! Her previous two books of essays, The Flyover People and Waiting on the Sky, were both named Kansas Notable Books, and her newest installment, The Gravedigger’s Daughter is certain to garner her another award.  
This book is a memoir about her father. It is based in Pawnee Rock, a tiny town in central Kansas, and takes place during Cheryl’s growing-up years in the 1960s and 1970s.  
The short vignettes are poignant and heartfelt. Unruh is a skilled storyteller and this book is beautifully written. I highly recommend it. 
Grief Support
2 Become 1 Grief Support
The 2 Become 1 Grief Group is a weekly spouse/partner loss support group. We meet 6-7:30p.m. Friday nights over Zoom. For the link to join or for more information, email or call Teresa at (231) 578-0025.

The podcast, Just a Widow Talk: Voices of Spouse & Partner Loss, features different guests each week. It is distributed globally via the Mental Health Radio News Network. 
The podcast may be found at the following link:

Both the support group and podcast are hosted by Teresa Taylor-Williams, a widow who lives in Emporia. She lost her husband, Ricky, in 2014.
Local Mission Assistance Fund Update
Our Local Mission Assistance Funds are to help out locally for those in need. Funds are used primarily to pay for food vouchers and some utility bills. Thank you to those who have offered their gifts to keep the fund going.

In the month of January, we disbursed $60.00

Currently, the Local Mission Assistance Fund balance is $7,079.19.
Monthly Collections
For the month of February we are collecting soup for The Salvation Army.

Place items on the table Downtown in the sanctuary or drop off in the church office.

Little Blessings Box
We encourage everyone to continue filling the Blessing Box outside of West Campus filled with nonperishable items, as great need continues in our community.
MBF Financial Administrator Needed
The MBF Trustees currently consist of seven trustees and two Financial Administrators. The committee has identified the need to have a third person to be on deck in case someone is unable to fulfill their duties. There is also concern that there needs to be some succession planning to ensure there is knowledge to fill a Financial Administrator role.

MBF Trustees would like to ask the congregation if anyone may have an interest in learning about the MBF Financial Administrator role. If so, please contact Don Miller, MBF Financial Administrator.
Treasurer's Report by Tammy Cheeseman
Treasurer’s Report for December 2022
1.     2021 was a year of adjustments. We adjusted to supply shortages, higher cost and still social distancing. It was Emporia Presbyterian Church’s fifth year with Session approving a deficit budget. It was also the third year Emporia Presbyterian Church didn’t sell or transfer assets from Wells Fargo Smith Fund. 
2.     The 2021 actual income was $5,831.37 more than budgeted and expenses were $17,940.46 less than budgeted. This left us with a year-to-date deficit of $13,746.48, which was $40,116.52 better than budgeted. 
3.     2021 income from pledges totaled $138,968.03 which is $1,032.00 less than budgeted. Loose and unpledged offering totaled $8,066.66 which is $1,933.33 less than budgeted. 2021 Per Capita contributions were $633.00 more than budgeted.  
4.     We received a $20,000.00 donation for capital improvements for Downtown Campus and a $50,000.00 maintenance donation for West Campus. This will help with maintenance since both campuses went over budget with repairs in 2021.
5.     Here are the percentages of expenditures compared to the budget amounts for 2021 (see previous pages for dollar amounts).  
6.     In Support of the 2021 budget, it’s recommended that the congregation approve the transfer of $14,300 from the Congregation Smith Fund to the Operating Fund. As of December 31, 2021, there was balance of $20,584.14 in the congregation Smith Fund. 
Free Yard Signs
You may have seen “Love Your Neighbor” signs springing up in your neighbors’ yards the past few months. Now, thanks to a grant through Kansas Leadership Center, “Love Your Neighbor” signs are being shared with Lyon County Ministerial Alliance member churches which includes EPC! EPC still has 26 signs available on a first come-first serve basis. You can pick one up from the church office, or let us know and we can deliver.
"Growing with EPC" signs
We also have “Growing with EPC” signs still available from our family sign drop last Fall, a nice reminder as the grass keeps growing with all the rain. There are 9 of these left, if yours blew away, has seen better days, or if you missed the first run. Again, stop by to pick one up, or let the office know and we’ll drop one by.
Weekday Office Hours:
Downtown Campus
Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am-3:00pm
Office Phone:  620-342-0375
Office Email:
Pastor: Rev. Phyllis Stutzman
Downtown - 802 Commercial Street, Emporia KS 66801
West - 1702 W 15th Avenue, Emporia KS 66801
Committee Members
Meets Second Monday of the Month Downtown at 6:00p.m., or via Zoom
Pastor Phyl moderator
Kathie Buckman clerk of Session (620)412-1971
Nickie Edwards (620)794-3541
Rhonda Gordon (620)366-5169
Amanda Gutierrez (620)794-7770
Becky Hadicke (620)343-5547
Connie Jobe (620)255-3441
Kim Stewart (620)342-4792
Ken Weaver (620)757-1920
Church Treasurer – Tammy Cheeseman
Dean Edmiston and Don Miller, Financial Administrators. 
Chair, Brett Stewart (Session);
Vice-Chair, Rhonda Gordon (Session)
Secretary, Amanda Cunningham;
Members: Adriane Lang, Martha Shook, Sharon Stewart
Chair, Connie Jobe, Tammy & Michael Cheeseman, Carolyn Turney
Co-Chairs, Amanda Gutierrez & Connie Jobe; Amanda Cunningham, Karen Moorman
Chair, Brad Stewart; Kathie Buckman; Linda Miller
Chair, Lois Schrock; Tammy Cheeseman, Amanda Gutierrez, Max Stewart, Sharon Stewart
Sue Jones, Susan Severin, Martha Shook,
Chair, Ken Weaver; Karen Moorman; Margaret Davidson, Nickie Edwards, Becky Hadicke
Chair, Sue Jones; Rick Buck, Betty Campbell, Margaret Davidson, Nickie Edwards, Karen Moorman, Max & Sharon Stewart
Chair, Amanda Gutierrez, Amanda Cunningham,
Lois Schrock
Betty Campbell, Lee Tucker

802 Commercial St. • Emporia, KS 66801
(620) 342-0375